"Isn’t it a journalists’ job to scrutinize and expose government secrets in the public interest?"

in Deep Dives2 years ago

“Isn’t it a journalists’ job to scrutinize and expose government secrets in the public interest?” -https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-importance-of-exposing-matt-hancocks-whatsapp-messages/

A question the public should be asking the media, the people claiming to bring you news and truth. The people you are supposed to be able to count on for accurate reporting from your government leaders. Instead you and I are left with a clown show, entire “news” networks of TABLOIDS, smoke-screeners, magicians, manipulators.

Coming across an article regarding the once highly regarded- Health Secretary, of the UK, and his “strategic” release of- himself- participating in a global conspiracy.

This really does give me more hope in myself, I mean I really thought I would never be capable of a prestigious position such as Matt Hancock, but watching this pandemic clown show produced by the makers of “Real World” by MTV, I now believe I should naturally qualify.

I should be the next Health secretary of the UK. Maybe the monkeys they send to space, I have heard good things- will make a post about those monkeys another time.

Okay, Okay let's get to it, not only is this dude caught by his own submission, by his own Whatsapp messages, conspiring and lying to his country but this highly educated and qualified man is also on TIK TOK…


Another note about this upstanding guys resume, he was also on live tv eating a cows……. Anus?... Ahem, Ahem… good luck y'all.


The Whats app messages, there are over 100K messages, and the Telegraph journalists are sorting them for the most meaningful and maybe perhaps the most taboo messages.-

“In an exchange between Mr Hancock and an aide from 13th December 2020 - five days before the government scrapped plans to relax rules for many over Christmas - the former health secretary discusses when to "deploy" the announcement of the new variant.
They are talking about the possibility of the London Mayor Sadiq Khan resisting a possible lockdown for London.
The Department of Health adviser suggests: "Rather than doing too much forward signalling, we can roll pitch with the new strain."
Mr Hancock says: "We frighten the pants of everyone with the new strain."
The adviser responds: "Yep, that's what will get proper behaviour change."
The minister then asks: "When do we deploy the new variant."
Mr Hancock announced the new variant the following day.
In a separate WhatsApp conversation from January 2021, when lockdown measures were in place, Mr Hancock is seen discussing possible changes with Mr Case.
Mr Case warns against making small changes to the rules as looking "ridiculous". He talks about "ramping up messaging" adding the "fear/guilt factor" was "vital".”>

I think anyone against collecting all text data from all government officials during the lockdowns, is part of the problem, if government officials have issues with these messages being brought to the public's attention and call them “Unhelpful” was participating in the plan.

“Former Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe told the BBC's Stephen Nolan on Radio 5 Live that she had been "just as much against lockdown as Isabel Oakeshott", but found the leaks "profoundly unhelpful".”>- https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64848106
Ding Ding Ding people. Get rid of her, gross. Obviously hiding something.

“In a statement responding to the leaks, Mr Hancock said: "There is absolutely no public interest case for this huge breach. All the materials for the book have already been made available to the Inquiry, which is the right, and only, place for everything to be considered properly and the right lessons to be learned. "As we have seen, releasing them in this way gives a partial, biased account to suit an anti-lockdown agenda." https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64848106>

Yeah okay, this is the UK’s version of Hunter Biden right here. It's just disgusting. The government, people in power, played games with our lives, with our livelihoods, and people just want to sweep it under the rug? NO WAY. Disgusting. Get this information lambasted out there!

Okay this next set-I might have giggled at the idea of pop stars getting single bed hotel rooms and the families getting suits. At least they are not completely heartless?

“In an exchange on 16 February 2021, Simon Case, who holds the most senior position in the civil service as cabinet secretary, asked Mr Hancock if he knew "how many people we locked up in hotels yesterday".
The message was sent the day after England introduced mandatory quarantine for arrivals from 33 high-risk countries.
Mr Hancock replied: "None. But 149 chose to enter the country and are now in quarantine hotels due to their own free will!"
"Hilarious," Mr Case responded.
Mr Hancock also wrote: "We are giving big families all the suites and putting pop stars in the box rooms."
Mr Case replied: "I just want to see some of the faces of people coming out of first class into a Premier Inn shoe box."”- >https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-64831240

I do not know what else to say. I posted previously about Australia and the media and people in power and their TWEETS and facebook posts, their snide comments.

The ones who posted about everyone who does not get the JAB is a criminal. That people who do not believe in this BS are murderers. And here the UK sits, with this crap, making fun of everyone, and planning when to release new variants. How does this make you feel?

Here is the link to Part 1 and Part 2 of those people in Australia criminalizing you for questioning all of this. https://ecency.com/hive-17777/@narfballs/pfizer-standards-u-s-government

Part 2 https://ecency.com/hive-122315/@narfballs/part-2-pfizer-ceo-said-misinformation-spreaders-are-criminals?referral=narfballs

If you were interested in those links. There you go. Also if you have not checked out DeepDives Community, it's a fun group with many great bloggers.- https://ecency.com/created/hive-122315

Well, this is Narfballs signing off,
