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RE: Reactionary Demands for Prohibition in the Wake of Tragedy

in Deep Dives3 years ago

This came upon my YouTube feed today. As if the cookie cutter exploitation couldn't get more obvious:


Oh, an expert. I didn't know the news media even still tried that ruse. The guy's expertise: being an anti-gun guy in a country where the Constitution affirms the right of the people to bear arms. Doesn't sound like the brightest bulb, or any kind of expert to me.


Assault is illegal. Murder is illegal. Carrying a gun on school grounds is illegal. The guy passed the background checks hoplophobes don't think we have. No criminal record. No mental health record. Legally an adult. What new laws do they think we need? Does banning the most popular rifle patterns really solve anything?

EDIT: I appreciate the reblog!

No problem.

Another perspective I encountered on YouTube, via a text post from Karl/InRangeTV:

InRange is usually good. He used to partner with Ian from Forgotten Weapons, right? I'll give it a watch.

They're definitely gun buddies. And they live in the same general area it seems too.