It's hilarious to see what unreasonable "rules" and "laws" the people in power chose to enact on the rest of us. In the latest round of authoritarian control of the manufactured corona non-crisis, San Francisco' Contra Costa County has been crawling towards a "re-opening" of society.
The number of people that can gather in one area has been increased amid the protesting, but only for protesters. Int their infinite wisdom, "leaders" and "health professionals" have declared that 12 non-protesters are equally as "deadly" as 100 protesters. Makes total sense.
I don't think they can stop protesters from gathering more. It seems the elites in power just want to appear like they have some say, some control, or some generosity to let people gather. Their loyal citizens can pick which narrative they want to justify the actions of the government this time.
They are also slowly -- for the "safety" of everyone -- opening up businesses like indoor retail shopping, business offices, outdoor museums, pet grooming, housekeeping, car washes and plumbing.
“This latest step toward reopening our county is a reflection of our successful collective effort as a community to limit the spread of the virus,” county Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano said in a statement. “I know there’s a lot of frustration out there, but it’s important to keep in mind that interventions like social distancing have saved lives.”
This new math might be an opportunity for businesses to increase their revenue and "legally" have more people at one time. Think about it. Rather than just a "Store", you change your name to "Protest Store". That way you can have more than 12 people at once.
Any other business that isn't allowed to be open can just substitute "Protest" in their name and they can have 100 people at a time as well. Genius! ProtestBar, ProtestRestaurant, etc.
Of course the lockdown and shutdown of society is credited with the total of 37 deaths in the San Francisco county. I went looking to see what age these people were. It seems the deaths are mostly the same target group as everywhere: elderly. The same group that is vulnerable to dying from the flu as well.
An update on Contra Costa County has a section for nursing home deaths.
Those aren't specific numbers, but let's say it's near 20. And that's only nursing homes. Like elsewhere, elderly outside of nursing homes are those most affected as well. I can't find specifics for age groups though. Since about 79% of deaths are in those 65 and above in general, I would think it would be the same here.
This country still has a "shelter in place" order. They still won't let restaurants, bars, gyms and movie theaters open. But you can go to a retail store, yet can't go camping in parks. Colleges are online only, while "K-12 schools are distance learning". Consistency. I like it!
These rules make no logical sense whatsoever... it's just fear mongering at this point. They've lost control of things atm, people have had enough of this circus.

You know, the image above reminded me of the colour coded Terror Alerts after 9/11 and I was going to say that I'm surprised they don't have a colour coded COVID-19 alert system for the pandemic, as a joke of course,...but actually they DO have something like this in Texas! omg
Well shit... look at that idiocy. Man the mind control... it's so Orwellian it's hard to believe what we're living in...
Put on your virus virtue signaling device (your mask) and join in the New Church of Perpetual Safe Spaces. Unless of course you are a violent rioter then go bust stuff up with government approval.
Oh wow. You are so correct. I never thought of this like that -- virtue signaling is now putting on your gloves, mask and treating yourself (and everyone else) like a walking viral infection. The times they are a changing... I really think it has to get worse before it gets better. I am hanging in for the long haul.
Yup, sounds right. Arrest the peaceful ones, let the violent ones roam free.
Outrageous. I am still amazed on how much people can endure and how obedient they've become.
The belief in authority is strong.
you have to burn shit down to get out and about in's the only preventative for ChiCom Flu
Can't use roads, those buildings are the in way... burn it. :P
I've gone from burning outrage to amused contempt in less than a week; better for my adrenal system AND I get to sleep this way. But it strengthens the resolve to move out to small town America
"Int their infinite wisdom, "leaders" and "health professionals" have declared that 12 non-protesters are equally as "deadly" as 100 protesters. Makes total sense."
Well, that's not really what they're saying or implying.... it's a strawman. Your argument is sound without resorting to intellectual dishonesty IMO. That's stooping to their level.
I do think protests should be less limited than social gatherings. Social gatherings, while important, can be delayed. Protest can't, as it is one of our only means of addressing grievances, of which there are many. We should be protesting the lockdown, the social engineering, the bailouts, the corruption, the cashless society, the fraud of MSM and medical journals, etc etc. We should also protest the 100 people limit, as it is unconstitutional and not based in any science or logic.
How is the comparison 12 to 100 a straw man?
I mean I don't think anybody is actually declaring 12 non-protesters are as deadly as 100 protesters. Unless somebody actually said that (link?) then you're guessing at best. It's an easy to defeat position, a strawman. Like you said very sarcastically and dismissively, "makes total sense".
I'm not implying anything other than to point out the strawman. I don't disagree with your post. Like I said, your argument doesn't need to reach. But if someone actually is saying that "12X are as deadly as 100Y", please link me so I can join you in mocking them :p
This is getting hilarious!
I disagree with your views concerning how seriously the pandemic should be treated, but I agree wholeheartedly that the governments' levels of inconsistency are straining credulity at best. I think we should accept that people simply won't social distance so make wearing a mask legally required on the federal level. Limit how people can appear, not where they can appear. Just my 2 cents.
Y0ur post very motivated, and i Like this post