Prelude To Tyranny: The H1N1 Pandemic That Failed

in Deep Dives4 years ago

The H1N1 influenza epidemic of 2009 presents us with a number of issues. As a viral outbreak it was a success dwarfing the number killed or injured by the Covid scamdemic. It did not, however, produce the desired effect for Big Pharma -- lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, etc. -- but it was similar to the Covid vaccines in that the cure proved far more dangerous than the disease.

There was another benefit for Big Pharma and the globalist cabal from the H1N1 outbreak as well -- lessons learned. This served as a test run to fathom what it would take to use a viral outbreak as a means of control. Another lesson learned was that the Obama administration, in addition to not acting for six months after the initial outbreak, was that they never restocked the national stockpile of PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment) including masks, ventilators, etc. leaving us completely unprepared for another such epidemic or bioweapons attack.

Influenza is an almost infallible bioweapon, it’s a common yearly occurrence, one that people take for granted. Moreover, the virulence of particular strains of influenza vary from year to year making it easy to manipulate in a lab. Prior to the late 20th century influenza outbreaks were fairly uncommon. Between the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic and the 1970s there were very few outbreaks. As it turns out the 1918 pandemic was manufactured, whether it was done purposely or by accident is questionable.

In 1917, during WWI, there was an outbreak of Typhus in Europe that affected many soldiers. The Rockefeller Foundation created a Typhus vaccine by injecting a virus common in swine into chicken albumin which was used as a host. Unlike bacterial infections, that can be grown in a pure culture, viruses depend on a host to keep them alive. The most common hosts used currently are Vero cells (monkey kidney cells). This opens up the possibility of contamination from the host cells making the isolation of specific viruses almost impossible as specified by both Koch’s Postulates and the Rivers Criteria both of which require the isolation of pathogens before testing for a cause of infection. Also before going into the weaponization of viruses -- influenza in particular -- it’s important to dispel the notion that viruses tend to mutate on their own.

Isn’t it ironic that only one dose of Polio vaccine is required in a lifetime? It’s also ironic that Polio didn’t begin to mutate immediately after a vaccine was discovered unlike Covid and Influenza which requires a yearly dose. The fact is, viruses do not mutate in nature but require manipulations in a laboratory -- the introduction of other genetic materials such as spike proteins as is the case with Covid. These “mutations” or variants provide Big Pharma with almost infinite opportunities to market new vaccines, most of which don’t prevent people from becoming infected. In essence these “mutations” provide Big Pharma with a license to print money. Moreover, virtually all strains of Influenza are byproducts, sub-strains of the 1918 Spanish Flu created in a Rockefeller Foundation-funded lab.

“The "Spanish" influenza pandemic killed at least 20 million people in 1918-1919, making it the worst infectious pandemic in history. Understanding the origins of the 1918 virus and the basis for its exceptional virulence may aid in the prediction of future influenza pandemics. RNA from a victim of the 1918 pandemic was isolated from a formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, lung tissue sample. Nine fragments of viral RNA were sequenced from the coding regions of hemagglutinin, neuraminidase, nucleoprotein, matrix protein 1, and matrix protein 2. The sequences are consistent with a novel H1N1 influenza A virus that belongs to the subgroup of strains that infect humans and swine, not the avian subgroup. Taubenberger’s initial report identified the 1918 killer virus as a “novel” (new) swine flu that “recombined” avian (H5N1) as well as human (H3N2) virus fragments in its RNA structure.”

Simply put, the 2009 H1N1 outbreak was a weaponized version of the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed millions manufactured in a laboratory. This is true of virtually all Influenza outbreaks. Before the 1918 influenza outbreak, influenza was almost unheard of, no pandemics were reported in any time period prior. In 2003 the 1918 Spanish Flu was recreated in a laboratory and turned into a bioweapon used in 2009.

“Taubenberger used a complex computer program to perfectly match the RNA and DNA structures, and then successfully replicated and “resurrected” the 1918 killer flu as a powerful biological weapon in 2003, 6 years later. Now, indeed as Taubenberger foresaw in 1997, evil and conspiring men in positions of high power can not only PREDICT FUTURE INFLUENZA PANDEMICS, but they can also UNLEASH THEM AT WILL from laboratory test tubes in order to achieve socio-economic agendas.”

All that was needed for the bioweapon plot to succeed was someone in the White House with no moral compunction, someone in charge of the executive branch and the agencies it oversaw who, because of their race, was above criticism. The mainstream media was too busy fawning over Obama and his globalist cronies to ever investigate anything he did.

These viral permutations, as already addressed, do not occur in nature. The only place that the H1N1 existed prior to the 2009 outbreak was in laboratories where the same gain of function experiments that occurred in the Covid outbreak likely happened with the 1918 strain causing a “mutation” into the H1N1 virus as Taubenberger posited.

Taubenberger’s research was confirmed by a group of scientists from the NIH in 2003 who found that: “Sequencing of the genome of the 1918 Spanish influenza virus is nearly complete; once it is published, unscrupulous scientists could presumably utilize candidate virulence sequences.8,9 Recently, the possibility of synthesizing an infectious agent solely by following instructions from a written sequence has moved from theory to practice.”

Lies and Disinformation: The First Attempt to Use a Pandemic to Seize Power

The 2009 H1N1 was the first attempt to use a manufactured pandemic to seize power, one that failed. It took eleven more years until a largely unheard of virus -- SARS-CoV-2 -- to succeed. Even though the H1N1 viral infection was actually more virulent than Covid, people were already used to Influenza so it simply didn’t generate enough fear to panic people enough to accept lockdowns and other draconian measures. Moreover, the Obama administration failed to act for over six months at which time there were already over 16,000 deaths and well over 600,000 hospitalizations -- the globalists had simply missed their chance despite the fear campaign mounted by the WHO, CDC, and others.

“On the basis of … expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met. I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from Phase 5 to Phase 6. The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic. … Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), Press Briefing  11 June 2009) “

 ”As many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009)”

“Swine flu could strike up to 40 percent of Americans over the next two years and as many as several hundred thousand could die if a vaccine campaign and other measures aren’t successful.” (Official Statement of the US Administration, Associated Press, 24 July 2009).”

This was the sequence of propaganda reports issued by the WHO and the Obama administration. Apparently they were waiting to see how effective the bioweapon attack was before acting. The vaccine response was even more rushed than with Covid. The statement calling for a vaccine was made in late July and the vaccine was projected to be ready in October. Of course there is a big difference between Influenza vaccines, which are manufactured every year, and the Covid vaccines which didn’t exist. Organizations such as the CDC and NIH “predict” which strain of Influenza will appear each year and make vaccines according to their projections. Perhaps this explains the short time lapse between the July announcement and the October vaccine projection.

Influenza infections are all part of the same depopulation/eugenics experiment as the Covid scamdemic. Truth be told, Influenza -- which seems to have disappeared from the current medical lexicon -- has killed far more than Covid-19, one reason that death records have been “doctored.” (pun intended)

Today, the stage is set for eugenics and genocide on a truly massive scale. “The Taubenberger Frankenstein monster has been released and hundreds of millions of 1918 influenza vaccine serums have been produced. Mother Nature does not “naturally” recombine bird, swine and three human influenza viruses. (Birds do not exchange bodily fluids with pigs and humans in unnatural sexual liaisons --- only sick, warped scientists can create such a monstrosity.)”

In a masterful sleight of hand, people are still dying from influenza (which goes untreated) and it’s blamed on Covid-19. The same thing is also apparently true of pneumonia. A video made by a Spanish nun in 2009 uncovers the deceit by the WHO and Big Pharma about the H1N1 vaccines.

“This article first published by Global Research in November 2009 recalls the circumstances of the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, which turned out to be a WHO fraud on behalf of Big Pharma. To View her 2009 Interview in which she reveals the Fraud of Big Pharma and the lies and fabrications of WHO Director General Margaret Chan”

(Vimeo seems to have deleted the video but Y-Tube seems to have missed it)

There seem to be some eerie similarities between the H1N1 vaccines and the current Covid vaccines elucidated in the transcripts in the above Global Research article. Also the WHO changed their definition of a pandemic. Before 2009 a pandemic required a high mortality rate. Now it only requires a high infection rate giving the WHO and other medical organizations much broader latitude in recommending edicts such as mask mandates and lockdowns. This also gives the WHO the power to force vaccinations on member countries -- pandemics are the only instance where the WHO has this legal power.

“In 2007, WHO adopted a regulation that in case of a pandemic, WHO can legally bind member countries to vaccinate all or part of their population. The governments of these countries would be obliged then to impose fines or other penalties for individuals who refuse to be vaccinated.”

This is all just a part of the same plan that’s given us the Covid scamdemic, there are far too many similarities to discount. The plan has always been to use a “pandemic” -- manufactured or otherwise -- to impose a global medical tyranny, a totalitarian medical police state. 

As sort of a side note: There is another benefit for Big Pharma and their globalist allies in all of this, it has to do with timing. The medical establishment, the therapeutic community in particular, has had a progressive transition over the past two or three decades away from therapy towards psychotropic drugs which tend to not only be expensive but leave the patients more open to propaganda, one reason for the acceptance of the mask mandates, lockdowns, and vaccine push. It would be interesting to see statistics, if any actually exist, linking vaccine acceptance, pro-mask advocates, etc. to use of antidepressants and other psychotropic drug prescriptions. The fact is, America is dependent upon Big Pharma for a lot more than vaccines. Coercion by Big Pharma and the medical establishment will play a large role in “vaccine acceptance.” It’s entirely likely that anyone refusing “the jab” will be denied medical treatment in the very near future.

H1N1-Covid-19: Connection or Coincidence

There is a lot more to the 2009 H1N1-Covid relationship than meets the eye. The fact that both were manufactured in laboratories notwithstanding, the H1N1 vaccines, according to researchers, is directly linked to deaths from Covid-19 infection.

“A question that has lingered since the 2009 mass vaccination campaign against pandemic H1N1 swine flu is whether seasonal influenza vaccination might make pandemic infections worse or more prevalent.” 

  • Vaccines can in some cases trigger more serious illness when exposed to an unrelated virus, via a process known as virus interference

  • Virus interference was found to be at play during the 2009 pandemic swine flu. The seasonal flu vaccine increased people’s risk of getting sick with pandemic H1N1 swine flu and resulted in more serious bouts of illness

  • Researchers have also found military servicemen vaccinated against influenza were more prone to unspecified coronavirus infection than unvaccinated counterparts

  • An October 2020 data analysis found a positive association between COVID-19 deaths and influenza vaccination rates in elderly people worldwide. Areas with the highest vaccination rates also had the highest COVID-19 death rates

  • Possible explanations include reduced immunity to SARS-CoV-2 by some unknown biological mechanism, and viral interference causing reduced nonspecific immunity it due to “some unknown biological mechanism,” or was it something deliberately engineered through gain of function in the RNA and DNA used in the H1N1 vaccines? If the link between the H1N1 and Covid death rates are connected as the research suggests it shows malice of forethought proving that Influenza and Covid-19 are deliberately part of the same scheme as the weaponizing of the vaccines. This is a progression of medical false flags that can be traced back to the Rockefeller Foundation and the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. It also indicates that another viral false flag, either some variant of Covid-19, Influenza, or perhaps another pathogen such as the Zika virus is on the way.

Just as the seasonal flu vaccine exacerbated the H1N1 outbreak in 2009, the H1N1 vaccine exacerbated the Covid death rate. Likewise the Covid vaccine will act to interfere not only with the autoimmune system but alter the genetic codes in people vaccinated, making them more susceptible to whatever pathogen that comes next including variants of Covid-19 itself -- genetically modified, or “mutated” strains.

This new “pandemic” will naturally require a new vaccine, likely even deadlier than both the H1N1 and Covid vaccines. While being extremely profitable for Big Pharma it will also enhance the globalist depopulation agenda. In fact, this is a pharmaceutical slippery slope heading to depopulation and the enslavement of the human race. Mask mandates, further lockdowns, and vaccine passports are just the beginning of the totalitarian medical police state. While the propagandists in the mainstream media continue to spout disinformation, their government allies will enact more legislation giving themselves more and more power over the populace -- the Constitution be damned.

Concomitantly, the social media giants, along with Google, Amazon, and the rest of Silicon Valley will continue to censor and suppress anything outside of the official narrative. As the Greek philosopher Aeschlyus pointed out in the 5th century BC, truth is always the first casualty of war. The truth is that Influenza vaccines were a contributing factor in the death rate of the Covid-19 outbreak.

“Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Michael Murray, naturopath and author, confirmed what Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., told me in her second interview with me, namely that seasonal influenza vaccinations may have contributed to the dramatically elevated COVID-19 mortality seen in Italy. In a blog post, he pointed out that Italy had introduced a new, more potent type of flu vaccine, called VIQCC, in September 2019:” was also one of the European countries hit hardest by the outbreak, particularly elderly patients who had been vaccinated for Influenza in nursing homes. It is also a fact that people in nursing homes, where seasonal flu vaccinations are prevalent, were the hardest hit by the Covid outbreak -- it could also be said that nursing homes were epicenters for the disease with the elderly being the most vulnerable. From the time a child is born their immune systems are bombarded with vaccines, even before their immune systems have had a chance to mature. This has led to higher rates of autism, food allergies, and other maladies. It also makes them ticking time bombs, targets for bioweapons with no autoimmune defenses to ward them off. This is something Dr. Judy Mikovits and many other medical professionals -- “anti-vaxxers” in the globalist parlance -- have warned about for decades.

After the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, samples were gathered and stored and finally replicated and manufactured [weaponized] in 2003 making the 1918 outbreak the grandfather of all Influenza outbreaks -- all are just variants of the Spanish Flu manufactured and manipulated in laboratories, none were naturally occurring phenomena. Year after year humanity has been hit by a biological weapon and year after year been injected by a vaccine designed to rake in billions of dollars for Big Pharma and leave the population more susceptible to the next outbreak. At the best this has been a cynical attempt to bolster profits for Big Pharma and their political allies in the WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA, etc. At the worst, this has been a part of the globalist depopulation agenda and the imposition of a totalitarian regime enforced by a medical police state.

Because the truth becomes harder and harder to find, it’s unlikely that people will ever become aware of the depth of this pernicious plot to kill and enslave humanity. The truth is unwelcome in the empire of lies. For example, I wrote an article about Influenza as a bioweapon almost a year ago. I’ve used Quant as my search engine and back then it was flooded with articles about the Rockefeller Foundation and their Typhus vaccine. Now they’re all gone, replaced by articles blaming an outbreak of bacterial pneumonia for the 1918 deaths and several articles about a failed Meningitis vaccine experiment at Ft. Riley, Kansas.

There is another irony here as well: The 1918 Spanish Flu sequenced RNA genetic coding, according to the Taubenberger, consisted of H1N1 (a virus present in swine) combined with H5N1 (a virus present in foul -- Avian Flu), something that Does Not occur in nature, only in a laboratory setting. The Typhus vaccine manufactured by the Rockefeller Foundation consisted of a virus present only in swine injected into chicken albumin. The results are fairly obvious even to someone not trained in medicine -- 2+2 still equals 4.

I’m the first to admit that I’m not a medical expert -- I’m also not a meteorologist but I can still tell when it’s raining outside. I also don’t believe in coincidences. “A study published in the January 10, 2020, issue of the journal Vaccine also found people were more likely to get some form of coronavirus infection if they had been vaccinated against influenza. As noted in this study, titled “Influenza Vaccination and Respiratory Virus Interference Among Department of Defense Personnel During the 2017-2018 Influenza Season:”

“Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference … This study aimed to investigate virus interference by comparing respiratory virus status among Department of Defense personnel based on their influenza vaccination status.” [OpCit]

“Increased risk of other respiratory viruses…” In May of 2019, one year later, came the Crimson Contagion exercise and less than a month after it ended in October came Event 201, sponsored by the WEF (World Economic Forum) and Gates Foundation, the former behind the Great Reset and the latter the number one vaccine advocate in the world. Coincidence… I think not. It’s clear that the H1N1 outbreak of 2009 was a byproduct of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, as are all Influenza outbreaks. The real danger is in the vaccines which make people more susceptible to the next viral outbreak -- all part of a plan to impose a global tyranny to wipe out segments of the world population and enslave the rest.


Thanks for your research.. I will not get jabbed, never took a flu shot.. Looks like I will become an outlaw if I refuse to get vaccinated.. when they make it mandatory..

You won't be alone old friend! I've never had a flu shot either. The only vaccinations I've had were the battery they give you in the military.

It seems evil never gives up but only reinvents itself under a different mask or outbreak. I pray folks don't die from the vaccine. I refuse to be injected with evil. Thanks my friend.

Thank you old friend! This is the same evil that's been at play all along, only the players change.

Here in Washington state you can get a joint for getting a vaccine.

However the state is worried that all the free joints will end up in the hands of kids.

What an idiotic idea.

And the mutations of the cold have been chased for vaccines over and over.

I've always gotten sick from them and let alone had corona myself and nearly died.

Great post! Me and dog loved it!
