Coronavirus: Creating Fake News

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

This time, we are going to try to dismantle the mechanism of fake news creation around the Coronavirus scam. All the steps are now, more or less clear, and supported by official expert data. But let’s start from the beginning…

This is not a story about a deadly virus. This is a story on geopolitical propaganda war evolved into a global fear control experiment…


Everything started at the beginning of the year, as a corporate media campaign against Chinese government, with a heavy ‘Soros stink’ of instilling ‘colored revolutions’. In essence, media have been stating that ‘an epidemic of wide proportions is going on in China, about which its government is hiding data’. Well, they didn’t hide anything. As Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, pulmonology specialist explains, Chinese experts were doing a routine job swabbing flu patients during the seasonal epidemics, like every year, and registering virus types. They have found a new strain of Corona virus, which is not unusual at all. New strains appear regularly almost every year, and some 40 strains of Coronaviruses are already registered. They make up 7% to 15%, maybe 5% to 14%, with small variations, in the virus group that causes flu epidemics. And here are his words:

The following happens: Wuhan is the largest viral laboratory in China. There are a huge number of specialists in the subject who deal with this all day long. Wuhan is a huge city, 11 million people, huge hospitals, huge emergency centers, there are always ventilators, people with pneumonia, hundreds of them, and they do very few tests, less than 50. They look at the viruses they have, examine their RNA in the lab and find a new type. That gets their attention. When a virologist finds such a thing, he registers it in a worldwide database. And this database is accessible to scientists from all over the world, such as Berlin.

Then he explains how corporate media turned a simple flu into an extermination event and you can see it all in his video:

The Ideologists

If you want to know who prepared this idea, you don’t have to look further than well know team of “your friendly billionaires”: Bloomberg, Soros, Gates, gathered at the ‘Event201’ at Baltimore, with their accomplices from Big Pharma (Pharma Bros?) on October 18th 2019, exactly the same day 7th World Military Games were opened in — Wuhan!

Of course its a pure coincidence! Just like a brilliant forecast of WHO that there will be a pandemia while there were only 150 cases registered outside China! Who could thought it could be done in collusion with Big Pharma? Maybe just a few naive persons gathered around the movie titled “Trust WHO”.

Duration: 53:43

WHO and who else?

Corporate media orchestration couldn’t pass without State Department knowledge and approval. They were using a chance to put a pressure at Chinese government, cut their world supply chains, and hope to return production to USA. It’s a hybrid war with the most prominent propaganda and economic elements. Open trade war. China had to respond. And it responded in a brilliant way. They have ‘danced with the devil’ and declared quarantine for the entire Hubei province… closing all the Western corporations in it. The result? After three months China is declaring big win over Coronavirus, and now is recovering economy while opening new business partnerships all over the World by helping ‘nations stricken by the media… I mean corona virus’. With only 3169 deaths, which is a rate of 0,00000213 against the whole population of 1.5 billion… Oh, BTW, they have estimated 60,000 – 120,000 deaths from flu every year in China. So much of ‘existential danger’.

That still doesn’t explain global panic, right? It was more that obvious that, during the days of ‘Wuhan theater’ NATO countries didn’t do a thing to protect themselves from the ‘danger’. Neither the civilian population, nor the Army preparing for the drills ‘European Defender 2020’. They were obviously busy with propaganda war, knowing that there is no real danger. But then, things start to happen. On February 13th 2020, NYSE begin to decline. All other markets follow. After Recep Tayip Erdogan’s unsuccessful adventure into the Syrian Idlib province, on February 28th, he opened Turkish borders and the flood of immigrants moved towards EU. Now the EU suddenly has a good reason to close borders under the excuse of pandemia, creating the illusion of unity and false impression of capability to efficiently address the problems.

Then on March 9th, Saudi Arabia pulls of a big drop in oil prices, bringing the Stock Exchange on the verge of disaster. Suddenly, Big Banks, together with FED, have a nice excuse in the virus to bury failed financial system of the World, and cover their responsibility in the greatest robbery of value in the history of the World… and all of them, drumming into the mighty corporate media, are trying to escape from the responsibility for mass murders, exorbitant plunder of the World, criminal incompetence and many other things hidden behind the curtain of the Wizard of Oz… But that’s what you get when your corporate media let politicians give medical advices instead of experts.


Ah, the consequences… now we have a special phenomenon. While corporate media and WHO are screaming about a mortal danger to all mankind, THEIR OWN data shows this is a seasonal flu as usual, because there is nowhere a deviation from the average data for this part of year. I have sent this updated table with the World data several times so far:

Data from Worldometers site for March 26th, 2020:

Danger listDeaths this yearYearlySource
Cancer1,934,1529,6 millionWHO
Alcohol589,0303 millionWHO
Traffic Accidents317,8981.3 – 1.9 millionWHO
Flu114,480291,000 – 646,000CDC

Do not forget that the current death rate of Coronavirus is highly misleading. It is calculated only related to reported cases. Since the symptoms can be really mild, many people haven’t been reported at all.

Currently, EU is the ‘epicenter of a fake tragedy’ so let’s see the situation there. Here we have two graphs from the European monitoring of excess mortality until week 12, 2020, which means until today. Data is gathered from the 24 European countries or regions of countries. The weekly bulletin is published every Thursday around noon. As you can see, neither at EU level…


…nor at the states level, there is no excessive deviations from the average for this time of year.


And you can see that flu seasons 2016/17 and 2017/18 in Europe had much higher mortality than today. Do you remember corporate media made a hysteria then? I know it’s hard to believe, and you must still be asking yourself: “How is it possible? Aren’t people dying in Italy?”

The mechanism of fraud

Yes they are, but not outside of the average for this time of year. The only difference is… Let’s take very high mortality in the flu seasons 2016/17, highest in the observed period of four years. At the time, if anyone would feel symptoms JUST LIKE Coronavirus today, he would go home, took a usual flu therapy with drinking a lots of fluids and resting. In a week, flu is gone in a majority of cases, with around 0.01 death rate, mainly among the older persons, those whose immune system was already compromised. They would die quietly at home, and were recorded as a natural deaths.

Today, you have a corporate media hysteria, state of emergency, curfew, and instead to go home and rest, people are rushing to hospitals. Of course there are not enough beds for all, of course that health care systems inside EU are falling apart, and of course only the most urgent cases are admitted. Now you have the most endangered population in hospitals, with the highest death rate, and you have cameras inside ready to record every death, making hysteria ever higher. You see now how easy is to distort a view to a common flu?

Yes, it’s a common flu

Can we be sure? Yes. All the stats are consistent with the common flu, and the enormous Coronavirus death rate numbers are false, because the common flu death rate are measured against the ESTIMATED cases, while Coronavirus deaths are measured only in relation to the CONFIRMED, registered cases (as stated below the Worldometers table), which are much smaller group – ergo, higher rate! Here is an insider from the NHS who is telling how it’s done:

We will take out two quotes:

So only the ones who [have] been admitted to the ward would be tested. In which case that is a fraction of the patients that actually present to the emergency department. I feel if people see the magnitude of patients presenting to the emergency department for treatment and notice how much of these patients are actually positive, it may cause a scare.

Or, it may drastically lower mortality rate!

In terms of testing staff, there has been a complete ban on it, including the staff that have been treating COVID-19 patients and have consequently fallen ill. These are treated as having a flu-like illness and not to label themselves as COVID-19 because they have not been tested.

It is very interesting how this “whistleblower” didn’t think that staff is being “treated as having a flu-like illness” because IT IS a flu illness!

And it is treated like a flu illness. If you followed my series on Coronavirus, you could see here links to the works of three Chinese pharmacists published in a scientific journal BioScience Trends at the beginning of this year, and French scientific study notified to the world by Didier Raoult, confirming efficacy of the drug Hydroxychloroquine, with 100% healing in combination with antibiotic azithromycin. If you could not find Hydroxychloroquine, you could take an aspirin! Like you would do in the case of flu!

Instead of being publicly praised, Didier Raoult has been denounced as ‘fake news’ by Le Monde and Facebook, despite a fact that he has offered his research and three other studies from China proving effectiveness of this drug. Imagine that: Fake news corporate media are declaring a fake news on a renowned scientist with decades of experience!

The critique says that Didier Raoult used a small sample of only 40 patients, and that extensive clinical studies were necessary. Really? Extensive clinical studies would be necessary if it was a new drug, but it is known from 1949, and in worldwide use since 1955. If you have a 100% success on 40 patients with a proven drug, you don’t need “extensive clinical studies”. It does seems like corporate media do need more time for their Big Pharma clients to sell their ineffective and expensive garbage with a fancy label.

Not only that — this time we have a link to the work of nine Chinese scientists, published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, under the title Potential False-Positive Rate Among the 'Asymptomatic Infected Individuals' in Close Contacts of COVID-19 Patients – and just after it has been posted to YouTube…

Duration: 2:15

…it was retracted!


Nothing to see here, right?

Another expert opinion, dissenting to the corporate media insanity, you may find at Sophie Shevarnadze, in her talk with Michael Favorov, epidemiologist and president of DiaPrep System Inc., who is explaining how ‘negative selection group’ can distort results of mortality rate, and how the true situation is – very similar to influenza.

If you already had common cold or flu in the last five months, you have probably already developed immunity to COVID-19, that will last 5 years. So, you don’t need an expensive and possibly dangerous COVID-19 vaccine made by Big Pharma.

If you do not feel symptoms and you have a sunny day, you would do much better favor to your health if you go out, because Sun kills germs very efficiently. But from the screens you will get only panic advices: ‘Stay at home, do not have social contacts!’ And you have state authority which will crackdown on you with full force if you do not comply. What better evidence you want that we already live in a…

Prison planet

The idea of a prison in your mind is attributed to British philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) and his famous Panopticon prison design, from the 18th Century. Best rehash of this idea we have seen in a brilliant book of George Orwell, “1984” – dark vision of the future where people are controled through fear. Just like today… You are being watched through cameras, your smartphones…

…and even robots:

You are not allowed to go out of your four walls, unless you are asked to go out by the authority. It’s a dream of tyrants. And it has been accepted everywhere. Israel was the first to publicaly announce their open intention for control, U.S. has a Graham-Blumenthal bill dubbed EARNIT in procedure (see point 6. of this text,) British are in, and even Russia joined the surveillance club.


Let’s at the end summarize the bunch who are actively working on the control of the masses through fear. Ladies and Gentlemen, the big virus promoters are:

  • Plutocrats in need for the absolute control and surveillance, who are using a chance to conduct the experiment of forcing the scared herd into the corral

  • Big banking and big pharma murderers who do not consider curing patients is a sustainable business model

  • Disgustingly wealthy corporation owners who will take this opportunity for a new wave of layoffs. The big crisis 2008/09 has increased global unemployment by 22 million people. UN estimates at least 25 million layoffs as a consequence of this crisis, while Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard has much worse estimation for the U.S. workers. He says almost a third of U.S. labour force could be dismissed in the second quarter calling it ‘a massive investment in public health’!

  • Political scum class from the US of A is weaponizing virus against geopolitical opponents, while at the same time using it for mutual political showdowns

  • EU bureaucrats using a virus excuse to create an illusion of unity, while governments of EU countries are using it to reestablish national state borders

  • State puppet governments eager to cancel all your privacy rights and human dignity, so they could better serve to their masters in the financial plutocracy

  • Malthusian scum which gets a hard-on every time someone mentions depopulation

  • All the fraudsters who sold snake oil in the 19th Century, and today they are selling ‘a hand sanitizer that destroys coronavirus’ with a guarantee 99.99%! (Purell) Or false coronavirus tests. Or the ‘designer’ face masks. Protection gloves. False medicaments. Toilet paper…

Feel free to add a group of scoundrels if I have forgotten someone.

I can’t help but asking: Will the sheeple wake up before the slaughter?

* * *

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Thanks for sharing.
I have shared #POSH on FB
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I will also ReHive.
We need to provide a solution. I share links to a solution, the Matrix-8 Platform in my post of yesterday:
Your feedback would be appreciated.

Thank you very much for your support, Glad to see there are more thinking people that do not fall for this criminal scam. And you are right, we should focus on developing a strategy of resistance to the alienated governments.

And thank you for your response @lighteye. There is a thread developing here which you might like to view/comment on.

Dear editor, before I write down my answer I must precise one point : I work as a freelance market analyst using hive (and steem earlier) to spread my ideas and points, but my main job, the one occupying 140% of the official work time is doctor in an emergency center in Switzerland. That had to be said on first.

As I came threw your words, I finally felt someone else is doing its best to spread the truth. I can only congratulate you for your excellent work. I am spending most of my days trying to bring real help to people in special needs, but those magnificent lockdowns restrain all our possibilities. Too many times now I have seen bad cares given because of a so-called pandemic that prevents common sense to be applied.

This presupposed death threat has permit to justify so many actions whose only goal was to hide the real weakness of our economy. We're probably facing one of the worst economical crisis in history. Only next weeks will tell but it already looks like this statement is true. But no worries dear governors, presidents, etc., your position is secured now. The big evil isn't your political decisions anymore. It is the great vilain Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2 !

So for the sake of all the patients who need real help, who need strong hospitals and cares, please continue to spread those words !

Very glad I’m not alone in this, @blesspatrick. Thank you very much for your support

Thank you for speaking out, @lighteye! Here in the UK the 'emergency' Coronavirus Bill was rushed through as law on 24th March, despite the fact that, "As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high-consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.", according to the website. The implications of this are massive and shocking, even to those of us who have been predicting and watching this tyranny unfolding for many years. It's so all-encompassing that speaking out publicly is now a "revolutionary act" of Orwellian proportions. But it's also absolutely necessary! THANK YOU <3

There is a lot of interesting information here, @lighteye. Yes, I think it is mostly similar to the flu, but I'm seeing different numbers. I just read, for example, that the CDC says there have been something like 23,000 flu deaths so far this year (as of March 14), which is directly on par with COVID-19. But the flu is seasonal and the numbers are expected to decline as they always do this time of year, whereas coronavirus is moving in waves across the globe, and the numbers are on a steep climb.

I will share with you what I've said to others when people say things like "it's over-blown" or "it's no worse than the flu." The fact is that it's not understood yet, we don't have immunity to it, and any leaders (heads of governments, companies, organizations, schools) who don't take it seriously and put measures in place to stop the spread are going to take the fall and have hell to pay for not having protected the people and made the right decisions before it swept through. When it's people's parents and siblings and babies who are losing their lives under your watch, at that point statements like "it's only 22,000 deaths" are senseless and cruel.

The fact is that it's not understood yet, we don't have immunity to it

The fact is that there isn’t anything new to understand because it is a flu, and we get immunity to it if we got it. Everything is a big corporate media LIE. Please look at least the graphs and explanation of numbers under title ‘The mechanism of fraud’. All the numbers are based on a wrong model. Look at the video with Michael Favorov, where he talks about ‘negative selected group’. It’s a media lie, and all the experts with a dissenting opinion are expelled from the corporate media. They can only say something through YouTube. And here is another truth breaking through the corporate media lies:

This is going to vanish in April as any seasonal flu, and the numbers combined with the flu will not be above the seasonal average. Don’t be afraid, don’t watch corporate media, and we’ll hear again in a month to do the math, @jayna. Then you can think what will you do to those who have performed this scam on you.

I'm not an arguer. We just pay attention to different media sources and have been brain-washed differently. :-)

But I'll share a few more thoughts, for what they are worth.

I don't think anyone's arguing that COVID-19 is completely different from the flu. In fact, reliable (non-polarized, politically-motivated etc.) sources like the Pan American Health Organization are trying to help people understand the similarities and differences, e.g. in this article.

The video you shared argues that a significant number of people who die from COVID-19 would have died by year's end anyway (or something to that effect). That makes me incredibly sad - that we've come to a place and time when human life is viewed so flippantly, so disrespectfully. People are old and frail and don't matter? Well. All I can say is that I hope I am not dumped out with the trash if I become frail and vulnerable. I hope my life will matter to the people I love, and to the people in my community with whom I've shared meals and walks, conversation and wine and ideas. I hope I don't just become a number, and that it's okay for me to die when a virus rolls in.

I know I'm in an echo chamber here. You've chosen your stance and what you want to hear and not hear. You've firmly decided this all blows over in April. I would love for you to be right on that. And I'm not interested in trying to change your mind. My only point is that I wish that people who have chalked all this up to conspiracy would be open to the voices of people who do care about the lives of the individuals who are dying from this disease, and believe that we each carry a responsibility to slow the spread so it harms fewer people.

The spread of the virus in the next two weeks in the U.S. could be explosive, as it has been in New York in the last few weeks, or it could be gradual and somewhat contained if everyone took it seriously and didn't just wave a hand and say it's fake news and go about their business. So I guess this is a little bit of a plea. Please, please care. Do the right thing. It's all fun and games until it's your own mother or sister or aunt, who was contributing to society and overall doing fine although she perhaps has a tendency toward bronchial infections. Or it's my brother-in-law, who has a lung transplant and survived a debilitating disease that would have killed him a few years ago, but for a miracle. This disease, though, could take him down after all that.

That's all I have to say. Again, not up for arguing, but maybe this provides a little more insight on a different perspective than your own.

If that piques your interest, then have a look at this collection of personal stories about COVID-19 from around the world, collected by @pennsif. (Granted they are mostly about lock-down.)

Here are more personal stories:

Again, we probably just need to agree to disagree. But I felt like I needed to give an alternative viewpoint - about caring and personal responsibility. And I am never, ever a sheep.

I'm not an arguer.

Neither am I. I do not argue. I am showing you the truth. Are you ready to see?

We just pay attention to different media sources and have been brain-washed differently. :-)

No, @jayna, I’m sorry, but you are paying attention to different media sources. I am sending you documents and witness statements, evidence material just like I was doing while I was going before the Court of Justice as a lawyer. I do not care for media reports. Event 201 is not a media report, it is their site. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Dr. Michael Favorov and Didier Raoult are all experts and witnesses to the big lie. You have official data from WHO, UNAIDS, CDC, CSE and European mortality monitoring… numbers there do not lie, these are not media reports. You have links to scientific works in the BioScience Journal, U.S. National Library of Medicine, and at Mediteranee Infection.

Here is one from your source:

Q. What are the differences in symptoms between COVID-19 and influenza?

While symptoms of the two viruses are similar, the percentage of people with severe disease appear to be different. For COVID-19, current data suggests that 80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% are severe, requiring oxygen, and 5% are critical, requiring ventilation. These percentages of severe and critical infections are higher than with influenza.

No, they aren’t, Numbers are manipulated. For influenza they have taken estimated cases, and for COVID-19 registered cases. Of course the rates are higher with the much smaller group. Michael Favorov calls it ‘negative selection group’. You could see that answer in my text under the “Yes, it’s a common flu” section. And PAHO does not cite any other difference. Isn’t that just a bit suspicios for you?

Personal stories are just that – stories. I have relatives and friend who already had it and got well. It’s a flu.

And I am never, ever a sheep.

Prove it. Show me that you know the difference between the evidence material and media reports.

Sigh. I'm trying to help you see a viewpoint that is not about macro numbers and stats, but real people who don't want to catch this thing and be a statistic. That's all. The numbers climbed exponentially in New York in two weeks' time. That will also happen across the U.S. with inaction. Some percentage (though small) get very very ill. Some die. But if we act responsibly, fewer people will die.

No, @jayna, media tell you that numbers are rising exponentially. Numbers tells you that there is no deviation from the seasonal average. Numbers don’t lie. Media does. And then State takes leftovers of your freedom. While you are ‘responsible’…

If only the sheeple would wake up!


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