Some Hard Truths II

in Deep Diveslast year

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The Image

Legge: The images of thunder and lightning form Discernment. Thus the ancient kings promulgated their laws and framed their penalties with intelligence.

Wilhelm/Baynes: Thunder and lightning: The image of Biting Through. Thus the kings of former times made firm the laws through clearly defined penalties.

Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes lightning accompanied by thunder. The ancient rulers, after making their legal code perfectly clear to all, enforced the laws vigorously. [The firm and yielding lines more or less alternate; or the lower trigram can be regarded as filled with the power of thunderous force, while the upper trigram, representing beauty, is soft and yielding. (Li, the upper trigram, stands for lightning as well as for fire, beauty, etc.) I do not know what the ancient Chinese views on thunder and lightning were; it appears from this that they were regarded as two forces which, like steel and flint, emitted brilliance when brought into sharp contact with each other. A pair of trigrams both with yielding centers is not felt to be a good arrangement; that it nevertheless favors the process of the law may have been suggested to the writer of the Text by the fact that the weak lines (morally weak people?) are fully contained by the strong (prison walls, warders and so forth?)]

Liu: Thunder and lightning symbolize Chewing. The ancient kings made the laws and clarified the penalties.

Ritsema/Karcher: Thunder, lightning. Gnawing Bite. The Earlier Kings used brightening flogging to enforce the laws.

Cleary (1): Thunder and lightning, biting through. Thus did the kings of yore clarify penalties and proclaim laws. [Those who administer laws should emulate the ancient kings in first clarifying them before executing them, in order to avoid mistakenly injuring life.]

Wu: Thunder and lightning form Discernment. Thus the ancient kings made just punishments and upheld the law of the land.

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Hitler's spirit is rising from the grave and the world, during and after this apocalypse (unveiling), will know he was right.

WHats your thoughts on the man?

A man that had a true love for his people and wrote a book that told all nations how to be free from this financial system. Mein Kampf is a must read for any dissident. Like you, I have always been connected with my people. Unfortunately, both of our people are under this mesmerized by this financial system. The assembly of Satan is strong and very deceitful, we live in their matrix. LOL Got to laugh or we will cry or worse, get angry.

Mein Kampf is one i need to read. I did watch Europa The Last Battle and it was very eye opening. But there are many stories surrounding Hitler...that he was part of the Cabal too...what are your thoughts?

I do not believe he was part of the Cabal but he definitely went along with their plan to take over Palestine. His goal was to rid Europe of this parasitic banking system. Hence, in five years Germany became an economic marvel. This is why the Jews declared war on the Germans in 1933. They did not want our people, white pagans/Christians from showing the world how we can be free and thrive. Free as a people, but not free on the individual level, as we as a group working together are invincible. Free as individuals to thrive but must do what is good for our people and not leech from them.