Truth and morality are the foundation for determining the quality and condition of our lives. Moral truth is the greatest “capital” (chief, most important, head) investment to make in life. Spending our time and paying attention (our currency in life) to understand morality and live morally is the highest, truest most authentic aspiration to strive for in life. This allows us to progressively become better, truer, realer and higher versions of ourselves, as a “higher self”.

The more morality we live by the more freedom we get. The less morality we live by the less freedom we get (more slavery).
The degree to which we diverge from the truth, reality and existence, and more specifically the path and way of moral truth, will determine the quality and condition of our lives, and the degree to which we experience confusion, suffering and chaos in our lives. Believing 2+2=5 will send you on a false path of understanding, while understanding and seeing (vision, wisdom) the truth of 2+2=4 will set you on the right path. The more we build on top of falsehoods, the more we diverge from an accurate understanding and more favorable, optimal or correct way of living.
Our actions are affected by the falsity that we accept, leading onto false paths. Once a falsity is accepted, it can be corrected and by extension correct our path in life. Our belief in something being true and the denial of truth are the two main ways we are fooled into accepting falsity.
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
– Soren Kierkegaard
In many ways, we are our own worst enemies, both as individuals and in the aggregate. We fool ourselves because we reject the supreme importance of truth in our lives. We judge, offend and insult ourselves by going against reality, existence and truth. Collectively, we are creating our own suffering at the large systemic scale. We create our own suffering with respect to the aggregate overall condition on this planet. We are all involved. This is why the world is in states of suffering.
Truth or consequence. Be right or go wrong. The choice is ours. The consequences are ours to bear. Do you want to keep being fooled and keep fooling yourself? I hope not. Actions must be taken to remedy our current foolish ways.
Being and becoming aware of the various ways we are creating harm and suffering for ourselves is important. The reality of what we are doing can be known. The truth about the problems and why they are occurring can be discovered. As we increase our understanding of the truth, we become more consciously aware of the reality that ‘is’. We become better able to respond to this existence we collectively live in. Our ability to respond is our response-ability, our responsibility.
Through awareness of our reality we can come to develop an increasingly accurate comprehension of various truths; to be better able to recognize the nature of the current condition we experience and exist in; to truly understand the root causal factors that are contributing to our collective problems and suffering. With truth we can understand how these problems function and why we see them manifesting in our shared reality.
The refusal to admit and acknowledge truth is synonymous with a disunity, disharmony, and divergence from the reality of what is occurring. The mistakes persist and are don’t get corrected. This fracture from perceiving reality accurately degrades the human condition. Acceptance and alignment with truth opens the pathway of possibility to see a better way forward. We can live in greater harmony with the principles of moral truth, of Natural Moral Law, which allows the human experience to flower into something better.
The classic analogy of truth as light applies well to elucidate how to overcome our situation. The light shines away the darkness, dispelling the ignorance, falsity and deceptions that keep us from actualizing greater potentials of our being. Truth can be uncomfortable, as light can hurt eyes that are submerged in darkness. Truth is divided from falsity as light is divided from darkness. Truth unites while lies and falsity divide. Embracing and caring for truth will take us towards the light and away from the darkness that keeps us divided from our truer, higher and realer potential.
Very interesting post @krnel. Thank you for writing.
We live in very confusing times and to distinguish between the truth and falsehood is not always easy.
As a Christian I look to God for guidance because He is the ultimate truth and light.