Wow! Very impressive knowledge you have gathered here. We don’t pay much attention Chinese astrology these days. People are more drawn towards Thai astrology as it’s less complicated and more rooted in our culture. However the old Chinese people are still relying on Chinese calendar with all the details about the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days with all the moon astrological phases. But these are all in Chinese so I couldn’t understand all of the details.
The reason why some people wouldn’t spend too much energy in astrological matters is the teaching of the Buddha. Good karma could overcome all adverse elements in one’s life. Astrology couldn’t tell us about our good and bad karma from the past lives. But sometimes a skillful astrologer could see signs of bad luck or accidents in the horoscope, but he couldn’t tell why the fatal accident would happen in the future.
Very few people could go beyond the effect of some bad karma, that person has to be very spiritual and practice meditation. In Buddhism, meditation gives tremendous good karma when practiced correctly.
From my experience, it’s very hard for a person to escape the consequences of bad karma. Though the effect could be lessened by some extraordinary good karma. There are some ‘angels’ who have the duty to look after people who have been at striving to reach the enlightened path with good karma.
However, only fools would embark on an important journey without consulting a good astrologer. It’s like going on a boat trip without looking at the weather forecast.
Feng Shui is also very important and useful for maintaining and good flow of energy or good vibes in your surroundings too. I have to browse the Feng Shui chart every year, to get the overall picture.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful research.
Thank YOU for these wonderful words! They are perfectly complimentary to that which is on my mind today.
The karma question is so key to our lives yet so tricky to see indications of where we are. Mediation keeps on coming up for me as the answer. Plus lots of good deeds!
Am not at familiar with Feng Shui but would certainly like to learn more.
Thank you again for your thoughtful response filled with so many nuggets of wisdom 🙏