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RE: The Psychology Of The Takedown: The Dialectics Of Deception, BLM, & The Communitarian Synthesis Of The Reality War

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

Thank you for the support and for leaving an (as always) inspired and thought-provoking comment.

The revelation of details of the underwriting of nascent technocratic tyranny exposes the Hegelian Dialectic, the thesis and antithesis of Fascist and Antifascist cannon fodder into a synthetic war fought by those that should be making peace to defeat the warmongering overlords seeking elevation to godhood.

It's very frustrating when you realise that these (relatively simplistic) games of divide and conquer have been played throughout history and yet still they prove to be effective .. wars of division fought by the people against the people and ultimately benefiting nobody but their elite perpetrators.

I guess my key point is that many of us need to look inwards and take self responsibility for our part within this .. the many otherwise well-meaning people that enable it, and appear content to wear their division (and as you also allude to, degeneration) as badges of honour. This is key for me .. that ultimately, even if their entire control structure crumbled to dust, our only true path out of all this actually lays within .. and until we are able to find some semblance of inner balance our victories will be transient and we will repeat the mistakes fo the past. One only needs to delve back into ancient parables, symbols, archetypes, to observe we are in a repeating cycle of time .. thus the lesson should be that we must slay the beast within to truly create the kingdom without.

Thanks again my friend.


Society is composed of individuals, each of whom personally and separately interpret the evidence of their senses to grasp reality and interact with it. No society can depend on some monolithic set of beliefs ubiquitous to it's members, but only some varieties that enable the freedom of it's members.

This perpetuates nonfunctional beliefs arising and weakening societies geographically limited in extent. Earth is a geographically limited milieu. To date all societies have eventually succumbed, collapsed, and been replaced serially.

However, today we reach for the stars and unlimited geography in which to frame society. I hope that our grasp exceeds our reach here on Earth, and freedom, prosperity, and eternal joy becomes the legacy our posterity inherits as a result of our victory over our overlords in the coming wars.

Thanks again for your dedication and hard work towards that goal.