How the Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix works

in Deep Dives2 months ago (edited)

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Many things in this World seem inexplicable… until we understand how the Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix works

That is why I feel obliged to present to you the picture of the world that I have put together from the few facts available to me. It may not seem nice to you, but a guy about two thousand years ago said it nicely: “Know the truth and the truth will set you free!”

The first thing you need to know is that the Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix (CHPM) is always trying to impose terminology on you that will distort your worldview. It’s the essential part of the manipulation. Thus, the Matrix imposed the name 'Deep State' for the invisible structure that seeks to rule the world's population. This is the first manipulation that we will briefly explain.

The state implies several elements: A certain territory, the population on it, and a structure that performs the protection of the population on its territory using a monopoly over physical coercion. In this case there is no state (neither deep nor shallow) because none of these three elements exist. Instead, there is a monstrous Hidden Empire, whose goal is global domination without protecting any part of the population, as force is used solely for the purposes of plunder, destruction and subjugation.

Anyone who expects Trump to enter into a showdown with the Hidden Empire is sorely mistaken. CHPM operates on a corporate basis, within which a competition is announced for the best plan for global dominance. As the body of the CHPM is currently in the United States, the corporate administration engages two groups of clowns in the theater of global domination: DemocRATS and RepubliCONS.

Since it is a theater with a certain number of participants as employers and employees, see the text on corporatocracy, which I posted last Summer, let’s see who are Dramatis personae – persons of this drama:




MIC............Military/Industrial Complex
BIGT...........Big Tech & Intelligence complex
GMO..........Cancerous GMO food, beverages & tobacco industry
BIGP...........Big Pharma
MSM..........Corporate Media complex
BIGO..........Big Oil & Chemistry

The Boss

FINPLUT......Financial Plutocracy – Masters of the money – FED, Largest financial capital, Wall Street & the Banking sector
Bibi..............CEO of Financial Plutocracy Inc. Polish Zionist by the name of Mielkowski, goes under the pseudonim ‘Benjamin Netanyahu’


Since 1944 and the Bretton Woods Agreement, the Financial Plutocracy has had a mechanism to call for tenders for the realization of global hegemony. Their performers are crooks gathered in two so-called “political parties” with a monopoly in the political theater – DemocRATS and RepubliCONS. It would be too long to go through the play since the beggining, so let’s start from the FINPLUT’s sentimental search for a better actor than Ronald Reagan was. In 2008 they asked DemocRATS if they can produce a skillful con artist to replace a drunken buffoon from RepubliCONS side, and they proudly said…

Yes we can-image.jpg
Source / Извор:

FINPLUT: Alright, let’s hear your plan for the Global Hegemony.

RATS: We have created extremely sophisticated media network all over the globe, and we can create reality on our own. We can blur people’s mind on a massive scale. We can make them willingly die for our interests. We can make men from women and vice versa! And everyone who denies our reality will simply be – canceled!

MIC: Wait! You don’t plan to wage wars?

RATS: Of course we plan wars! But our wars will be a noble wars for democracy! A Humanitarian interventions. Remember how we started with Clinton planning to dismember, occupy and colonize Serbia since 1999? It will be more of that – a Humane genocides! We have a grand plan by the name of ‘Arab Spring’ for seven wars in the first five years… If you give us another tenure:

Wesley Clark, a murderous Zionist. Duration: 2:13

MIC: Fantastic! That con artist of yours should get a Nobel Prize!

MSM: No problem, we’ll take care about that as soon as he is inaugurated.

FINPLUT: OK, you will contact our new CEO in March, and then we will see how will you proceed.

In the first four years plan was more or less effective, with only one blunder made by Hillary Clinton in Libya. So, in 2012, new CEO, Bibi, gave DemocRATS four more years. The problems started at the end of their second term. Russians have entered Syria on the last day of September 2015. And then the outrageous mistake: JCPOA with Iran!

Bibi: Are you out of your mind!? You’ve supposed to make war with Iran, not to sign a peace deal which allows them to make a nuclear weapon!

RATS: You have to have just a little more patience. If we could have another term…

Bibi: RepubliCONS, what can you offer?

CONS: Brute force, as always. We’ll tear that agreement on our first day in power. We have a perfect clown for that job. He even has an acting experience! And his TV show! And he likes to use force!

Bibi: OK, you have next four years!

RATS, BIGP and BIGT look startled. They are whispering something between themselves… Offended, they leave. MSM goes with them.

In 2017 RepubliCONS start feeding Ukronazis with deadly weapons, tearing not only JCPOA, but every Cold War era agreement on the control of nuclear weapons, they are attempting a coup d’état in Venezuela, trying to destabilize North Korea, started economic war against China, bomb Syria again, murder high Iranian general on the territory of Iraq… But they failed to provoke any new hot war.

Bibi: Are you out of your mind? You are a failure! Don’t tell me how the DemocRATS distracted you with Coronavirus Hoax, they were just doing their job of depopulation of a planet that you didn’t help enough!

CONS: But, but… Warp Speed…

Bibi: It was not speed enough! And I even lost my position for a short period of time because of you! You are out! MSM, unplug their puppet right now!

MSM: Yes boss. Cut out that orange one!

Bibi: RATS, what plans do you have now?

RATS: Big one, Boss. We have to end the Afghanistan war to start one very big.

MIC: (smiles and rubs hands) Great, tell us more. Is it China?

RATS: We are going to war with… Wait for it… Russia!

Bibi: Are you out of your mind? They have the largest and the meanest nuclear arsenal on the planet!

RATS: Yes, but they are simply too sane to use it. They are Orthodox. They will never do it against Ukraine, which they consider their land, and we will use that sentiment to destroy them from the inside!

MIC: I second that!

BIGO: Me too. Energy prices were too low for too long. Let’s destroy some important infrastructure!

MIC & BIGT: (In unison) We can do that!

BIGP: But what if that war goes bad? Depopulation with vaccines is much safer.

RATS: We have a contingency plan – creation of the Great Israel!

Bibi: Now you have made me have an erection, and I haven’t had one since Truman! How capable is your POTUS stooge?

RATS: Who cares? We have so well oiled manipulation machinery we can afford even a brain dead candidate as POTUS.

Bibi: Now that movie I would like to see! You have four years!


Unfortunately, a theater play with a brain dead puppet went very quickly into a multi-prong disaster. Russia was getting stronger, BRICS was getting larger, dollar dropped the ball, and the contingency plan in the Middle East was destroyed by the – Yemeni Houthies! In the third year CEO was really angry, and he personally went to Washington to remind the crooks what are they being paid for.

Bibi: This is a disaster. The RATS are tragically incapable. BIGT, can you do something?

BIGT: We can make a fake assassination on the CONS puppet, and make him a God’s messenger. After that, he can do whatever he wants. They are craving for the brute force since McCaine died.

Bibi: OK, we will convert him secretly to Judaism first, and then you do your part of the show.

CONS: Finally a wise decision! You will get your Global domination and Hegemony! We’ll give you Greenland instead of Green Scam! We’ll give you Canada! We’ll give you Panama! We’ll attack Iran and the energy prices will go through the roof for our BIGO! Now you will see how the real war looks like!

BIGO: (Applauds)

RATS: Oh, come on! They are going to take advantage of our hard work! We made the global population poor! We made them eat bugs! We allowed GMO to get enormous parts of arable land of the planet!

GMO: True, true…


January 15th, 2025.
Current date of the ongoing Great Theater Play

That should explain everything you need to know about the relation of DemocRATS and RepubliCONS – in the Election Theater they are fighting for their piece of the pie made by Financial Plutocracy, but out of the Theater they are best friends, both members of the same psycho club, both on the same task… in the relentless war against you.

That should also explain everything you need to know about the relation of Trump & Musk to the CHPM and the Hidden Empire. They are just contractors in the NWO works. Trump will never do anything against the Hidden Empire. Certainly nothing like Abraham Lincoln or John F. Kennedy tried to do.

And besides, you have to know simple truth: There are no sane billionaires. Too much money always brings a psychosis in which those bastards think they have God given right to decide on your life…

The only difference between DemocRATS and RepubliCONS is the plan: DemocRATS has developed Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ plan, and RepubliCONS went with the Orwell’s ‘1984’ plan.

Use this text as a filter when you evaluating events, follow the trends, and you will be surprised how good you can be at predicting events.

Yes, this is a bloody Theater where a hypnotized audience is being plundered and murdered on industrial scale. And you can get your freedom only if you accept the truth and behave accordingly…

* * *

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