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RE: Unredacted Black Book - Ghislaine Maxwell's Charity Terra Mar

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

I think the quick termination and take-down of the Terra Mar project and it's website after the Epstein's arrest, speaks volumes in itself. Add in all the other connections that are interwoven between the socialite classes, the business world and throughout establishment organisations that you lay out here, and you have a pretty clear case for the justification of a much expanded and exhaustive investigation to continue the fight of having justice carried out for the exploitation of the victims over an extraordinarily long time. Not only the horrific sexual abuse that took place, but all of the organised crime and fraud as well.

It amazes me that some of these personalities and business/poltical elites are allowed to carry on with a business as usual approach by the incompetent media, and criminal investigators. If it was anyone else, they would have been taken down long ago, or at the very least lost their entire ability to do anything until a full and exhaustive investigation was complete.

But you know how it is...don't let the facts get in the way. Shut up conspiracy theorist!


That's just it - "shut up conspiratards!"
The fact that there's SO MUCH evidence stacked up against Ghislaine Maxwell and she's still hasn't even been questioned by the FBI or law enforcement about her role in the trafficking, recruiting and procurement of underaged sex slaves is astonishing.
There really are different sets of laws for societies elite. Just like you commented, if this is an average joe-shmoe he/she would have been immediately apprehended and they would have thrown the the book at them, and the kitchen sink. The person's would be vilified throughout corporate media, but because it's one of their own... they just look the other way.