I’m actually in the editing phase of a new video entitled “Disease X-Files”, but at the same time a little far down the rabbit hole to actually stop researching and call time on it… So as a stop-gap between completion of that video and as a follow-up to my widely shared twitter post (or should I say X) on this topic, I thought I’d share something I came across recently, which I/we apparently overlooked.
In February 2023, a book entitled “Disease X” was published. (I’m sure you’ve heard all about this mystery “X” disease by now. If you haven’t, it could be summed up as something like “global organisations team up to create a chilling sense of dread about a viral disease that doesn’t exist, but probably will”).
Written by the mysterious Kate Kelland and published via Canbury Press.
Blurb: "DISEASE X is a must-read, fast-paced, almost-real-time account of how international scientists and global public health leaders are preparing the world to be able to contain outbreaks of new and re-emerging infectious diseases before they spawn deadly global contagions like Covid-19."
Take a look at the cover 👇
🚨 Look who wrote the foreword - Tony Blair!
Ouch. I’m sure Kate Kelland is overjoyed to have her work endorsed by a man who is widely established to be one of the most hated war criminals of (at least) my generation. Objectively exactly the wrong candidate to be a poster boy in the promotion of the concept of “a yet unknown highly transmissible deadly disease” considering his track record as far as a total disregard towards human life.
Kate Kelland is a name I had to look up, but she is Chief Scientific Writer at CEPI, and also writes about health topics for Reuters, among others. I looked at her background and found absolutely zero prior educational history in the fields of science or medicine. She made the leap to science reporting in 2009 when she (re)joined Reuters. Her history includes working with the BBC making short films and news reports on European politics. Her education details a BA Double Hons in German and Russian. All the hallmarks of an asset - Linkedin profile.
She is (naturally) listed as an “Agenda Contributor” via the World Economic Forum’s website with many articles published there. See here.
Here can she be viewed speaking at a CEPI event, promoting her book and explaining the concept of “Disease X” as “something we definitely know is out there”:
On closer inspection there’s evidence that this woman is essentially an agent disguised as a journalist working on behalf of major corporations and global “think tanks” - I found accusations levelled against her, legitimate ones, that she was/is working on behalf of Monsanto (in/around 2017) and was instrumental in pumping out misinformation in light of the case surrounding Glyphosate and the efforts by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to label glyphosate as a “probable human carcinogen”.
Kelland's article aimed at discrediting both the cancer scientist Aaron Blair and the classification of glyphosate as a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organisation’s cancer agency (IARC). And it has been used repeatedly, together with other stories by Kelland, to attack IARC. Kelland’s work was even used by US politicians to try and get the agency defunded.
Sources: GMwatch.org / ecowatch.com
CEPI = Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
“working to accelerate the development of vaccines…..”
Here’s a list of our friend Bill’s “donations” to CEPI: https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants?q=cepi
CEPI appear to be counting on and going all in on “disease X” to justify their existence, continue the money flowing in and, using books like this, implant invisible boogey-viruses into the minds of their potential future customers. What better threat than one that we are told exists, but have no current evidence of its existence - It kind of hands all the wrong people a blank canvas in which to design the threat and the solution at the same time (cough Marburg cough). Either way, my money is on “disease X” turning out to be something described as a “climate related illness”.
So there we are, a brief insight into a CEPI vaccine propaganda book written by an agent, with a foreword by a war criminal. But “trust us”, right?
As for Disease X, well, the front cover of this book really says it all.
Back to you soon with the new video on this tip.
J Wilderness 🙏
P.S. Let’s see how long my comment on Kate’s CEPI talk stays up (the video which has had 40 views in 10 months):
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