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RE: Welcome to Deep Dives | Refining The Search With Community Input

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

It’s been both an honour and a great learning experience to be part of this small but committed community from it’s inception, and I greatly appreciate what the founders of this initiative and their vision, have done to allow free peoples to follow their hearts and participate in something that will greatly benefit humanity as a whole on this blockchain. An opportunity to create a resource that we can all share and be proud of as a community and the wider blockchain. A resource and index, based on hard hitting facts! There is nothing more powerful than well researched and open sourced journalism that can free us from the chains of the manipulators and spin doctors within the dinosaur media and its special interests.

I do believe that this initiative will benefit greatly, with the rollout of the new steem communities feature that we are now experiencing on this blockchain...and things will only get better as we progress from here! I’m also super excited to see @deepdives return after a hiatus, and can’t wait to continue reading and learning from all the veteran and citizen journalists well into the future. (At least there is a future now lol!)

Now that we have more specific communities on this blockchain, I think it will enable us all to form even closer relationships and a new appreciation for each others efforts and research, and will allows us to index our work in a more organised and cohesive fashion, with open access to all. And what better way, than on a censorship resistant platform such as Steem!

I hope it will also allow us to expand our reach and discover new Steemians who may not have known about this initiative previously, that will now be eager to be part of this amazing opportunity. I’m certain there are some undiscovered talented minds and researchers out there waiting to dip their toe into the water, with a bit of encouragement from us all!

Different angles/ideas and points of reference are always a great way to reach and introduce new people into our community, which is something I believe is very important. I also believe that allowing authors to have more freedom in what topics and research they want to delve into will encourage more participation. That’s just my belief of course, and partly because that’s what I myself would prefer LOL. I’m not sure what others think about that, so hopefully you will get more input there.

As far as trying to get more participation in general, I’ve had the thought that a mentoring style program or collaborative initiative may encourage more Steemians to dip their toe into the water, so to speak. Steemians that may otherwise be slightly reluctant or unsure of where to begin, and a bit of guidance from more experienced researchers would open the door for more co-operative efforts. But that would also be a choice for each individual to decide whether they want to try out something like that. I was actually in discussions about doing that with another contributor, but it never eventuated due to unforseen circumstances in the end.

I will be looking forward to contributing and helping where I can, although that’s a little more difficult at this point for myself, as it takes me 3 times as long to do what I previously did...I will be trying my best though! I at least hope to get around to more posts with both comments and manual curation efforts. It is true that I have somewhat succumbed to auto-voting and the bots (@valued-customer lol), but that is something I had little choice in due to both time constraints and life issues.

Just on the general topic of voting, I think a curation trail may actually be beneficial to this community. I can also see a token being desirable based on the fact that there are already many tribes out there that issue tokens and it has become a popular way of rewarding Steemians for their efforts. But that can be decided upon by everyone as a whole:-)


I'm seeing a constant here regarding an index, archive, or Lie-brary @bifilarcoil cleverly coined. Frankly, I need it. My old computer doesn't even have a working fan any more LOL. I need to archive vids I need as evidence for posts but have no means to store them locally.

I also love the idea of mentoring. As I mentioned digging into some of the archival sources has been daunting to me. I'm sure it is to everyone to varying degrees. Being shown how specific archives work can really increase comfort levels for folks new to them.

I agree that AI and automation are perhaps the most significant technological advance of our age. I am confident that our work can be furthered by their careful application, and that also it can be furthered for us and not past us. Curation trails are great, because they lead us to new authors and sources - but it's important that we go there ourselves, because otherwise we don't get to those authors and sources. As long as such tools can be used to augment human capabilities instead of replacing them, I am a fervent believer in using them. I just haven't found many curation trails for manual curation, or bots that find us content to read and comment on. Humanity is the purpose of tech, irreplacable, even sacred in my view. All too often financialization dehumanizes people into mere products and profit centers. Warning shots across our bows.

As to research challenges, I think we largely agree that civilian journalists come to this from myriad perspectives, and with various interest levels, which is why I think it may be more useful to simply recognize outstanding contributions from time to time than to dictate foci. For specific research needs. I think the mentoring effort can go a long way to getting people digging the right holes.

Thanks for your insights.

First of all, apologies for the late reply @valued-customer. Secondly, I do need to make a slight correction on my original comment. I actually meant to say more freedom in choosing which particular archive and research sources each individual would prefer to use, rather than the actual topic itself. If the research is credible and well sourced, then that may encourage more participation? We already had a wide scope in most research challenges in the past, so that was an error on my part. I personally had no major issue with the original format myself, but I was just thinking that maybe some researchers would want to concentrate on a different archive of their choosing. other than what was prescribed for each challenge. I believe from previous comments on the @deepdives account, that some may not feel comfortable in using one particular archive over another?

Lol lie-brary:) What a great name for it bifi. That really would be a very cool thing to have indeed. It is out of my league though, so I will leave that for more qualified individuals to suggest a way forward in that regard.

I did think of something today, that @v4vapid may already have in mind or be planning, but I thought I would share it here. With the new community feature of cross-posting available to us on Steem now, would it be worthwhile to actually cross-post past articles from the earlier contests of the @deepdives account so they can be availbe in the new community feed itself? That way when we have new visitors to the community they could easily find past articles as an example? What do you guys think?

Thanks everyone. Nice discussion:)

Very pleased with the amount of feedback already. This is great!

I think that it's true that people tend to prefer certain archives and that's very understandable. The purpose of selecting a specific archive was just to provide a starting point for those that needed prompting. For the more experienced in our community, I doubt that they need archives/topics/prompts as they already have some subjects in mind. At the same time, it's sometimes helpful to have a general outline or aim for some - especially for those that are participating for the first time.

It's nice to have new tools to showcase and distribute some of our work across the platform. Certainly, I think this could be worthwhile. Good suggestion!

I hear you... .. Once the fans no longer rattle and the word Intel is being burned in your kneecap it becomes critical to find a fresh abacus.

Looks like you just have to make a shitload of posts and upload all the video's in here and let Justin take care of the backups for now. YouTube seems to be slowly fading away. And taking all it's memories with it.

A new abbreviation comes to mind
ArIn added the extra letters ... (Argumented Intelligence)

Maybe an AI names Arin can one day be turned into an IoT to sit on the windowsil.
and future generations can say "ArIn, what is corruption?"

And then wish they never asked, as it will ramble on FOREVER!

Bifi's 'Black Mirror'

At least the rattling sounds no longer disturb my concentration LOL

"...upload all the video's in here..."

Videos and images aren't stored on Steem. This is why we need an archive, or I need to learn how to use extant archival resources (and for that I need mentoring) to be able to preserve such evidence that is being removed by the censors.

So then we need something like peertube + bittorrent (peertube already has that to some extend) Butit behave slighly different then i expected.
With torrent we could carry the load together. But torrent doesn't have a mechanism that covers files that are getting low amounts of views, so that would then lead to a risk of loosing important data.

I would love to see BitTorrent become a means for hosting the blockchain, instead of legacy centralized nodes. Decentralization FTW! I dunno if devs are even considering this, but it would provide several essential improvements, including reduced cost, greater censorship resistance, improved speed, greater storage capacity, better resilience, and more.

Since Tron owns BitTorrent, it seems like a natural means of improving both Tron blockchain and Steem. I sure hope someone is looking at this.


Chop-up all the chains and make a scatternet.
But it also needs a way to include vidjeaows and other medja.

...My Russian accent is not convincing, is it?

I'm not convinced that Blockchain is the solution.

I prefer to have data that is NOT entangled with finance.
When looking at the price of MicroSD cards I know we are being ripped of at a MASSIVE scale. We could have unlimited storage at a VERY low cost and just have ultra cheap backups.

Imma try peertube. I tried smartube, but can't get it to dl vids. I tried a website, but it didn't record the audio. I'm a bit frustrated LOL

At least the rattling
Sounds no longer disturb my
Concentration LOL

                 - valued-customer

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.


Then you will need
Some extra space for
Intel tattoo's

an exercise in markdown haiku

Sadly, since LOL is spelled out when pronounced, I fear these immortal sentiments actually fail to produce a haiku due to the final line having more syllables than suitable.

Edit: perhaps I am just a dinosaur, and my ancient ways are no longer relevant for the cool kids. In that case, disregard.

Try to make a fully abbreviated haiku


the educational part is the best part