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RE: Blame Satan..?

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

Was a very strange thing that happened. I think they call it a meltdown for a reason. You melt, you go down. I try to stop folks when I can. Perhaps the old books describing hell were trying to explain to people what happens when one starts living a lie. Their lives become a living hell and it just gets worse for them. Hard to watch but at the same time when you've become a target, there is peace to be found knowing the world has a fancy way of sorting these things out on its own.


Love the etymology on "meltdown" there, @nonameslefttouse :-) I think you're right: "Hell is Other People"; don't remember whose quote that is, but it applies here I guess. Still, like you say, it's hard sometimes to see people lose touch with reality like that. Thanks so much for the response, I really appreciate it.

This world is twisted. I don't even subscribe to any of that left/right political shit. I've lost track though of the amount of times I've been accused of believing something I don't even give two shits or a single fuck about. It's beyond annoying. But when people do it, that's opening a window to their mind and I can see all their thoughts. I'd never give someone that much leverage. More fun watching them become confused and not know how to think. Fish out of water.

As soon as I see groups forming around ideas, I see a cult, and I'm gone. Needless to say, I don't make too many friends these days... lol

It's a twisted world indeed :-) And I must say that I'm guilty as well of labeling people along the left/right spectrum. For example, the Democrats aren't "left" in my mind... But you're right: it's presumptuous to do so without knowing anything about the one(s) being labeled. I've read your last post as well, the one where you present Blue Bear to the world, some 4 months ago. It's not my personal taste, but I can see how many others would love that art (just look at the comments you got). Has to be said though that I know nothing about art... What I do love, however, is your writing and humor.

If you'll permit me, I'll tell you something about myself with regards to smoking; I'm 54 years old, and I started vaping some 4 years ago, quit smoking weed and tobacco. I'm happier as is everyone around me; no more yellow walls, fingers, teeth and curtains, no more constant coughing, no more ashtrays, no more burn-holes in clothing and furniture and so on. On the flip-side, no one knows for sure yet what the long-term health indications will be; I'm part of a large group of human guinea pigs now... Do with that what you will @nonameslefttouse :-) I hope you'll keep on posting!

That's just me being more in my element. I prefer to entertain people rather than being some kind of mouthpiece for thoughts a device fed me.

I actually wrote a response to some of that madness that occurred when wtp had his mental break.

That post covers a few issues though. Like how some assumed I had taken a vaccine and treated me how they treat people who take vaccines. That was another great example of how I could sit back and know how dishonest and shady the individual accusing me of things actually is. It opens the window plus I don't need to argue in order to prove myself, flex, or pledge any kind of allegiance. I can just be.

And I'm pissed off, because of wtp, gullible people are still picking up that nonsense and rubbing it in my face. Because of that his penalties increased now though but he should have known that from the start. Told him his lies will haunt him for the rest of his life. And I wasn't kidding.

These vapes are awesome. Currently puffing on some grape nicotine. It does feel better, by far.