imagine growing up in a poor neighborhood on the edge of an indian reservation.
now imagine being fifteen years old before anyone bothered to half explain to you how you got there.
now imagine being twenty years old before you start to understand what really happened.
i know militants.
i know militant minorities.
they already know that the average white person is not "their enemy".
they've been trying to explain this to people for at least sixty years.
i know indians
i know hippies
i know bikers
i know vietnam vets
i know cops
there is one thing they all agree on.
Interestingly enough i came across a vice video this morning, a documentery about the Triple K. Kinda messed up actually, i didnt realize there were 4 million members in the 1920s. Big impact on society no doubt. They had influence on Woodrow wilson too.
Still gotta watch the movie Zomb, ill get to it tonight.
"Birth of a Nation" was basically a superhero movie.
Language is some sort of an Enterprise...
That's not yet finished.
linguistic skill is the highest possible aim