I know that, but there is still a virus, and it killed a lot of people in Italy.
There is no deadly virus, @sunlit7, you fell for the fake news. Nothing is ever isolated. It’s all fake for the purpose of mass experiment aimed at developing biological weapon… And remove Trump in the process.
Again, in Sept 2019 Trump mandated the use of new technologies in vaccine development. Three months leading to the pandemic. Again, Trump has befriended the man responsible who held the failed patent for the LNP that went into the vaccine development, Vivek. Keep ignoring all the warning signs in place until it's to late. Before you know it, if Trump wins, Vivek's exposure as some medical genius he's not will allow Trump to install him as head of NIH, FDA or CDC, if not outright as VP. There's warning signals and danger signs posted along the whole route of this. You think Fauci was bad, go read my post on Vivek, called Rataswamy.
Also, not to mention, Trump stood right up there and lied. He told people that corona virus wouldn't incubate in eggs and that's why they couldn't develop an egg based vaccine. What about the other lie he told people about immunity when he claimed after getting covid he now had immunity, the next day he came out and said he was wrong, that they'd brought immunity down to six months. (I think six months was the figure without having to look, I'll get it in a bit and give it to you word for word. I have to run some errands for a bit) Honestly, they, at least here in the US, have to install either Biden or Trump for this to continue on the current trajectory it is on. This all hinges on keeping people in place to carry out the agenda who are "in the know".