Political correctness has become more absurd in the past few years. But this year tops the cake. The protests are showing how much the mindset of some lefties needing a "safe spaces" has even turned on the left. Political and other discourse is being derailed by cries of defining oppositional speakers as bigots and racists when they aren't.

Robby Soave of reason.com describes 'safetyism' as "an impulse to be sheltered not just from physical harm but emotional turmoil". And this desire to be protected from anything one objects to is the reason there is so much intolerance and hostility towards free speech. A "personal sense of safety" is the reason used to demand authorities enact punitive actions to punish those they don't agree with.
This has started in college and university campuses, but it has been spreading like wildfire.
A popular incident occurred at the New York Times. An op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R–Ark.) claimed that its publication threatened the lives of it' black employees. This is pretty ridiculous. Expressing an unpopular opinion got him threats, and ultimately the New York Times fired opinion page chief James Bennet who let the piece run. Can't have any opinions out there that contradict others, or object to the riots.
Another incident is the UCLA suspension of lecturer Gordon Klein. Students who didn't want to do their studies, and instead protest, asked for exemptions from the final exam, to boost grades, but only for blacks. That racial discrimination. He refused, and wrote a letter to make fun of their demands basically, saying he wouldn't give preferential exam treatment to students because of their skin color. Yet, UCLA is "investigating" him for "racial discrimination". Another retarded example of what's happening with the assault on critical thinking in society.
Yet another example is niversity of Chicago economist Harald Uhlig. Daring to oppose the radical demands of some of the protesters had him receive calls to resign as editor of the school's Journal of Political Economy. Again from the PC-leftist New York times, several columnists urged "the University of Chicago, which is the publisher of the Journal of Political Economy, to review Uhlig's performance and suitability to continue as editor." No trace of racism could be found to incriminate, but that doesn't matter.
A leftist Intercept journalist Lee Fang was also a target and denounced as a racist and publicly shamed by a colleague. What did he do? Daring to interview a black protester who criticized violent tactics. The colleague received 30,000 likes and 5,00 retweets for calling him a racist, when he isn't.
People don't care what's true anymore. They just want to punish people for disagreeing with their sacred ideologies that are basically bullshit because they can't stand up to opposition. This is the world we are living in now. This is the type of thinking that is being supported by many in the public, in so-called "academia" and in the media. Contrary opinions or facts don't matter. The "safe spaces" of people who don't want to let others speak and contradict their worldview is what matters.
This is what i would like, however, it would require half of the faculty to be fired.
When i was in college, decades ago, i knew more than many professors who were teaching the classes that i had to take. (i just didn't know their jargon)
So, how do these "professors" get to teach in a university? They are obviously not qualified.
Further, i would love to, just once, be able to hold a class, or a seminar and charge the rates per seat that universities do today. In fact, most universities charge more for a class than a person tutor for the same time and information.
It is really interesting how cognitive dissonance, instead of being taken apart, analyzed and worked through is now coddled, encouraged and trained into students. Thus creating snow flakes.
Yeah there are some knowledgeable and some less so knowledgeable people. It sucks when you get people that are warped by ideology. Someone studying in 'gender studies' isn't going to gain much valuable knowledge...
The ironic part of these so called safe spaces is I wouldn't feel very safe inside one of them. I have this intuitive gut feeling I would be denigrated and possibly assaulted severely enough to warrant medical care or worse inside one of them.
Where this is heading (unless they contain themselves to left leaning areas) will bring a push back that is frightening as well. The hatred and need for revenge has blinded so many they are attacking others not responsible. At no time have I felt so close to the civil war I've felt was coming for many years now.
Indeed, they aren't safe. It's an inversion of safety that turns into hate. Very twisted. Another civil war fomented by a engineered racial tensions has been talked about for many years in the independent thinking/alt info. At least since 2010 is when I was aware of this push to bring in a divide and fracture America to bring in NWO.
The illustration is fantastic. The perfect way to say so many things in one single image.
This attitude is very similar to the one of a toddler who doesn't want to hear a no and who does not accept things not going his way. A mature brain going into toddler mode. It is quite dangerous to give power to the ones who are now in "toddler mode".
Freedom of speech is irrelevant in such cases.
Yeah its the first image that captivated me when I was searching for one. Toddler mode is a good way to describe it.
The days of honest discussion of differing views seems to be gone. The cancel culture attacks anyone that dares to have an opinion that defers from the current radical left view.
Yes the cancel culture is strong on Hive and Steem lol.
Some people spend far too much time trying to make themselves out to be better than other people by encouraging hate rather than understanding. Nothing safe about trying to understand your rivals rather than hate them.
Yup, there is a lot of hate when some people come up against opposing views they don't like.
My friend, Thanks for sharing this with us. The word " Safe Spaces" as the name implies means alot. There are several people out there who are interested in themselves alone. Nobody should stand up and voice. It will never happen but I think we are going to the ground where everyone will be free to speak out his or her mind soon. Freedom of speech on the go.
I'm not too sure about that. The calls for "free speech" for many protesters don't include all speech, only what they deem acceptable.
That's true from your own perceptive. You rightly said.
Oh... my vegetable salad! Speaking of lefties... I am so related to this topic! This was really a big debate against the lefties! In this regard, politics cannot be eliminated. Lefties always in a safe place of making problems or trouble in the government.
Vegetable salad? You got a problem with salad?!? :P
Hahahahaha... My expression! Hahahahaha... Unique! LOL
The phenomenon of "safetyism" that you describe is unfortunately very real and widespread, but I reject the idea that this is a problem, "of the left". The fact is that the people who suffer from this mental disease don't have the intellectual capacity or knowledge of history to have any coherent ideology. The idea that there exists a binary, left/right paradigm is, in itself extremely questionable. Its not useful to try to place mentally fragile, intellectually crippled people whose behavior is entirely governed by perceived cues from their peer group on a "political spectrum". One of the people you cite in your article, Lee Fang, is an excellent example of someone who is actually, "on the left" (as it is generally understood to exist) who was attacked by this mob of apolitical reactionaries because he dissented against their dogma.
Unfortunately, in the United States, people are dumb and getting dumber. At the end of the day, you cannot have a functional, self-governed society filled with stupid people. Its not an easy problem to fix.
The majority of people who advocate for "Safe spaces" are on the left. I have yet to see an example of someone on the right who asks for a safe space... not that there isn't. These aren't absolutes, but generally true with possible outliers. I didn't say it was everyone on the left, int eh second sentence: "some lefties". I'm not right or left, I'm against masters/rulers of any political party.
Can we take out the politics from the reason.
Can we just see the main reason why people are out there and not their proposed reasons.
Black people have suffered for years. Sometimes for looking at white people.
Now this protest are to fight the years of oppression.
The persons you described in your story are being acted against for the first time in their lives I hope they can handle it.
LOL, yeah who cares about wrongs done to people now, because we need to shut them up for saying things that are even true. Let's not apply principles across the board, equally to everyone. Great plan and "reason" to let it continue.
Lol, yeah let's take their jobs and give it to mexicans. I'm not saying that is a good thing that they've lost their jobs. Why can't they understand the reason behind the protest and find a common ground between them and the students protesting.
If the lecturers understood the reason behind the protest one way to support the movement would be to let students protest.
But the whole system is against it. Meaning they don't understand. Meaning the problem that started the protest in the first place isn't over.
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