Global resistance is ACTIVATED.

in Deep Dives3 years ago


Global resistance is ACTIVATED.

This great shitty reset is cracking everywhere, region by region, country by country and person by person. The information war has been overrun by the people of the world. The top layer of any battle field is the information layer. We overran every single platform.

We are getting more organised and we are getting more coordinated. This year we surrounded the buildings of the propaganda machines around the world like THE BBC and THE NYTIMES.

They have never had so many problems, they cannot cope and are forced to move. They are the ones with problems now.



Has the information war been won? I will here relate that I don't think so, and this is why: the overlords deprecating national governments across the world did indeed expect the resistance that has eventuated. That resistance, in fact, is exactly what they need to effect their goals.

Around the world governments have alarmed and outraged their civilian populations, and this is being timed and coordinated with the purpose of causing those governments to be overturned by revolutionary movements. The WEF and architects of our discontent will then impose a GLOBAL government, offering the homeless free bugpods, free UBI crypto, and etc.

Until free people presently being engaged by the scheme of the globalists determine on a plan that delivers the blessings of civilization to us all, we are just serving the overlords who have both plans and the ability to immediately effect them.


are you suggesting "resistance is futile" ?

I am saying that simply resisting is indeed not only futile, but actively implementing the plan of our enemy. It is necessary to resist because of the intention to do something other than what the enemy intends to impose on us; to have a plan to succeed, some alternative we intend to achieve instead of the plan of our enemy.

Resistance is not our purpose, nor our goal. The prosperity of ourselves and our posterity, in perpetuity and liberty, must be our purpose and our goal. Goals, unlike hopes and dreams, comprise specific steps, metrics we can use to assess our progress enabling us to adjust our efforts as we proceed.

This is part of why I feel that hope is the enemy, not only because when our hope is crushed our very soul is too, but because it is all too easy to just hope for the best and fail to implement rational and useful plans to attain desirable goals.

Failing to plan is planning to fail, to cite the ancient aphorism.

While the ultimate decentralization of humanity is inevitable, the humanity that will attain to that decentralized society is not ordained by anything but the actions of the individual people comprising it. If we and our posterity intend to remain human and live to attain to that society, we will have to act to surmount the challenges between us and our goal.

I dissent as an element of my plan to surmount the challenges my enemies impose, proactively progressing my attainment of my goals, and not reactively, simply beating against a wall such that the bouncing of my head off it is predictable and able to be used by my enemies against me.

well, this looks like a decent start anyway


Thanks for your assistance in properly voting witnesses I should be supporting.

Resistance is not our purpose, nor our goal. The prosperity of ourselves and our posterity, in perpetuity and liberty, must be our purpose and our goal.

100% THIS.

I'm sorry. I only wish you were right. As long as "the people of the world," by which I assume you mean the online community primarily, have among them droves of misinformed cultists, following demagogues like Donals Trump, Boris Johnson and Geert Wilders, believers in QAnon selling them fantasies of baby-blood-drinking satanists and so on, "the people of the world" will only turn against each other and lose sight completely of the capitalists who are their only real enemies.


This year we won the information war. All propaganda stations/ troll farms have been destroyed on all platforms. The Global Resistance have started to surround the fake news channels like the BBC and the NYTIMES.

In any battlefield the information layer is the most decisive layer. In modern times this just happened to be "online". This is why "they" are bitching about the internet.


After world war 2 all warcriminals and collaborators were hunted down until this very day. History tends to repeat itself. TROLLS AND COLLABORATORS BE WARNED.

I note you do not know that A. Hitler died in Argentina in the 1990s. You seem not to know that the accused in the Nuremberg trials were tortured to the extent that most of them had to have their testicles surgically removed to prevent them dying of gangrene.

Disinformation is not a new thing.


Curated for #informationwar (by @aagabriel)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
  • Discord, website, youtube channel links here.

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please consider reviewing your witness votes

each and every account has exactly 30 witness votes assigned

UNUSED votes are de facto votes for the oligarchs


Don't spam my post.

After world war 2 all warcriminals and collaborators were hunted down until this very day. History tends to repeat itself. TROLLS AND COLLABORATORS BE WARNED.

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i'm glad to see you back

i'm on your side

the top witnesses support MANDATORY vaccination policies

it is my responsibility to point this out to as many people as possible