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RE: Perceiving disobedience to authority

in Deep Dives4 years ago

"Do masks work?" - some must do, but definitely not the standard disposable/reusable types the majority of peeps are wearing out there.. especially considering how long they wear it for, and the complete lack of hygiene a lot of people are treating them with (picture snot in a mask that's been worn for 5 hrs+... yup). My observation is that most are just wearing it for compliance and fear of being scorned.

I'm very glad here in the UK, there are (medical) exemptions, I claim I'm exempt, and only once was I questioned on it and asked for proof. I did have to stand up for my rights and inform this certain security guard of the law - that it is discrimination to ask someone to prove their condition. He wasn't very happy with my "non-compliance", but his manager (who knew the law) knew I was right and apologised to me. I would say that, how other members of the public treat those who don't wear one is likely more the reason that gets people to comply. I haven't personally experienced anyone random coming up to me, but I do get stared at going into shops without masks. Things seem to be relaxing a bit now though, I'm starting to see more people in shops not wearing one either. Staying hopeful it'll keep relaxing more and more..