When Wikileaks "leaked" the first time, I knew about every single thing People were talking about.
Can you make a difference between ‘I knew about every single thing People were talking about’ and ‘A Court relevant evidences’, @amaterasusolar?
When Wikileaks "leaked" the first time, I knew about every single thing People were talking about.
Can you make a difference between ‘I knew about every single thing People were talking about’ and ‘A Court relevant evidences’, @amaterasusolar?
Um... I'm not quite sure what You're asking for there. I'm just saying that what was "leaked" and what I heard People talking about, I already knew about - whether a court was involved or not. Whether true or not. I had encountered the "leaked" stuff long before the leak.
What you think you have known is of no importance, @amaterasusolar. nobody cares for what you know.
Assange was tortured because he leaked the documents provided by Bradley Manning – documents that reveal criminal nature of the US government and its military industrial complex, and those documents can be used in Court as EVIDENCE.
So, your opinion that ‘Assange is part of the play’ shows how beautifully PsyOps work on you.
So We are told. Were You there to witness Him in jail being tortured? No One cares what You believe of what the alt and mainstream media have told Us about what He went through.
Did You know:
He grew up in an MKUltra cult called "The Family."
He's worked with multiple government organizations, especially US based government organizations.
He lived in the same small town as Craig Wright, where they are both alleged to have worked with the NSA on cryptographic projects – for a future trackable, cashless society – which is why Wikileaks was the first organisation to use and popularize Bitcoin – to make a cashless society seem rebellious and trendy.
Wikileaks never released anything significant, it just released things that undermined national governments – which is perfect if you want a global government, which no one would accept if everyone was proud of their national governments.
Ecuador is a CIA run country, so seeking refuge in there was nothing but part of the play.
He also served the illusion that if you whistle blew, this will happen to you, making it less likely people will whistle blow, and also taking the incentive away because the illusion is, Assange is already doing it.
I must ponder who is psyopped here.
I have never doubt that you will cling for your prejudices based on the fake info.
LOL! I ponder who has the fake info... Never mind that His association with "The Family" and its MKULTRA elements is well documented.
Do have a lovely life.