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RE: Graphene Oxide and Covid Vaccines: The Devil is in the Details

in Deep Dives4 years ago

@richq11 I just came across this ((( There is no covid-19 virus. TURN OFF SOUND AND READ SUB TITLES .. DR. MARTÍN MONTEVERDE from Argentina


Thanks Mike I'll check it out. David Icke says the same thing by the way. The fact that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated makes me suspicious. I believe that there's something, but it's no more lethal than the common cold. It's the vaccine that's dangerous.

CLAIMS graphene oxide has same symptoms as so called covid.. lack of taste / smell & the rest..that is for people who have it bad... Rich. have you been around a lot of people that took the vaccines? Check to see if you are metallic. Put a dime on you forehead, off to one stde above your eye. see if it stays there.

No one I know of has taken the vaccine. If the dime test is to check for magnetism, coins aren't magnetic but I tried it anyway... nope, it fell right off.

You haven't seen all the videos? Seems a lot have vanished from Bit-chute.. all kinds of non metallic "metal". spoons, keys etc.. I was an electrician for 38 years. I know it sounds crazy. I'll try to find some videos to send you. Have you seen the graphene oxide in a dish how it moves with G4 being emitted next to it.. Check out the properties of GO amazing stuff.

Rich )) here is an early video (stew peters) he brakes so many pertinent stories. ... There c=are later ones I'll try to find.. Rabbit hole very deep.

I've seen that one. One of the videos in my article is from Stew Peters. I think I mentioned the megnetic properties n one of my articles.