“Competition is a sin.” ~ John D Rockefeller
In the first part of the article I found that I was so intent on putting the research items together that I completely overlooked the point that I was attempting to make. That point is that the partnership between the medical profession, Big Pharma/Biotech and the US Government have a long history of using biological agents (pathogens) against its own people -- something that dates back to the Rockefellers and the creation of allopathic medicine.
I remind the reader that the Rothschild/Rockefeller cabal doesn’t plan days or weeks ahead, but generations, and the control of medicine predates the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. However, that provides a good starting point because Dark Winter and its aftermath can be traced back that far. Near the end of WWI was plagued by a typhus outbreak. The Rockefeller Foundation developed a vaccine by using a virus found in swine and injecting it into a chicken albumin to use as a host. This vaccine was likely responsible for the outbreak of the badly misnamed Spanish Flu.
“The 1918 virus pandemic was the direct result of TYPHUS FEVER VACCINES injected into millions of soldiers during the Great War (WW I). John D. Rockefeller labs and factories in China produced these Typhus vaccines in 1916 by harvesting pus from infected humans, injecting the infectious matter into pig hosts, then mixing the harvested contaminants into chicken egg albumin to be injected into human hosts as a “vaccine”.
“Rockefeller, always a shrewd businessman, supplied both sides, (German as well as Allied armies) with his toxic and lethal vaccine brew. Immediately after vaccination, many soldiers fell ill with what was called at the time “Para-Typhoid” infection — i.e. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and killing pneumonia. Subsequent waves spread across the globe, killing as many as 50 million innocent souls worldwide. (Source: The Horrors of Vaccination – Higgins, 1921) Only much later did the world’s medical establishment wrongfully label and name the deadly recombinant virus accidentally spawned by Rockefeller’s vaccine the “1918 Spanish Flu”. Of course, Rockefeller’s multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical empire could not afford to label it what it really was: “Vaccine-Induced Disease of 1918”.
Whether this happened inadvertently or on purpose is irrelevant. The most important thing to take away from this is that the focus of allopathic medicine is treatment rather than curing diseases and the 1918 outbreak gave researchers a large number of pathogens to tinker with.
“In addition to such spontaneous mutations, we must, since the terrorist attacks of September and October 2001, consider the possibility of malicious genetic engineering to create more virulent strains. Sequencing of the genome of the 1918 Spanish influenza virus is nearly complete; once it is published, unscrupulous scientists could presumably utilize candidate virulence sequences.8,9 Recently, the possibility of synthesizing an infectious agent solely by following instructions from a written sequence has moved from theory to practice.”
As Dr. Raul DePena informed me there is no such thing as spontaneous naturally-occurring mutations. “Once you are immune to a foreign body, you are protected your WHOLE life, why then is this flu so bad? I don’t believe in “random mutations”, just like I don’t believe in the “evolution” of species absurdity. “
“This is all new and invented in the last 100 years, how to manipulate bacteria and viruses, similar to how you can create a new breed of dog. A new “breed” can be created, but a dog is still a dog, not a snake or bird. The same thing with viruses and bacteria, you can create a new “breed” ( STRAIN ) but a virus is a virus. Look at the similarity between the Hepatitis C virus and Coronavirus, they basically look the same.”
The SARS-CoV-2 virus, like the H1N1 flu virus, was not a naturally occurring phenomenon, but a pathogen manufactured in a laboratory. “a new subtype of the A/H1N1 not previously detected in swine or humans. This novel H1N1 influenza (swine flu) virus is a triple recombinant including gene segments of human, swine, and avian origin.” Source: The same is true of the SARS-CoV-2 virus… both are bioweapons created for one purpose.
The relationship between the medical community, Big Pharma/Biotech and now the US Military evolved over time. They found it profitable to create non-lethal pathogens (and lethal) -- often from the 1918 flu outbreak -- and then it was treated in perpetuity. One of the anomalies being the polio vaccine that only required one application.
“So, don’t take any vaccines, especially those “flu” vaccines. Every year they have a new one. Can you tell me why? There are actually two good vaccines and those are the Polio and Rabies vaccine, period. But you never hear of a new polio vaccine every year or a new rabies vaccine. They don’t make money.”
Influenza is influenza. If a vaccine “cures” the disease, it shouldn’t matter what strain of influenza it is. The only difference is in the bottom line of the pharmaceutical company manufacturing the vaccine… none of them seem to work. It was discovered back in 1997 that:
“Taubenberger’s initial report identified the 1918 killer virus as a “novel” (new) swine flu that “recombined” avian (H5N1) as well as human (H3N2) virus fragments in its RNA structure.”
“Taubenberger used a complex computer program to perfectly match the RNA and DNA structures, and then successfully replicated and “resurrected” the 1918 killer flu as a powerful biological weapon in 2003, 6 years later. Now, indeed as Taubenberger foresaw in 1997, evil and conspiring men in positions of high power can not only PREDICT FUTURE INFLUENZA PANDEMICS, but they can also UNLEASH THEM AT WILL from laboratory test tubes in order to achieve socio-economic agendas.”
In all likelihood, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a product manufactured from SARS-CoV-1 and other nasty pathogens that disappeared from Ft. Detrick during the 1990s. Not only do these pathogens help out with the depopulation agenda, they create a permanent customer class for Big Pharma. Infants are force-fed vaccines from birth, decimating fragile immune systems that haven’t had an opportunity to mature. As the child matures, their damaged immune systems are unable to ward off common diseases, necessitating medicines. In addition, fluoride in drinking water further damages immune systems. Big Pharma couldn’t have wished for anything better… it’s almost like they designed it themselves.
In the natural (or unnatural) evolution of the military involvement into the Big Pharma/Biotech family, the development of bioweapons using the 1918 influenza viruses, anthrax, AIDs, SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens including ebola, hantavirus, zika and others was a foregone conclusion. The science necessary for weaponizing these pathogens evolved along with the relationship and the number of useful pathogens increased exponentially.
All of the influenza outbreaks (which also began to increase in the 1960s) up until Dark Winter, when other pathogens were introduced into the mix -- with the exception of AIDs and Ebola in the 1980s -- were likely byproducts of the 1918 outbreak, synthesized and “mutated” at Ft. Detrick. AIDs was manufactured by scientists at Ft. Detrick (AMRIID). Although curable, the research for a vaccine was controlled by Dr. Fauci at NIAID, both of whom profited handsomely from the impotent vaccine endorsed by NIAID, CDC, WHO, and cost millions of lives, mostly in Africa the #1 target of the depopulation agenda. The leadership of this depopulation agenda has fallen to Bill Gates and his foundation whose vaccines for polio, malaria, and other diseases have picked up where AIDs and ebola have left off.
In 1987 Fauci denied the use of lifesaving drugs for AIDs patients favoring AZT, a drug that only partially works and one that Fauci and his cohorts at NIAID had a financial stake in.
“This was started most noticeably in 1987, when people with AIDS in New York City were dying of what is called pneumocystis pneumonia, PCP. The clinical experience then had been amassed of a large number of cases who were prevented from dying by use of the antibiotic bactrim.”
“And activists obtained a meeting with Dr. Fauci and 15 of his selected scientists at the NIH, and asked Dr. Fauci just to make guidelines to physicians that they consider using bactrim to treat preventively AIDS people so that they wouldn’t die of this pneumonia. Dr. Fauci refused. He said, ‘I want randomized controlled blinded trial evidence. That’s my gold standard – that or nothing.”
“The activists left and the NIH did not fund any randomized trials. They raised money themselves from their own AIDS patients to collect the data to do a randomized trial. But it took them 2 years. They came back to Dr. Fauci. During those 2 years, the FDA approved AZT as a treatment for AIDS. AZT works, but not completely, it needs other medications as well.”
“During the two years that it took them to get this data to come back to Dr. Fauci to support using bactrim, 17,000 people with AIDS died because of Dr. Fauci’s insistence on not allowing even a statement supporting consideration of the use.”
This is how Fauci and the cabal keep control by using their positions of power and the corrupt FDA to monopolize what drugs can be used to treat diseases. They are doing the same thing currently with HCQ. This medical-industrial complex has been a century in the making. The COVID-19 scamdemic is the culmination of the cabal’s plan to impose a medical police state. The anthrax-vectored vaccine developed by UPMC can be used to eliminate those who question or fight back against the tyranny. Other vaccines (mRNA) will alter the human genome and contain biometric IDs. This is all the creation of the Rothschild/Rockefeller cabal who have controlled the medical establishment since its establishment. This has been the subject of several excellent videos and articles by James Corbett in his Corbett Report.
All of the calls for masks and mandatory vaccinations is part of a plan by the Rockefeller Foundation laid out in a 2010 article in which they plan to impose a medical dictatorship. In a section of the paper entitled “Lock Step” they call for “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” Using China as the model for authoritarian control they make their intent for the US and the rest of the world clear:
“China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems—from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty—leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”
“At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty—and their privacy—to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth.”
Sound familiar? In a subsequent paper published in April of 2020 the Rockefeller Foundation called on frontman Bill Gates to push the rest of the NWO agenda. “2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper entitled National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan – Pragmatic steps to reopen our workplaces and our communities. This came after countless MSM appearances by NWO frontman, eugenicist and depopulation-via-vaccines enthusiast Bill Gates claiming you would need digital certificates and immunity passports to travel around again, and that your inherent rights such as the right to gather or assemble may never return unless you’re vaccinated. Predictably, the April 2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper is a blueprint for the creation of a colossal nation-wide DNA database of the entire US population. In a moment of raw honesty, the paper even admits that “The Rockefeller Foundation exists to meet moments like this” although to be fair it would be more accurate to say ‘The Rockefeller Foundation on behalf of its NWO masters exists to orchestrate crises like this, then pose as the savior to solve them.’ It calls for testing and tracing of all Americans – initially 1 million per week, then 3 million per week and finally 30 million per week (the “1-3-30 Plan”) until every single American is assimilated into the database.”
Ironically, this is the same thing we are seeing in the new New England Journal of Medicine article pushing for mandatory vaccines. “The brainwashing is nothing if not blatant and transparent. The Rockefeller Foundation and Bill Gates have the same puppetmaster and thus read from the exact same script. Gates has repeated the scheme ad nauseam: no return to normalcy until you’re vaccinated … no return to normalcy until you’re vaccinated … no return to normalcy until you’re vaccinated. The foreword of the paper paints a grim picture (with propagandistic ideas of a resurgence and a 2nd wave in the background): instead of ricocheting between an unsustainable shutdown and a dangerous, uncertain return to normalcy, the United States must mount a sustainable strategy with better tests and contact tracing, and stay the course for as long as it takes to develop a vaccine or cure.”
There is nothing new about this… this plan of attack has been in place for over a century waiting for scientists to create the right scenario -- a virus that can’t be isolated and therefore can’t be tested for. From the 1918 flu epidemic, through the various influenza outbreaks in the latter half of the 20th century, through AIDs, MERS. SARS-CoV- 1 & 2, Dark Winter, Crimson Contagion, and Event 201 -- all of these things have led to this moment of truth. COVID-19 was not the result of an accidental leak from a lab in Wuhan, but an orchestrated attack. This is the last plank in the Rockefeller platform to impose a medical dictatorship. The Rockefellers and their foundation have controlled medicine since the inception of allopathic medicine. They also gave us the UN as an enforcement mechanism worldwide. They fully intend to use the COVID-19 scamdemic to impose their will upon the US and the rest of the world.
Excellent post sir!
The 2 'how big oil... videos' by James Corbett are an excellent start for anyone wanting to know more about this whole subject).
Yes they are... I like the Rockefeller Medicine videos as well. Corbett is a very thorough researcher. Thank you!
Wow absolutely heavily documented and really touches on a bunch of questions I had had about the Spanish influenza of 1918 that actually ended world war I due to its severity and the fact that no one was well enough to fight on the German side so Germany had to surrender.
I would also like to add that gain of function in the biotechnology world and virology world is something ethically that is very clear.
You cannot recreate viruses to give them function gains however limiting a function is allowed.
You cannot up the transmission rate of a flu virus ethically. Or give it another vector to attack.
it does seem like everything that you say fits perfectly in line with the truth and personally after I stopped taking these flu vaccines I noticed a remarkable fact that I would not get as sick.
We are going to see more truth and knowledge coming out about vaccines diseases and this knowledge will end up changing the world.
Well done.