Effective Treatments for COVID-19 Have Been Blocked, Reason to Get Off the Corona-Phobia Bandwagon Pt.5

in Deep Dives5 years ago

This is unbelievable, but it's true. As early as February, treatments against COVID-19 were confirmed to work to reduce the severity and recovery time drastically.

French physician and microbiologist Didier Raoult has used and recorded the effectiveness of using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with azithromycin (AZ) and zinc in early diagnosis. This protocol worked with over 99% effectiveness in a trial done in February.

Another doctor who used HCQ offlabel was Dr. Anthony Cardillo in LA. He used HCQ with zinc. Rather than early diagnosis treatment, Dr. Cardillo has been using it on patients who were very ill. He says within 12 hours, they were "basically symptom free". That's amazing.

Why wasn't it being used then? Why is it still not being used? Why isn't the media reporting this drug as a "life saver", and calming down the overblown fears they initiated?

Despite the deficits of President Trump, he mentioned the use of HCQ in a press briefing. Then the gatekeeping tool Fauci stepped up to denounce it as untested and essentially not to use it. The media also continued the gatekeeping to supress the information about this drugs effectiveness. As far as they were concerned, it was dangerous to use.

This drug has been around since the 1950s. It has a long history of being safe to use, at least in the short term for treating an illness that only lasts 2 weeks. There is no danger with this short term use. Only some problematic side effects with long term use.

Nonetheless, the media was pushing the agenda of danger. A poorly conducted sham study was done in April, that concluded more people died when using HCQ than not using it. The media didn't look at how valid the study was, or how it was done. They jumped on it to push the idea of proof that HCQ was more harmful than not using, even deadly.

The study claims there was in increased mortality rate compared to those who weren't given HCQ. The media portrays this as those who got nothing, did better than those who got HCQ only. As if that is the control group who got nothing. But looking at the study, there is no control group. Those who did better were given a portion of the proper protocol, either HCQ+AZ, or AZ alone. They weren't simply given nothing.

HCQ alone doesn't do the job, you need the AZ or zinc to heal from the virus infection. But the study is being touted by the media as proof that HCQ is a failure. What a joke.

The study did admit some other issues, that it wasn't randomized, and that it was influenced by demographic composition where disproportionately higher rates of COVID-19 hospitalized patients are black. COVID-19 seems to affect blacks people more. Additionally, the median age was 70 years old! Their target group was more likely to be severely affected in two ways. But, blame HCQ for not being able to make people recover who were already in a serious condition. Even the Fauci touted Remdesivir is not effective in the server stages either.

That's not all. The study didn't even mention the dosage that was given. And those who conducted the study are ophthalmologists, they work on the eye. Why they did decided to actually do this study is very odd. Eye doctors doing a drug study for treating a virus?

This is not even a study, it's a sham, as Dr. Stephen Smith has said. He "can't believe anyone to this seriously". There is no data on the dosage amount of when it was given. Yes, this is being touted as a "study". When does a drug study not mention the dose? That's unheard of. Pseudoscience is running the show, and the media loves using it. They don't want people to be healed by HCQ+AZ+zinc, or vitamin C, D, A, zinc or other therapies. They want inflated death counts to keep the fear-hype panic alive.

All the way back in August 2005, the NIH funded a hydrochloroquine study titled "Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread". This study looked at the effect of chloroquine on the infection and spread of coronavirus.

The conclusion states:

Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.

Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director, worked for the NIH since the 1980s. Yet, Fauci never did anything to promote this potential treatment. Fauci has done nothing to promote the use of this life saving treatment, nor others like vitamin C, A, D and others.

Instead, Facui tried to promote remdesivir as really promising as it allegedly cut recovery time down from 15 days to 11, if I recall his claims accurately. But HCQ taking away symptoms in 12h-2 days was shown to work, yet for some reason he wouldn't accept it and decided to promote another drug that would cost more.

The remdesivir was a bust. As Zerohedge pointed out:

The study authors also note that the "findings in our trial should be compared with those observed in a randomized trial from China in which 237 patients were enrolled (158 assigned to remdesivir and 79 to placebo).... That trial failed to complete full enrollment (owing to the end of the outbreak), had lower power than the present trial (owing to the smaller sample size and a 2:1 randomization), and was unable to demonstrate any statistically significant clinical benefits of remdesivir."

So much for Fauaci's "promising" drug he was promoting. And he's still not promoting HCQ that works. Maybe he wasn't promised any kickbacks from it's makers which he might have had for remdesivir?

Meanwhile, more studies and trials on HCQ are done, and they all keep showing it's success.

People are being conditioned to fear short-term use of HCQ to treat COVID-19, for whatever reason, like heart attacks, or the previous bullshit non-study. Yet, where was this fear for patients who have been using HCQ for malaria or arthritis for years, and they are still alive and well? It's all bullshit.

Vitamins A, C & D, as well as nutritional IV’s, iodine, ozone and nebulization to support the immune system have been used to help combat the illness. But anyone claiming to treat COVID-19 with natural healthy immune boosting nutrients is told by the FTC they aren't allowed. The FBI has even raided clinics offering free Vitamin C treatments.

Instead, doctors were using killer intubation ventilators and watching patients die at a rate of 9/10 in New York City. HCQ and zinc could have saved them, and has saved some lucky people who didn't have robotic procedure-following doctors treating them. Oxygen treatments were denied out of fear of spreading the virus, when all evidence shows that the problem isn't with breathing, but with oxygen not being transported in the blood. Oxygen treatments do help as well.

This is the mad world we are living in. The masters in positions of authority want to prevent people from knowing of ways they can easily fend off the symptoms of COVID-19 and heal quicker. They are helping the virus kill more people, when they could be helping people live instead. It's frustrating and unbelievable that this would be happening, yet it's true. And this is why it's damn time to get off the bullshit corona-phobia bandwagon.



I totally agree with the scepticism and the critical thinking behind any study or media report. Never trust headlines, as the majority are click bait and are loaded for one side or the other. It would be nice to see an actual study just state the facts and then the media also just report the facts. There are too many vested interests on both sides, the zero sum game is the ultimate downfall.

Look at Dr. John Ioannidis in my last post about no pandemic. His studies are solid. Just collect data and report it.

Yes! Homeoprophylaxis is also having great success, as is the individual use of homeopathic remedies particular to the unique symptom pattern and stage of illness. HP is homeopathic use of the actual virus to create a remedy which informs our immune system in an integrated and holistic manner - Free And Healthy Children International are doing a big proving around this right now, and I'll be taking my remedy this very morning! https://freeandhealthychildren.org/

Homeopathy has been used immensely successfully over the centuries to treat pandemics, but is suffering from institutional/ pharmaceutical/ mainstream oppression worldwide - and in many places is having to literally go 'underground' - being forced to create structures and organisations with elements of boundary and secrecy, to allow the work to go on.

Many govts around the planet, influenced heavily by big pharma funding and mainstream cynicism (closed-minded prejudice), are working methodically to remove homeopaths' rights to practise - with lurid claims based on false science and completely incompetent studies.

Also, plasma therapy alongside high vitamin C and D has been working wonders - but a doctor here in Naples, Italy was severely reprimanded for healing covid cases with this...

Madness: but perhaps a necessary coming-to-the-surface of our collective psychosis - the fear-tension-pain self-fulfilling prophecy, that is so occupied with it's own fear that it can't see it's creating the very situation that it's terrified of... We live in a time where that consciousness is crumbling and dying off - or even killing itself - so it feels important to ride it out by delving deep into the bigger picture and into the flow of what's happening...

In some way, I feel that even mainstream/ pharma rigidity & totalitarianism might be a necessary birthing surge - an essential counter tension to pull us into/ wake us up to new thinking and more holistic sentience - it's certainly getting me to step into my deeper truth, to inquire much more deeply, to do far deeper self-care and immerse myself in the deeper vision.... Incredible times!

The US calls homeopathy a fraud which is very sad. Homeopathy is very promising and has cured many people of many illnesses in India.

YES! It's fantastic to hear that India is using homeopathy to treat the current covid situation... and yeh - there's such a rigid mindset in conventional and pharma medicine, which simply blinkers out the profound elements of holistic healing that homeopathy brings to human being: so very sad, when instead mainstream prefers to see disease as something separate from us, meaningless, and uses aggressive tactics to keep people addicted to being suppressed in every way - instead of the vibrant colourful beings that we're born to be!

Exactly and that same behavior encourages only one dimensional thinking and one dimensional success. One might be very successful in corporate life but a total asshole in real life. This system encourages that. There needs to be more holistic approach to life in general like you rightfully said and other alternative treatments should be given a fair chance.

Beautiful comment, thank you for this, @potta <3

Thanks for having this conversation. This topic is very close to my heart! <3

They've been eliminating homeopathic medicine since the 1920s (Rockefeller and Carnegie through Flexner report). Chaos does teach as a catalyst to wake up.

Yes, and before! :-) And yes - chaos, and the oppression of solutions and freedoms - definitely we're in a time of mass waking <3 It's really good to be connected here.

This Corona Stuff is getting old..... I feel as though I am not the only one thinking this way.

Old to talk about? Well when the scamdemic breaks and they stop pushing the BS agenda to track, trace and vaccinate everyone, then I will move on. This is the next 9/11 for the world to change.

Oh no I am not saying that at all. I appreciate 100% what you are doing. Keep exposing their lies.

What I meant was the American People are tired of the whole lockdown garbage over a stupid virus. People are getting tired of the lockdown and all the BS.

Yes, we are living in a world gone crazy. Feels like Koyaanisqatsi 2.0.

We've just been making sure we get our Vitamin C, D and Zinc since this thing first showed up, but we tend to do that anyway, as a preventive measure for the common cold. Oh, wait... the common cold IS a "coronavirus."

I was given HCQ for Malaria when I was about nine and we were living in Africa; got malaria during a trip to Tanzania. It totally healed me in a matter of 72 hours; no side effects or discomfort. Oh wait... that was FIFTY YEARS ago...

There's a whole bunch of stuff in our world that should never have been alowed to be "for profit," top of that list being physical and mental health.

Even hardcore right leaning capitalists should be able to grasp that... a healthy population misses less work, which means better productivity, which means increased profits. Duh...

Right, get those essential building blocks for health. Shh, that's top secret info though, can't let the media know about it or the scamdemic would be over.

WHO stopping the use of HCQ. Using natural therapy that will boost and help the immune system is the best way to fight the virus.

Yes vitamins and minerals are probably the best, at least early. If they don't work later, I would still try HCQ. Fuck the WHO.

The biggest issue with all of this Covid-19 is misinformation and disinformation. Like any virus, simple ways to prevent it are simply strengthening your immune system. Stop looking for bandaid solutions and "cures". That's too late, you should look at preventing it and protecting yourself. It's viral. There are many known natural methods to improving your immune system: Zinc, Vitamin C, Echinacea Goldenseal, and many others... even more natural and "do at home" -> exercise, increasing oxygen and blood flow, hot showers, deep breathing. Research ways to boost and strengthen your immune system if you are really concerned about this. I'm not claiming this will prevent getting the virus, as it may not... but it increases your chances of having the virus do minimal to low damage, versus the opposite with people who have preexisting conditions.

In summary, boost your immune system (your body's natural form of defense against viruses and diseases).

Stay strong, stay healthy hivers...

Yup, minerals and exercise are good was to keep body best able to fight infections and reduce symptoms.

Before even thinking about treatment, there needs to be a causation relationship established between a pathogen and symptomatology (Koch postulates). Didn´t happen yet. We are chasing ghosts.

Yes that's highly probable.

The mainstream media in the US has an agenda to keep the cheap effective treatments from being used. This has caused many to die that could have been saved.

Yup. Plus the Flexner report (Rockefeller & Carnegie) of the 1920s destroyed holistic medicine and alternatives to alopathic medicine creating a monopoly and set a path for US medicine.

Observing this controversy is pretty shocking, even if it is perhaps somehow not surprising.
May the truth emerge clearly to the public, especially in regards to affordable and safe treatments.

I hope it does get out. We're in a losing race against an onslaught of propaganda to push a world changing agenda. This is the next 9/11.

Vitamins are fucking quackery fucking moron

Here is another good reference about the use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin that was just released by Dr. Harvey A. Risch, Department of Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Yale.

Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis

A lot of lives could be saved by following Dr. Risch recommendations.

I actually feel the WHO is not what we think it is.. I've noticed a lot of dubious activities from them