Wuhan lab leak, allowed to talk about it because politics and narrative changes, not facts

in Deep Dives4 years ago

The Wuhan lab leak theory was brought forth in 2020. But at the time, it was not an acceptable narrative to discuss. It was immediately deemed a Trump idea, a conservative idea, and blackballed from discussion in the leftist media, which includes the mainstream and social media.

In 2020, if you dared to speak about the Wuhan lab leak theory in social media, you were censored. They would not allow you to talk about this possibility. Evidence in support of it was not allowed to be discussed. This was just one of many examples of how our modern times have turned into a suppression of information, discussion and debate.

Evidence of the US funding coronavirus gain of function research to the Wuhan lab was ignored. Evidence of people from the lab getting sick of a flulike illness was ignored. The only narrative allowed was that it was of natural origins.

You are only allowed to talk about things that the corporations and governments want to let you talk about. Anything else is off limits and they will do their best to try to stop you from talking about things that they don't want you to talk about. This is the state of our freedom and our new normal of authoritarianism and tyranny.

The leftist media did a good job of suppressing discussion. You were labeled a racist if you associated covid-19 with China and a lab leak. The weak intellectual capacity of these feebleminded people who believe this conclude that the only reason to suggest the virus was engineered in the lab in China and got out was because you hate Chinese people and are a racist. This flawed notion is still supported by many right now.

Then all of a sudden in 2021 the Wuhan lab leak theory began to be talked about in the mainstream media. Why?

Not a single new fact came forward to change the talking points in mainstream media. The only thing that changed was Trump was out of office. Enough time in past for people in their goldfish memory to forget the mainstream media's harsh dismissal of the lab leak theory in order for them to begin to talk about it again as though new information had come to light to give it credibility.

To demonstrate how ridiculous the narrative changing occurred, this is what Jonathan Karl, a chief White House correspondent for ABC news, consent about the shift:

“This was an idea that was first put forward by Mike Pompeo, [the former] secretary of state, [former President] Donald Trump, and look some things may be true even if Donald Trump said them. Because Trump was saying so much else, that was just out of control, and because he was, you know, making a frankly racist appeal talking about kung-flu, and the China virus, he said flatly this came from that lab, and it was widely dismissed … but now serious people are saying it needs a serious inquiry.”

People denied the possibility of a Wuhan lab leak merely because Trump or other conservatives suggested it. This is how blended they are by their bias and hatred.

The most telling thing he has to say about why it's being allowed now is "now serious people are saying it needs a serious inquiry". What serious people? Is a president of the United States not a serious person? What makes the leftists determination of a serious person more credible than some on the right being a serious person and being credible?

Just goes to show how corrupted their thinking is. It's only serious when the left begins to support it. If the right brings forward an idea first, then the left test automatically attack it because they aren't the ones who started to talk about it first. Then after some time of denying something, the left can start to talk about it again and give it legitimacy.

It also suggest that only after the people they deem qualified to talk about something begin to talk about it, can actually be talked about and considered something possible. Until that happens, it's misinformation, disinformation, fake news, conspiracy theory, etc.


I would argue its the CIA ran mockingbird operation that runs the media and just using the left right paradigm to manipulate us all.

Oh for sure, but damn the leftist media is pretty annoying compared to the right. Both false paradigms and compromised, just sayin ;)

You know they certainly grew up from the weak saxophone wanna pot smoking deviants from the 90s they once were.
In a way I am kind of proud that they took all that negative criticism and used it as motivation for their final push for global dominance. It just makes for a a good story line is all.