Source / Извор: Telegram @ infodefENGLAND
Аутоматски превод на српски језик
Russian view, censored by the ‘democratic’ West…
* * * Sunday Review by Dmitry Medvedev: * * *
Five events that have already happened
Five events that have already happened
1• First on the list, of course, is the firing of the ‘Oreshnik’, Russia’s new hypersonic intermediate-range ballistic missile carrying a MIRV payload, used (this time) with non-nuclear warheads. Europe is at a loss, speculating how much damage the missile would cause with nuclear warheads, whether it can be shot down at all, and how quickly the missiles would reach the capitals of the Old World. Let me answer all three: the damage would be catastrophic; no, you cannot shoot them down using current-day systems; and it will be a matter of minutes. No, bomb shelters will not save you. The only hope is that Russia, out of the kindness of its heart, gives advanced warning about the launch.
So how about you stop supporting the war, instead.
2• Responding to the launch of the Oreshnik missile, Ukrainian propagandists came up with their own special ‘missile defense’ of the imaginary kind: according to them, the missile simply doesn’t exist. Who needs rocket science, anyway? Just shut your eyes and nothing bad will happen. If you can’t see the problem, it doesn’t exist!
3• The Western media are tripping over themselves to insist the United States arm puppet-state Ukraine with nuclear weapons. An excellent idea, especially in light of Russia's updated nuclear deterrence doctrine.
Now let’s come up with a list of Washington's potential enemies with whom we could share our own nuclear technologies.
4• Speaking in the Rada, the green-rag wearing banderite announced his new ten-point ‘resilience plan’ for Ukraine. What they really need is a 1-point plan that just says, “Stop snorting white stuff and face facts.” Ukraine’s parliament is full of sellouts ready and waiting to pack their bags when faced with a tough scenario (see paragraph 1).
5• And last but not least. US Senator Lindsey Graham, a die-hard Russophobe and overall degenerate (listed in Russia’s register of terrorists and extremists), said Washington should sanction and destroy the economies of countries assisting the ICC with the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.
So, it appears that the US recognizes the power of the ICC – a totally illegitimate organization, by the way – when it comes to specific countries and leaders, but is willing to go absolutely medieval on any other nation that complies with the ICC’s rulings, especially when they’re aimed at US satellites and their public figures.
Nothing quite like a consistent and honest stance.
* * * End of Text * * *
Medvedev obviously reacted to another NATO escalation, this time made from France:

Source / Извор: RT News
But we do know that actually not a single Storm Shadow, Scalp or Taurus cannot be fired without the United States. So, the EU vassals are taking a fall for exemplary destruction instead of USA, in hope to avoid full scale global thermonuclear war. And the puppets installed in their governing bodies do not care about the number of victims.
Simply put: Who do not wish to listen to this man, will listen a nuclear storm…
* * *
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* * *
Archive of texts:
Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2022)
Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2021)
Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2020)
Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2019)
Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2018)

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