The Forgotten Man: The Extraordinary Rendition of Julian Assange

in Deep Dives4 years ago

How is it possible to hold someone in prison that hasn’t been charged with a crime, except in another country? There’s a name for this -- extraordinary rendition -- and the US government does it all the time. Extraordinary Rendition, for the uninitiated, is a practice where government agencies -- CIA, NSA, and other alphabet agencies -- essentially kidnap individuals and send them to foreign prisons where they undergo physical and/or psychological torture methods that are frowned upon in the US, thereby shifting the onus away from US government actors providing them with plausible deniability.

Assange’s arrest in the raid of the Ecuadorian embassy, along with his imprisonment in Belmarsh Prison is a textbook case of Extraordinary Rendition. It was a convenience for his captors that he was already in the UK and they only needed to move him a mile or so away to his imprisonment site where he has been denied basic human rights, evidence that people within the US are afraid of what he might disclose if he is freed. Given the conditions in Belmarsh and his deplorable treatment there within, Assange has essentially been given a death sentence in the absence of any legitimate charges against him in the UK.

A few of us still remember Julian Assange and his contributions in exposing government corruption that he and his organization excelled at. We also remember that the last thing they were working on before he was forced to seek asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy was corruption in the DNC and the murder of Seth Rich, something that some very rich and powerful people found threatening. Someone, or someones, have a lot to lose from Assange’s information becoming public -- enough to make certain he never sees the light of day outside of a prison again, even though he’s never committed any crimes, either in the US or UK. When telling the truth becomes a crime, it’s incontrovertible evidence that our system of government is tragically broken.

The Raid

Contrary to what many may believe there was nothing spontaneous about the raid that placed Assange in British custody, it was part of a plot that was drawn out over many months. The UK Secret Services [GCHQ Intelligence Gathering] had been working on behalf of the US pressuring the Ecuadorian government to force Assange out of his asylum at the embassy.

“The UK government paid £8,330 in November 2018 to bring Ecuador’s defence minister Oswaldo Jarrín to Britain, two months before the planned seizure of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy in London, it can be revealed. It is unusual for foreign ministers to have their trips to the UK paid by the British government, and the week-long visit came after prime minister Theresa May had been told to “butter up” Ecuador’s president, Lenín Moreno, in order to get Assange expelled from the embassy. The documents note that “the main objective” of the November 2018 visit was Jarrín’s “participation” at an annual national counter-terrorism exercise that rehearses the government’s response to a major terrorist attack. It is unclear why Ecuador’s defence minister was chosen to attend a counter-terrorism exercise as the South American nation is not a target of terrorist groups.”

Because the meetings were held in the UK, it diverts the attention away from the US but clearly, given that Ecuador is neither threatened by terrorists, nor does their leadership possess expertise on terrorism, this was all part of a subterfuge designed to remove Assange from the embassy. It also seems that a lot of time and effort was expended in planning and carrying out this charade.

From the very start there was no possibility of Julain Assange coming out of this a free man. Even the Trump administration made no attempt to resolve the matter. Deep State actors, including AG William Barr, were so deeply embedded in the administration it precluded any possible justice for Assange.

The two most corrupt agencies of government, the State Department [CIA] and Department of Justice [FBI] teamed up with British Secret Services [MI-5, MI-6, GCHQ] to affect the outcome of the 2016 election, an attempt that failed, and later created the false dossier blaming the outcome on Russia by leaking it through various media outlets. Then they teamed up to prevent Assange from revealing the corruption by stealing his freedom based on false and salacious allegations.

The sequence of events leading up to the raid involved many high-level meetings between the UK, GCHQ and the Foreign Office (the equivalent of the US State Dept.) in particular, and officials of Ecuador, involving payments and an undue amount of pressure -- all to force one man out of asylum. In the eyes of the UK government and their American counterparts, Assange must have been a very important target to warrant this much attention.

In addition to election interference and the murder of Seth Rich, Assange and Wikileaks had begun the release of the Gitmo Files, an expose’ of human rights violations and violations of the Geneva Convention by the US Military at Camp Delta in the Guantanamo Bay prison facility.

“Ten years ago WikiLeaks began its release of the infamous Gitmo files (Guantánamo Bay) for which Julian Assange faces a 40 year prison sentence if extradited to the United States. The Gitmo files expose the systematic and routine violations of the Geneva Convention and the abuse and torture of nearly 800 prisoners at Guantánamo Bay. They reveal that the United States government knowingly imprisoned 150 innocent men and boys without charge. These prisoners ranged from an 89 year old Afghan man with dementia to a 14 year old boy who had been kidnapped.”

“The Standard Operating Procedure manual of Camp Delta was revealed by WikiLeaks. It shows how the American military routinely engaged in practices that contravened the Geneva Conventions. These human rights violations included the routine use of both physical and psychological torture on prisoners. One particularly notorious technique employed by the American military was the torture technique that involved waterboarding i.e. the simulated drowning of prisoners in an attempt to obtain a confession.”

The US and their NATO allies aren’t the “good guys” that they continually portray themselves to be -- and Julian Assange was divulging the proof about what they really are. It’s no wonder that the US State Dept. and their British counterparts were so anxious to keep him silent. However, to silence him he first had to be forced from the embassy.

Dirty Little Secrets

It seems that Uncle Sam wasn’t the only one with something to hide about human rights abuses in the Middle East, the UK also has a vested interest in keeping Assange silenced. One of the key negotiators (arm twisters) in the meetings with the Ecuadorians was Sir Alan Duncan whose recent book discloses the UK’s dirty little secrets. This is likely the motive for the Brits wanting Assange silenced, so they could put their own spin on Middle East affairs without the truth coming out. Duncan is perhaps the most knowledgeable Foreign Office minister on the subject, and also likely why he was picked to do the arm twisting.

“The new information comes from UK Foreign Office documents released to Declassified, as well as the recently published diaries of former foreign office minister, Sir Alan Duncan, who was a key player in the Assange negotiations.”

The British have not only been participants in the Middle East conflicts as allies of the US and members of NATO, they have also been subversively selling arms to Middle East countries, Oman to be more specific.

“In passing, he also sheds light on a little-known area: Britain’s close relationship with the strategically vital Gulf state of Oman. It is no secret that Britain has long been heavily involved in Oman, one of the UK’s last remaining outposts in the Middle East. British officers staff the Omani armed forces, and the communications monitoring agency, GCHQ has a base there.  In addition, the sultanate, like many of its neighbours, is an important market for British weapons.”

GCHQ is the equivalent of the NSA, the American agency tasked with data collection. It was also a key component in misdirecting attention toward Russia in the DNC “hacks,” that ultimately led to the death of DNC employee Seth Rich. The entire “Russia collusion” operation was run out of London by the CIA, FBI, and NSA with the assistance of MI-6 and GCHQ. Gina Haspel, Trump’s choice for CIA Director was station chief in London at the time and several members of James Comey’s FBI, including Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, held meetings with British operatives in London. The Steele dossier, leaked to the press through Buzzfeed, was manufactured in the UK, by Christopher Steele, a “former” MI-6 agent.

Assange, an expert at gathering information and connecting the dots, was likely aware not only of the relevance of the false dossier and Rich’s involvement in the DNC leaks, but also what was being protected -- CIA involvement in Middle East “upheavals” and the illegal arm sales by both the US and UK in the region, supplying arms to insurgents through Libya, Oman, and some of its neighbors. It seems that the UK was especially busy in Oman, a relationship that seems to have transcended giving advice and arms sales.

“Duncan’s interest in the region dates back to his days as an oil trader. In 2014, Cameron appointed him a special envoy to Oman, a job he took very seriously. He was a member of what he refers to as the sultan’s “privy council”, a group of six prominent members of the British establishment who meet annually with the sultan to offer advice. Duncan says he has attended 14 such meetings since 2001, and one has only to run an eye down the cast list to gauge the importance the UK attaches to the relationship. Fellow members of the so-called privy council have included serving and former heads of the Secret Intelligence Service, a former private secretary to the Queen, several former chiefs of the armed forces, and Mervyn King, the former governor of the Bank of England.”

The only ones seemingly absent from the Sultan’s privy council were the Omanis. It appears that the US isn’t the only country empire building in the Middle East. It’s also no wonder that the Brits are as anxious to keep Assange quiet as the Americans. It also explains why Julian Assange is still imprisoned at Belmarsh Prison absent of any charges.

A Life Sentence

Julian Assange is being held in Belmarsh Prison, a supermax prison with appalling conditions and notorious for human rights abuses while waiting on the US appeal to the barely coherent judgement of Vanessa Baraitser. Although denying the extradition of Assange to America to face charges that would likely send him to prison for 175 years, she refused to free him. Since his incarceration in Belmarsh one of his few visitors has been Professor Nils Meltzer of the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Torture. Prof Meltzer has worked tirelessly to have Assange released from prison accusing the US, UK, Sweden, and Ecuador of psychological torture.

“What is being done here is a prosecution that is not pursuing law and justice but is pursuing political purposes. And therefore it is a persecution it is not a prosecution. All of this hinges on the good faith of the prosecuting states and here I am talking not only about the United States, I’m also speaking of the United Kingdom. I’m speaking of Sweden. I’m speaking of Ecuador. In all of those four states in every single proceeding that happened against Julian Assange or involving his procedural rights, I can assert that as an international lawyer his procedural rights have been systematically violated in each stage of each proceeding in each jurisdiction.’’

What’s happening here is fairly obvious: The four countries involved are holding Assange in prison “awaiting trial” until he dies from the psychological torture and absymal conditions at the prison. When the Covid scare began many prisoners -- actual convicts who were serving long sentences for heinous offenses -- were released. Assange, who is charged with no crimes in the UK, however, is still being held. If he isn’t released he will either die from “Covid complications,” “a vaccine reaction,” or “natural causes.” When the US government wants you dead it’s just a question of what goes on your death certificate as cause of death. Julian Assange has been in the crosshairs since he walked into the Ecuadorian embassy.

One thing revealed by Assange in the notorious Gitmo files was criminal behavior by the US, the incarceration of children to be specific. This violates numerous treaties including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, a treaty that then-president Bill Clinton refused to sign. Moreover, it is a direct violation of international law, something that the criminals in Washington DC don’t want advertised. It’s also something, along with the incarceration of Assange, that the Mockingbird media seems to have “overlooked.”

“The overwhelming majority of media outlets in the West carrying news of Biden’s promise fail their readers. They fail to remind their readers that the journalist, who exposed the violations of human rights committed by the US at Guantánamo Bay, is locked up in a British supermax prison.”

While the mainstream media provides cover for the government’s illegal activity, a journalist (in the word’s most literal connotation) is rotting in a British supermax for exposing the truth. George Orwell couldn’t have scripted this situation any better: “The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” Or perhaps: “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable.” Or better yet:

By exposing the mass of lies that are the foundation of American (and British) foreign policy Assange made himself a target, and in the world of politics, “no good deed ever goes unpunished.” The likelihood of Assange becoming a free man diminishes by the day, as does his physical and mental health. To paraphrase Shakespeare: I doubt that Assange has ever questioned the “nobility of suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to taking up arms against a sea of troubles…” But the likelihood of ending them is another matter. The US government does not take well to having their criminality exposed, neither do the Brits. I fear that neither have any intention of allowing him to walk out of Belmarsh a free man. Being a man of integrity, Assange would go right back to exposing human rights violations, something neither empire of lies will allow.


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