
You are well aware of my views regarding prohibition and black markets leading to corruption and rampant crime, so I will leave it at that regarding Colombia. Regarding Mexico and the proposed judicial reforms, the reek of blackmail, extortion, and bribery suffuses the process, and my heart beats for the outraged civilians that endure such governance. Regarding the cultural divide between American natives in Ohio and new immigrants from Haiti, where soul-crushing poverty and food insecurity is endemic, I must assume the corporate media and 'official' line is fake news, and I have seen pics from a variety of jurisdictions that support allegations immigrants suddenly plunged into American civil society are untrusting of social welfare programs and have been compelled to acquire nutrition or starve their entire lives. Plentiful small animals populating parks, such as ducks and geese, and the numerous pets allowed to roam, or barely secured in the absence of their owners, are highly likely to be taken for food in such circumstances, IMHO.

I am not there, am not an eyewitness, but the preponderance of evidence runs counter to the perpetual fake news fountains that deny such harvests are occurring. I have seen ethnic gangs seizing control of natural resources where I am, and understand the dynamic that occurs during immigration of divergent cultures. Taking of game out of season, completely ignoring limits and licensing requirements, exacerbated by nescience regarding wildlife management agencies and practices to maintain healthy wildlife populations, by people from polities where bribery and violence alone determine take and the benefits of wild game, perpetuates such practices in America, where that has not been the case for generations. I have also seen the decline of such gangs as better opportunities for economic prosperity than black bear gall bladders or gourmet mushrooms are attained by such immigrants, and expect the problems in Ohio are just as - if not moreso - temporary.
