US Election 2024 - A Higher Perspective | Operation Distract & Divide, Reflection of a Collective Choice for Fear

in Deep Dives5 months ago (edited)

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"Fear is the path to the dark side." - Master Yoda, in Star Wars

"When you feel like they want to hold you back from rising; Whoa, don’t swallow them poison; You can make your own decision; With your inborn wisdom." - Indubious, Golden Ones

With the current presidential race here in the States now culminating in election week, and the election itself just one day away, all eyes are on the 2024 US Elections. Meanwhile, a great awakening is sweeping our planet and humanity is rising, out of the darkness and into the light. And, as this post will demonstrate, these US elections are feeding Americans with a large dose of the poison of fear and separation inhibiting our collective rising. As I see it, this political charade is nothing but a massive fear-inducing psyop that I'm calling Operation Distract & Divide.

That this months-long election cycle is perpetuating the Great American Divide and has been increasingly polarizing Americans over the course of the year, should be self-evident to each and every one of us. That this bread and circus show is distracting all those entranced by the spell of fear it has cast, and what all it is aimed at distracting us from, may be far less apparent to many.

What is truly far more important than this election and the corrupt warmongering establishment order which it serves, however, is the New World of peace and freedom that is rising in its place. Yet unseen by many, the birth of this new world is reflected in the widely suppressed story of Americans coming together in the most beautiful show of love and unity in the wake of Hurricane Helene - demonstrating the incredible power of unity, and that our inherent power lies with and within us as human beings and not in political 'saviors' or external government constructs.

Whereas this incredible story of love and hope highlights the power and beauty of unity, the current election cycle highlights the fear and chaos of separation. And it is well worth noting that the establishment media of the old order has obsessively covered the 'big' story of the election while largely ignoring the far bigger story of the Helene aftermath. This despite the unprecedented damage caused by the storm directly impacting and affecting a large swath of Americans in ways far greater than the outcome of this election will ever impact or affect the average voter.

It's just business as usual in Washington again, with the 'choice' placed before us no real choice at all, as tens of millions of voters acknowledge that the 'all-important' choice they are making as they head to the polls this week is yet again to cast a vote for 'the lesser of two evils.' None of us truly wish to live in an evil world, I'd say, and yet so many continue to vote for politicians they perceive to be but a 'lesser' evil.' I and millions of fellow dissidents would propose the 'radical' notion that, for the majority of us whose principles and ideals are not being fairly represented in this (s)election, a vote for the lesser evil is still a vote for evil, and is no real way to move forward into a better world.

Manufacturing division through fear

Because so many are awakening to the inherent corruption of the political establishment and are aware of this unfortunate reality, fear of the perceived 'greater' evil is used to perpetuate this cycle of corruption by convincing enough of us to continue fueling it with our collective energy. And yet there is no consensus as to which party or presidential candidate least represents our shared principles and higher ideals. There is thus much disagreement over which candidate constitutes the 'lesser evil', this disparity fueling the divisive political polarization.

On the one 'side', Donald Trump is portrayed as the great Hitler of our time, the fascist dictator whose re-election will usher in the end of America and all of our freedoms - through the total destruction of democracy. On the other 'side', Kamala Harris is portrayed as the face of the corrupt establishment, the communist dictator whose election will usher in the end of America and all of our freedoms - through a communist takeover. Conversely, Trump is depicted as the pro-peace candidate, running against the face of a warmongering establishment hellbent on ushering in WWIII. Meanwhile, Harris is depicted as the face of joy, running against the great spewer of hate under whose leadership WWIII is also assured.

Within such a paradoxical paradigm, the vast majority of voters on both 'sides' of the political aisle are casting their votes against the 'evil dictator' they have been programmed to fear as the one whose rise threatens all that which they hold most dear. By and large, those lining up at the polls this week are being strongly driven by an intense fear and perhaps even hatred of the 'other', as opposed to a true sense of support for their 'chosen one'. This divisive, fear-driven narrative is seen playing out on the political stage as both candidates use their voices primarily to attack the other, as opposed to focusing on making the case to prospective voters that they are truly a better option. Rather than focusing on their own proposed policies and promoting the positive change such policies could bring about, these candidates instead channel the bulk of their energy into tearing down the other candidate, relying primarily upon fear and empty platitudes to do so.

Two reflections of the same darkness

As with every other presidential election of recent decades, these two candidates are but different sides of the same coin, both pawns of the dark side, acting out their roles as reflections of the false light of the dark forces of planetary control enslaving humanity.

This reality is reflected in so many ways and on so many levels, highlighted by so many voices in the independent media, the freedom movement, and the spiritual community. For example, independent journalist and freedom activist Derrick Broze, writing for The Last American Vagabond, has recently published a piece exposing this false dichotomy - Election 2024: Zionist Technocrats vs Zionist Technocrats. Despite the solid evidence suggesting that these two are both serving the dark agendas of the same world powers of planetary control which fund their campaigns, there are still a great many individuals who nevertheless see one or the other of these candidates as a beacon of light shining into a world of darkness.

That both serve the very same forces of darkness, however, can be clearly demonstrated with just one glaring example. For the entire duration of this election cycle, a genocidal war has been raging in the Middle East, sparking global outrage and increasing international pressure for a ceasefire, to no avail. This violent conflict, Israel's genocidal war against the Palestinian population of the besieged Gaza Strip, is perhaps the single largest cause of human death, destruction, and suffering on the planet today - for over a year now - with the genocide expanding into Lebanon in recent months as well.

Those who would prefer to ignore this foreign conflict in favor of strictly domestic political issues must remember that this war is in fact very much a US-sponsored war, with unchecked billions in US funding and weapons to Israel enabling and ensuring this genocidal madness continues indefinitely. Countless thousands of Lebanese civilians and tens of thousands of Palestinians are dead, injured and violently displaced, in large part because the US has refused to cease its relentless funding and weapons shipments to a war criminal entity perpetuating a genocidal war. A war that is now also wreaking destructive havoc across the entire region. This action alone would likely force a ceasefire and at least a temporary return to some semblance of peace to the region. As it is, however, US bombs dropped on Gaza and Lebanon are decimating civilian infrastructure and murdering innocent little children every single day, and not a single condemnation of this ongoing crime against humanity from either candidate.

But not only do these two refuse to take a stance for peace and condemn Israel's role in the conflict along with their condemnations of Hamas, they have both made their unequivocal and unwavering support of Israel and its genocidal war crystal clear. And when the issue came up on the presidential debate stage, the 'debate' came across as two out-of-touch individuals devoid of humanity rabidly competing over which one was more blindly supportive of and loyal to Israel - and by extension, the genocidal war its apartheid Zionist government is waging.

Meanwhile, US Representative Thomas Massie serves as a friendly reminder that there is in fact a better way forward for our country than blind support of a genocidal foreign power, no matter how important an 'ally' we are told they are. That he is all but alone in his consistent pro-peace stance is testament to a sad state of affairs indeed, thanks to the largely Zionist-owned US political 'leadership' in Washington.

Truth be told, the bitter opposition between Israel and Hamas which gave rise to this war is illusory in nature, and these two factions warring against each other are but two sides of the same bloodthirsty monster of darkness waging war upon humanity - as I have previously documented in great detail. Many would be shocked to discover that Israel not only created Hamas, but also in recent decades employed a strategy of intentionally empowering the extremist Jihadist 'terrorist' group in order to perpetuate war and prevent a two-state solution that could bring lasting peace to the region.


In fact, a diplomatic cable recently leaked by Wikileaks has even revealed that Israeli Defense Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin explicitly said in 2007 that: "Israel would be happy if Hamas took over Gaza because the IDF could then deal with Gaza as a hostile state."

Meanwhile, the real battle raging across Planet Earth is a spiritual war being fought for the soul of humanity, and it is primarily being fought in the hearts and minds of the people. The violent ones feeding the darkness by fighting in these external wars, regardless of which team they appear to be fighting for, are but pawns in the dark side's cruel game of planetary control. And in this twisted game of separation, there is no winner but the forces of darkness behind the endless wars and conflicts dividing humanity against herself, and humanity always loses.

Darkness on the earth is perpetuated by the fear and separation that fuels wars such as these, while the dark forces of planetary control feed upon our collective fear and the human suffering caused by such senseless violence. Without fear and the suffering it breeds, giving the dark side anchor points to operate upon the planet from, its matrix system of global control would collapse, and its satanic kingdom of darkness would quickly fall.

In light of all this, I struggle to see how anyone who is being honest with themselves can see these two presidential candidates as anything other than pawns of the satanic forces of darkness operating upon our planet. Where so many see a 'lesser of two evils' capable of staving off an even greater evil, I see only players in the establishment's divide and conquer game enslaving humanity, and pawns of its dark agenda openly supporting genocide. Despite what supporters of these candidates may claim to the contrary, I see no viable pro-peace candidate anywhere in sight.

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Reflection of a collective choice for fear

The darkness that would prevent humanity from rising will do everything in its power and use every available tool at its disposal to keep the people in a state of fear. In this regard, the current presidential election appears to have been a resounding success in the short term.

Whereas the largely untold story of the aftermath of Helene is a reflection of a collective choice for love and unity, the widely covered presidential election is a reflection of a collective choice for fear and separation. Sadly, despite the recent storm demonstrating the power and ability of humanity to rise out of chaos with love through unity, and the positive effect such a collective choice has on our reality, all too many Americans appear to have yet learned this important lesson. Instead, they have continued to energetically feed this divisive election cycle - with their fear, their attention, and their votes.

One video that perfectly captures this sentiment of mine, and certainly the best video I have personally seen about this election cycle comes from Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation Show. In Michael Sandler's, or as he describes it, Archangel Michael's predictions for November, he speaks at length about this collective choice for fear and its significance to humanity's collective journey forward.

Those of us who have largely freed our minds from the matrix system's constructs of control can envision the new world of unity that is slowly rising out of the chaos and destruction of the old world of separation, for we are the ones on the front line of this peaceful revolution, actively co-creating and helping to birth this new earth paradigm. And, as Michael puts it, there is no world leader among the viable candidates in this US and global election cycle, who even come close to representing the love and light that humanity is reaching towards and beginning to step into.

We have had enough of the chaos of separation, enough of the division tearing us apart, enough of the fearmongering and the propaganda and the wars and child trafficking. We have had enough of the darkness that is so prominent around the world in this time of reckoning. Humanity is choosing love and stepping into light, as the Helene aftermath well demonstrated, but it is not an overnight process, as we are individually and collectively addicted to fear and have been for centuries, and overcoming a longstanding addiction is no easy process.

"Right now, humanity is choosing, through this election, the hard way or the path of greater fear, even on the way to love," Michael explains. This means more chaos and difficulty in the short term, as the choice for fear always brings more separation, ushering in more darkness and chaos. But we can as individuals refuse to feed the fear, and choose love instead, taking back our power. We do not need to take part in this collective choice for fear.

"What I'm told is, fear is winning temporarily," Michael relates, "and we're voting from a place of fear. And because of that, the outcome is going to be difficult in the short term. But we can shorten the duration of that difficult outcome by coming together as one, coming together locally, coming together in love and leaving the bullshit of fear behind," just as so many did in the wake of Helene.

The candidates that we have right now, worldwide, are bringing a message of, 'you need to vote for me, you need to vote for this party because, or else - OR ELSE!' 'Or else' is code word for, 'we're pulling on your fear strings'. No mas...No more. Those. Days. Are. Done. We gotcha. You can say it to any of the power players, we gotcha. We see how you're pulling on our strings, we see how you're manipulating us out of fear. We're not going to play that game any more.

So while a majority of humanity may be making a collective choice for fear and separation through this election, there are nevertheless countless millions of us who are awakening, seeing through their manipulations, and refusing to play their game any more. And while we are not yet a majority on the planet, our numbers are steadily growing and the revolution of love we are a part of cannot be defeated. For we have the greater power, as love always triumphs over fear, and all the darkness in the world does not even have the power to put out the light of a single candle flame.

Those still choosing fear, however, are being backed further and further into a corner - a place of intensifying chaos, polarization, suffering and fear - the fruit of that choice for fear. Just as Hurricane Helene did for all those deeply affected by the devastation, humanity is being collectively pushed into a place from which the only way out alive will be to come together in love and unity, by rising above their fears. So it was for countless thousands in the region of the Appalachians devastated by the storm. With many losing everything but their lives, the clothes on their backs, and the love in their hearts, thousands were literally forced to come together in love and overcome their fears, and put their differences aside in the process, literally in order to walk out of the storm alive. It seems likely that the outcome of this election will be another variety of just such a storm, though it remains to be seen exactly when this storm will hit.

How far humanity is collectively pushed into this dark corner is entirely up to us, and we can collectively reverse course and begin taking the easier path forward at any time we choose. Each and every day there are more of us making the choice to consciously kick our addiction to fear, as we begin to shift out of the dark world of fear and separation and into the light of love and unity which is birthing a new world of peace before our very eyes.

This shift is the essence of the Great Awakening sweeping our planet, which the establishment system(s) will do everything in their power to distract us from noticing. This is the heart of what this election cycle is distracting us from.

Amidst the distraction, a New World is Rising

You are incredibly powerful, but they want you to continue outsourcing that power to them, to political 'saviors' on the world stage and systems of planetary control that no longer serve the best interests of humanity, if they ever did. Our true power lies within us individually and in our unity collectively. And so they use events like this election to keep us divided and distracted from the immense power that lies within us all.

There are countless things that each and every one of us can do individually and collectively to create positive change in our lives and in the world that are far more important than who 'wins' this presidential race. More important than who we vote for and whether or not we choose to vote is to love our neighbors regardless of our political differences, particularly those we disagree with who are supporting a candidate we see as the 'wrong' or 'dangerous' choice. We must begin to develop empathy, compassion and tolerance, which is sorely lacking in this society, if we are to rise above our differences and step into our power. Raising/expanding our consciousness is also far more important than the election outcome, and has a far greater positive impact in our personal life and the world at large than any single politician ever will.

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Great video message by Melissa Denyce of the Love Covered Life podcast below, discussing how empowering ourselves through love and awareness, and so many other things, are far more important than the election outcome.

There are also countless problems facing us and our society that no politician will ever be able to solve. Examples include the chronic disease epidemic and growing mental health struggles facing millions, pharmaceutical drug addiction, and a steady erosion of our basic human rights by the establishment powers that be, to name just a few. We The People can and will, and to some extent already are solving these and many other problems on our own. We do this by taking responsibility for our lives, by playing the role of victim no more and expanding out of victim consciousness, and by taking our power back and actively creating the change we wish to see in the world rather than endlessly waiting on politicians and governments to save us from ourselves.

One powerful way to go about doing this is through a direct action strategy of essentially 'starving the beast and feeding the light', by withdrawing as much of our time/money/attention/energy as we can from the old paradigm systems which no longer serve us, and instead putting all of our energy into collectively creating the new world of peace and freedom we wish to live in. Derrick Broze, on the front lines of this global movement, has taken the initiative to work towards uniting and empowering like-minded individuals in the practical implementation of this revolutionary resistance strategy, which he has termed 'Exit and Build'.

Combining universal spiritual principles with the proven techniques of direct action and nonviolent resistance to tyranny, the Exit & Build strategy is built upon the philosophic ideals of voluntarism, anarchism and agorism, embodying the power of free association in stark contrast to the force inherent to governments. This strategy focuses on building 'parallel systems', empowering individuals to create a better and freer world through community, self-sufficiency and sustainability, personal healing, inner transformation, and self-empowerment.

Now a growing global movement, exiting and building is all about actively freeing ourselves from the societal constructs holding us back from our true potential by exiting the old paradigm slave systems and actively building alternative new paradigm systems that will become the foundation of the New World arising in our midst. Best of all, one need not completely withdraw from society to begin implementing these empowering tactics, as liberation from the external societal constructs of control starts within us through the liberation of our minds, by changing our core beliefs and mindsets - transcending limiting beliefs and dis-empowering thought patterns.

And while this particular path is certainly not for everyone, it is nevertheless an integral aspect of the global revolution of love shining light on our collective path forward into a new earth paradigm, and it is the path I have personally been intuitively led to walk. I find it fascinating that so many people who are not even familiar with Derrick's work are nonetheless being drawn to implement various concepts and aspects of the Exit and Built strategy in their own unique and creative ways - from alternative child education to food sustainability, to living in community and everything in between.

Interestingly, in his book The Prophet's Way, Thom Hartman recounts that, all the way back in 1981, his spiritual teacher - German Christian mystic Herr Mueller - gathered a small group of individuals together to prepare them "for some very specific things to come" during the chaotic transition into the new age now upon us.

Even more important, however, he told us that over the next few decades we must create communities - and encourage others to do the same - that would be places of transition and survival into the next age.

He goes on to explain - in words almost perfectly describing the very type of independent communities envisioned by Derrick Broze (and many others) which are central to the Exit and Build movement - that these places should be self-sufficient, "yet catalytic," centers of inspiration and education functioning as "places of spiritual light" that affect the world at large and impact humanity's collective consciousness whether people are aware of them or not. These communities would, as here described, serve as something like bridges between the old world and the new. They would serve both as safe havens for people to weather the coming storms and societal disruptions, as well as something acting like both the fabric of and inspiration for the new paradigm systems destined to eventually replace those of the old paradigm.

Additionally, they would ideally arise organically at the grassroots level by spiritually minded individuals of various creeds and traditions across the planet who are inspired to do so, and not as part of any organized cult or religion. Hartmann concludes that this is but a part of a greater change and shift in collective consciousness that must be brought about in order to save ourselves and our planet, and that, "This change can only happen at the most fundamental level of society: individual by individual."

Apart from disruptions to the power grid and problems with food and water supply, one of the specific things Herr Mueller predicted for this time of great change was that "three days of darkness would cover the Earth."

As we now appear to be living through the very times of turbulent change here spoken of, I find it incredibly noteworthy that a number of intuitives, psychics and channelers have for months been specifically predicting a coming period of 'three days of darkness', said to be a key turning point during humanity's collective shift into a new earth paradigm.

It would appear that as this long-prophesied time of unprecedented change approaches, people across the planet are feeling led to create the very type of communities that an obscure mystic once described four decades ago as being essential to humanity's transition through these difficult times of great change.

The time has come, and it is our time to shine.

We are the Resistance, the Revolution, the way-showers of humanity, and the beating heart of the Golden Age now upon us - we the people of humanity who are actively creating the new world of peace and freedom we wish to see - and our numbers are growing by the day.

We are rising, and there is no darkness, no distraction, no force on earth that can put out the fire that's been ignited in our heart.

"We are the ones, and you know our time has come;
We're rising, just like the sun;
We are the golden ones. ...
We were gifted with a golden vision;
To change their system."
- Indubious, Golden Ones

Their system is a planetary slave system which has held humanity in bondage to darkness for ages, but we are finally collectively beginning to break free.

This is the real war upon our planet, and on it rages, the cosmic battle for our very soul culminating here and now, in this time of great awakening.

They want us divided, distracted and dis-empowered.
They want to keep us in the dark prison of fear they have created for us.
They want us to hate each other. Don't let them win.

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For the first time in my life, I am having difficulty knowing which candidate to support, and even whether to vote at all. This is good news, if someone like me can no longer so easily support this nonsense, because nonsense it is. Still watching Sandler's video. I have never heard of him before, thanks for providing. I have only a few more hours to decide what to do!

It is nonsense indeed. Sad that RFK Jr. dropped out of the race and endorsed both Trump and the entire Republican party, as he seemed like the one voice of reason in the insane asylum politics in Washington has become, before the radical 180 he made when he hopped on the Trump Train. I can't tell you who you should vote for or whether or not you should vote, but I will say that a lot of principled people with strong feelings on the Israeli war are opting to vote for Stein, and many others are abstaining from voting for the same reason. Nobody should be bullied into voting or shamed for a decision not to vote. I am among those dissenting to the madness by way of not voting. Good luck with your decision, it's crazy times we're living through for sure! Hope you appreciate Sandler's video, I only discovered his channel in recent months but have appreciated his positive energy, spiritual takes, and willingness to call the BS as he sees it at the same time.