The Psychology Of The Takedown: Conclusion

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)


Please Note: This is a direct continuation of this post and should not be read before the first part.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, I have come to believe that the communitarian philosophy of the one world order, impede's and harvests human creative potential (and manipulates our emotional energy) to fulfill its own objectives. It exists as an interdependent pyramidical control structure that leaves the people dependent upon the machinations of corporations, big tech and one world governance.

A feudal technocracy that offers the illusion of devolution, whilst filtering power, and resources to the new world control structure. A philosophical umbrella that envelops all opposing ideologies, and through chaos kettles them towards a premeditated endgame. All-encompassing and complex to the degree that it manifests as a compartmentalised process, cognitively inhibiting a broad comprehension of the totality of the method. Simplistic from the perspective that we are observing a multi-layered repetition of a singular template.

The genius substantiated in its ability to collectivise and thus turn its opposition into its greatest asset. Every collective action is expected and strategised, thus our reactionary interactions and social media-fuelled reactions manifest as a draconian facilitator and justification for the previously unjustifiable. Every collectivised, polarised identity and movement is fulfilling a role that justifies the existence of the other, whilst galvanising the totality of their philosophical big brother.

As freedom starves, we are collectively placated with a slice of the pie, but never enough to sate our hunger, or stop the world from becoming malnourished.

With the ebb and flow of our victories and failures, I come to ponder whether they're simply transient forks from the path of our intended destination. Have we all been catered for? As the world changes around us, our hopes and fears are managed just long enough to keep us transfixed, captivated by the prisons of our perception. Patiently waiting for salvation, hooked into a digital drip, shooting up our truth hits. Like a real-time horror movie, we stare into the abyss, too mesmerised to look away, too comfortable to walk away and reclaim the power of self-responsibility.

The fact that your woke is my wake and that "awake" means something entirely different to every collective that hears it, displays how asleep our society is.

In terms of the Coronavirus, I have now read four different pandemic scenarios that predate Covid-19, each one published by the varying expressions of the same control system. Within each paper, they acknowledge and thus strategise for some form of rebellion against their intended new status quo. To my mind, this speaks to a multi-stage plan; if you're out protesting and reacting to current events then we need to understand that these reactions have been factored, accommodated, and potentially directed, as part of said plan.

Don't feed the chaos

We need to find a way to make ourselves unpredictable, unanticipated, incalculable, and difficult to define, to step outside the behavioural algorithms that have been used to predict our predictable outcomes.

Whilst all of this can seem overwhelming, in truth the crisis of the moment facilitates and illuminates the validity of the path less trod. The path towards emancipation resides in detaching ourselves from the system; the reclamation of individuality, self-responsibility, self-awareness, and self-reliance from the tempest of the consensus, a transcendence from the devolution of conditioned dependence.

A change in perception and we could change the world in a heartbeat.

This is also about dependence upon those that we choose to follow and define our reality. If you feel strongly or passionate about a subject, self-actualise your quest for knowledge, become an expert within it. Nobody is coming to save us, but we can each take responsibility for our own salvation. Not allow ourselves to be drawn into self-defeating arguments/manufactured movements and choices that have been chosen for us. Understand your rights and learn how to validate the power of refusal, study law, language, psychology, and strategy; learn how to forage, study natural medicine, and food sustenance. Make true community bonds, not corporate shackles.

Become an authoritative revolutionary, not authoritarian reactionary.

As we subjectivise our utopia and collectivise our externalised dystopia; we have become blinded to the fact that the true revolution is the one taking place within, not the manufactured movements that are marching without. For the world is a theater and as the audience takes their seats, and the whirlwind of whispers fall to a hushed silence, the curtain begins to rise and the main act approaches. The roles have already been assumed, will you play the part, or write your own script? The choice is yours to make.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Until next time, I will leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws.

If you appreciate my voice and perspective and would like to enable me to research and write more, I would really appreciate the support/upvote and/or resteem. Equally, any donations can be given to the litecoin address below.

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Further references

Please consider supporting the below researchers. Both have made important contributions to the study of communitarianism. You can purchase the "The Communitarian manifesto" by Niki Raapana, from her blog below.


Further Reading


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Written by @perceptualflaws Banner Gifs create by @doze


unpredictable, unanticipated, incalculable, and difficult to define

The only direction that allows this kind of behaviour in a human is to face the fear of death. To act without fear of dying, as fear of death is the one underlying mechanism that holds everything in place in this overarching system. It is arguable that in ages past death has been a much closer acquaintance than the globalized death fearing society we live in today.

On a side note, I've often considered that smokers have comes to terms with death in their habit and therefore are more dangerous to the status quo of society. As a result, the negative health effects of smoking are capitalized upon in order to 'treasure life', 'why are we killing ourselves', 'get rid of this scourge of humanity' as if 'we will live forever'.

I had an epiphany once on a cigarette, I was watching a lot of Bill Hicks at the time and with the cigarette, I at once gave up on life because I pondered why I was smoking even though it I knew it was killing me. It was an extremely morose and yet contented feeling. I am not now a regular smoker -- just a reflection.

Is it possible that our passion for life and for the longevity of life within this system is misguided? That we must actually discover what life is, on the brink of death, with death at stake, before we can have a true definition of it in our hearts in order to protect and nurture it?

That in the system, what we experience now, as through a filter, is not life.

It contains residues of what life can be and what it may have been but life is only ever had in the moment by the individual. The moment has been monopolized, compartmentalized and commodified. The moment in the system is no longer the moment but one big strained, constipatory outward breath. The breath being the original repression, expression mechanism on which all other forms of dynamic in energy fluctuation are based within the human experience.

Thanks again for a great post!

The only direction that allows this kind of behaviour in a human is to face the fear of death. To act without fear of dying, as fear of death is the one underlying mechanism that holds everything in place in this overarching system. It is arguable that in ages past death has been a much closer acquaintance than the globalized death fearing society we live in today.

Yes, I couldn't agree more .. it's certainly a foundation of the current narrative and it's amazing how much things have changed. When you look back into eastern history (hell even our own) whilst fear must have been present .. the chief fear of death was that you die a dishonorable one, hence the practice of Hara-Kiri.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I believe we are in the midst of a strategised scenario, thus our reaction to said strategy will have been accommodated. We are reactionary to events as they unfold, whereas a strategist would look two steps ahead and prepare for the probable outcome. Say, for example, the vaccine becomes mandatory, in such a case refusal won't get you too far .. but by pre-researching your rights you will find that nobody has the right to force you to take something that could be detrimental to your health .. thus there must be some kind of mechanism to put the onus back on them, the fact being that they can't prove a vaccine is 100% safe.

Is it possible that our passion for life and for the longevity of life within this system is misguided? That we must actually discover what life is, on the brink of death, with death at stake, before we can have a true definition of it in our hearts in order to protect and nurture it?

Yes once again in full agreement, I've heard it said by several people (obviously not all people) that had terminal illness .. that they only started fully living when they realised they were dying. I had to go to the supermarket the other day and in a monotone voice, they must have repeated over the tannoy about half a dozen times, how they are "keeping us safe" "looking after us" advising us the "follow the rules" .. for me, that was one of the most dystopian moments of the entire crisis .. and of course, the safest place in the world is a padded cell! lol

It contains residues of what life can be and what it may have been but life is only ever had in the moment by the individual. The moment has been monopolized, compartmentalized and commodified. The moment in the system is no longer the moment but one big strained, constipatory outward breath. The breath being the original repression, expression mechanism on which all other forms of dynamic in energy fluctuation are based within the human experience.

Veritas to that and respect to you my friend. :)

I happened to pop on the computer at 1:51am in the morning here (sleepless head), just a few minutes after you replied. Love how that happens sometimes. Anyways...

As a culture we are afraid of talking about death candidly. There is certainly a dire need in modern western society for empathic loving people to have a healthier relationship with death. As fact of the matter is, it is a sober thing to mention - we all die.

I also hear the same 'safety talk' in supermarkets here in Perth, Western Australia - having said this, people have fought over toilet paper here in supermarkets (go figure) so safety and security is
also defined as 'owning' something once it is in your trolley - as well as being inside the padded air cell of 1.5 metres approximately the length of your trolley around you at ALL TIMES! 😆

As a refreshing tidbit, I have a good friend who is an elderly man who doesn't give a fuck about all this shit. 😂 He almost died living on dialysis for years waiting in line for a kidney transplant. He faced death every day and he came to terms with it. Then one day he got a new kidney and with it a new lease on life. He was determined to live every day as if it was his last. He's now a proud non mobile phone user who openly hugs people in public pre and post COVID-19 lockdown. He's become quite cynical of humanity. But also just generally has a good laugh at everything. This kind of attitude affords a lot of respect from me. Currently he holds the viewpoint that nature is fighting back against humanity and the scourge of humanity should fuck off. Which depending on which narrative from where you take your truth from - has some validity.

Having said this, it is not to disregard those that suffer - nor those that wish to keep themselves safe - It is to highlight the disproportion in the current society between the fear of death and the reality of death.

As far as premeditation for knowing our rights to reserve them before a mandatory vaccine... I wrote this article after this point in this reply because what started as a comment in this thread took on a life of its own.

I've been up all morning and had a walk around the lake and now seem to need to finish this thing off.. so here it is -

see you in valhal :D

"As freedom starves, we are collectively placated with a slice of the pie, but never enough to sate our hunger, or stop the world from becoming malnourished."

And the solution is to feed freedom. To do what we need to be done ourselves, each and individually, not accepting the crumbs that fall from the deathgrip of overlords, but to keep the pie we make from them instead.

"We need to find a way to make ourselves unpredictable, unanticipated, incalculable, and difficult to define, to step outside the behavioural algorithms that have been used to predict our predictable outcomes."

This is the inherent reality of individual sovereignty, of our individual existence, and the product of freedom to pursue our personal economic benefit. A free society randomizes rationally the technological advances and development according to the needs and interests of the people, each person themselves producing their unpredictable result.

Rather than our foe, AI is our good tool to enable each of us to manage our automated manufactories. Only FOSS AI, rather than the tools of proprietary interests, are suitable, but we are unable to ignore that Hive itself is FOSS. It is the centralized proprietary AI that is at a disadvantage in a free market. The limitations of focus that have enabled corporate and institutional economies of scale now reduce the scope and competence of proprietary AI in a decentralized world.

Algorithms only apply on the platforms where they're deployed. Creating independent means and platforms renders proprietary weapons harmless. Zuckerborg can't ban us on Hive, Goolag can't delete our 3speak videos. FOSS AI is our best friend, enabling our own means of production to be automated as has formerly only been possible to centralized industry.

Freedom and decentralization of production is what the physical laws of the universe mandate as most efficient, and do so via the random individual choices and robust redundancy of personal preferences.

The universal laws of physics cannot be repealed or amended, aren't the product of overlords, and will underlie what comes. The global tyranny being imposed by venal overlords is utterly contrary to the fundamental forces by which the world and society are effected. God is on our side, the side of freedom and prosperity for all humanity.

Our hands are God's hands, and all we must do is God's work to produce the goods and services we are made to benefit from.

Evil is it's own reward, and so also is the good we do.

Hey my friend .. as always thank you for another grea5t comment :)

This is the inherent reality of individual sovereignty, of our individual existence, and the product of freedom to pursue our personal economic benefit. A free society randomizes rationally the technological advances and development according to the needs and interests of the people, each person themselves producing their unpredictable result.

Yes, as highlighted in the post I very much agree that the sovereign individual is far more difficult to quantify than that of the group mind .. within collectives the collective reaction is certainly easier to predict. This is why I feel they are delving into the hardwiring of our tribal heritage (those subconscious fears of ostracisation that at one point in our history would have been inherently dangerous) to draw the individual into group think, whatever group that may be.

I was thinking of writing a post about connections between physics and morality so I certainly agree that nothing is finite and that ultimately we will free ourselves from their intended prison, likewise, I feel as though (like an alcoholic) we will first have to hit rock bottom. On the macro scale, although it may be a painful process .. rock bottom will give us the foundations from which to build anew. Thanks again!

Nobody is coming to save us, but we can each take responsibility for our own salvation. Not allow ourselves to be drawn into self-defeating arguments/manufactured movements and choices that have been chosen for us. Understand your rights and learn how to validate the power of refusal, study law, language, psychology, and strategy; learn how to forage, study natural medicine, and food sustenance. Make true community bonds, not corporate shackles.

This really resonates for me. I need a forward plan of something i can do - rather than reacting to what I inherently feel uncomfortable with, and deeply so. I don't want to argue with those who are asleep in the current system, rather, just walk the path that will in some way get me out of it, even if it's in small ways.

Hey my friend .. in this respect you're one of the greatest revolutionaries I know .. a rebel with a good cause. :) Some of us focus on these issues, research and write about them .. other people (like yourself) are quietly working away in the background, creating a self actualising positive outcome for yourselves, families, and communities .. I really respect that, and I respect your approach to it all. There are many things we can do, and by actually doing them and realising your intent .. it takes away that feeling of helplessness. You keep doing what you're doing, you're exactly where you need to be .. respect to you! X

You always say the kindest things! That's such a lovely thing to say. Sometimes I feel quite inadequate!

Ha .. I tell you what ... if my summer of music hadn't been canceled I'd be in a dance tent or watching a live act right at this very minute (had a festival booked this weekend) and surrounded by the love and laughter of all my best mates. Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you so much for this. We all have perceptual "flaws" it would seem, although nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists, so it's all good. I will reconsider the role I have been playing and get closer to the source.

In your previous post you mention the assemblies, and do not seem to think much of them. I had put some hopes in the assemblies, but now... It's easy to label many things as controlled opposition, how on earth are we to know?

Everything can be co-opted except what we carry within.

Just some musings. Again, thank you for your work.

For me, the way out all this lays within ..for ultimately this is a deeply personal journey. Stepping into our inner power and making even small and seemingly insignificant changes to our lives .. reclaiming our independence, little steps, that empower you .. as opposed to the crushing weight of responsibility upon our shoulders. Drop their tech, don't buy their crap .. we're the ones with all the power.

In terms of citizen assemblies I've been researching all this for years so I have a pretty to way of picking them out, the first clue is the uniform (template) name .. equally, if there is a non-local body running them, chances are they're part of the same system .. hiding behind the veneer of "grassroots" Actually, anyone that uses the term "grassroots" most probably isn't. Do some research into who is running the meetings (like I did and came up with funding connections to Google & Soros). These assemblies are there to subvert and usurp true community alliances/groups .. but there are genuine people out there, I've seen it within my own area ... check if your council/city/state are aligned with ICLEI.

Feel free to read my post below, it also details the methodologies that they use and has videos taken inside some of these meetings .. learn their techniques, and point out what they're doing. Once you get these people off-script .. they're not very good at thinking on their feet. Thanks again my friend .. oh and I remembered we spoke in the comments of my Agenda 2030 series .. part 3 is still coming.:)

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Where have you gone my brother from another mother?

Hello my friend, I've had a lot going on, but don't worry I've been keeping a close eye on how the wheels are turning. With limited time, I have also continued writing. In fact, I've turned my writing into a huge 15 part post, over 100,000 words, and thousands of references. Hope to be able to share it soon.

Hope you've been keeping well dude? Good to see you've remained active! :)

Hey bro, great to know you are still alive and well. Look forward to reading you articles soon.
By the way, new tribe started, Any post you do put proofofbrain in the index at the bottom. And join us on a fun ride. Me and Frot have been buying a load of tokens on there. It auto posts to hive too from there so you earn hbd, hive and POB.

Thank you and ha yes :) Ultimately it is a mind game and we're the ones with all the power .. a change in perception and the world would change in a single day. It's frustrating when you see all the myriad of ways people allow themselves to be divided and pitted against one another.

I am no longer in agreement that Trump was a movement whose time had come but rather that part of a role to divide. It's all to crazy to be anything else, he was put into place to compartmentalize those who'd go against the implementation of the new world order. To try and garner ignorance in his defense on a matrix of moves he's made in office or out of office one has to be oblivious or in denial, he, in my opinion, is lockstep in with these vaccines. You take a terrible beat down on forums if you raise the issue and therefore the wisest words spoken in your article I am afraid is lost upon that segment of the masses.

We need to find a way to make ourselves unpredictable, unanticipated, incalculable, and difficult to define, to step outside the behavioural algorithms that have been used to predict our predictable outcomes.

Hey @sunlit - I hope you're keeping well my friend.

Yes, this was the basic premise of part one of this post, and the precursor I wrote a couple of years back. The controlled polarities of Trump and Obama were used to fracture ever greater divisions, Trump also drew many of those that opposed the system into the glare of public scrutiny, thus enabling their collectivisation. Notice how commonly his buzzwords of "fake news" are now used within the establishment.

Notice how if you oppose vaccine mandates (or basically anything that counters the narrative) you're now labelled as a far-right Trump supporter - not that I'm saying a majority of Trump supporters are far-right, but you can understand how they're attempting to mould a consensus perception. Wait until they have some kind of attack that can be attached to "anti-vaxxers" or "conspiracy theorists" - this is the nature of authoritarian communitarianism. Indeed, the opposing minority is now only a few steps away from becoming declared public enemy number one.

It's always great to hear from you, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. You take care, hope to hear some of your wonderful words of wisdom soon, they are always welcome.

Thanks @sunlit ,

I've had a lot going on, but I've been keeping a close eye on how things are playing out, and I've continued to write as and when I can. I have written a series of about 15 big posts, with another five in the works, so I'll be back as soon as possible. :)

I'm curious to know in this metaphor what your definition of these terms are:

  • Plantations
  • Owners