The ‘Second Wave’ (of Hoax) Has Officially Arrived

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)


It’s official. The ‘second wave’ of coronavirus has arrived. For six months they’ve been promising us a coming second wave, and now they’ve delivered. Just as predicted. Almost down to the day, the first day of Fall that is. They said this ‘second wave’ would hit this fall, ushering in a ‘dark winter’, and the official announcements arrived just two days into the Fall season. Lucky guess, you might say. Or incredible coincidence. Only problem is, this ‘second wave’ is 100% hoax.

On September 24, a Click Orlando headline reads: “Europe is battling a second wave of COVID-19. Could the US be next? U.S. second wave could coincide with flu season”

CNN likewise informs us on September 24 that: “A second wave of coronavirus is already underway in most of Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says”.

It’s hitting Canada and the Europe at exactly the same time, to the very day, in fact, and will no doubt soon be arriving in America. They predicted a second wave of deadly virus ‘assaulting’ the world, but while this ‘second wave’ has arrived, it is nothing close to deadly. They said we would have a resurgence of ‘Covid19’, but what we have is a massive surge in the official ‘Covid19’ case count, with no corresponding spike in deaths whatsoever, as can be seen in the graph reflecting the official UK numbers above. Similar scenarios can be found across the world, with cases steadily rising while deaths steadily decline.

For months now deaths have been falling, and for weeks they have been at near zero across Europe, with only ‘cases’ steadily on the rise the whole time. If this case surge indicates a true resurgence or second wave of a deadly virus, there would have to be an uptick in deaths coinciding with the rise in cases. And, considering cases have been steadily rising for months, and deaths have not, we can clearly see this is not the case. Considering as many as 90% of PCR test-‘confirmed’ cases are false positives, this apparent discrepancy is easily solved.

The Canadian PM has announced the arrival of a ‘second wave’ over 6 daily deaths!


It is obvious that the only thing which has truly arrived is a second wave of hoax, a second wave of lies and propaganda, a second wave of calls for more lockdowns, more tyranny, and the continuation of the Orwellian Covid1984 agenda rollout.

An ‘expert’ in July warned of a “big wave in the fall,” and that the supposed “significant resurgence of cases in the summer” would “get bigger. And it’ll keep going until we lock things down again,” he said, clueing us in to the coming push for a new set of lockdowns coinciding with this arrival of the coming ‘second wave’. Such rhetoric wasn’t isolated, with a Bloomberg headline on August 13 warning us that: “Forced Isolation May Be the Only Way to Stop Resurgence of Virus”.

So the only question is: Will people be willing to lockdown again, to continue giving up even even more freedom, to potentially lose their livelihoods, and to continue wearing masks and practicing ‘social distancing’ as a part of the ongoing dehumanization program for another entire winter - over just 6 or 10 or 20 deaths a day - while a child is dying every ten seconds from starvation? Starvation that is now, by the way, on the increase, and this is being directly caused by these very same insane western measures that these insane tyrants will soon be seeking to reimpose. Gotta love their plan...

Meanwhile a true expert in his field, a medical doctor and former Vice President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer for 16 years (one of the companies making ‘Covid19’ vaccine), Dr. Yeadon has recently said that from half to “almost all” ‘Covid19’ tests are false positives, something known to independent researchers for months now. The pandemic is over, he said in an interview, his comments suggesting that any coming second wave would be a hoax, since there is no science (only predictions by the social engineers) that a second wave should happen.

“Were it not for the test data that you get from the TV all the time, you would rightly conclude that the pandemic was over, as nothing much has happened. Of course people go to the hospital, moving into the autumn flu season…but there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen.”

Of course he’s probably just another one of those tin foil hat conspiracy doctors you probably shouldn’t listen to, just like thousands of other doctors across the world who are increasingly speaking out about this madness and exposing the covid scamdemic. They’re probably all crazy conspiracists too, and if the media is to be trusted, you should instead listen to folks like Bill Gates, who, besides having no medical education or medical research experience, also had close personal ties to the pedophile and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein who ran a child trafficking ring. Another great idea...

Or, you know, humanity could wake up to the Great Scamdemic, reject the second wave of hoax, and stop the Orwellian Covid1984 agenda while we are still able to do so. Otherwise the new age of the technocratic future being built around us will quickly be upon us, and the current ‘new normal’ will look like child’s play in comparison. Freedom or tyranny, the choice is ours, and we don’t have much time left to make our choice, before the choice will be made for us, and the Covid1984 ‘new normal’ in all its totalitarian glory will be fully upon us.



I'm really disheartened by the people saying this thing is a hoax. So I guess the people we personally know who were hospitalized or died from it were just kidding?

The FEAR is the HOAX.
Don't be AFRAID = SEE Clearly

[edit] This is pointless.

Your Evil wishes are noted, along with your gargantuan, pathetic, Fear.
They usually go hand in hand. No surprise.

I got it in October and survived. No one is immortal. Life is terminal.

Quit being scared of the common cold.

The fear is understandable. Yes everyone is afraid of getting sick and it being lethal.

But there isn't any pandemic. Where are the billions dead? That's the real fear is for a huge die off.

Quit being a fear based individual. Stop being afraid of something that has a 99.96% survival rate...

[edit] This is pointless.

Show me the bodies. Was this in April?

And how little of an argument you have you paint me as a monster.

How about I go with the good answer. Yes I was totally hoping that we would have a 30% dieoff in apron on the west coast. Let along globally. That's what I prepared for...

[edit] This is pointless.

Where? And 30% dead in 2 weeks is a pretty good death rate. Far from ebola having what 40% or so starting?


I would like to talk about this:

So I guess the people we personally know who were hospitalized or died from it were just kidding?

No, they were of course not kidding.

They suffered and mourned and have yet to get over their pain. When a person from the close environment dies, you are not interested in details, you believe what you are told because you want to trust in people. In this situation one is especially vulnerable. Trust in orthodox medicine in all honours, but there are also dishonourable doctors and those who betray their profession to their patients and sell themselves to the highest bidder. They cheat the patients and relatives in exactly their most sensitive moments. If you assume that doctors are infallible, that they are true and wise in all cases, that they act without any self-interest, I would ask you, do you not allow yourself the slightest doubt?

Furthermore, I would ask you what is your personal attitude toward illness and dying? Do you tolerate when you feel sick and miserable, but perhaps something is driving you inwardly that you must function again in any case? Do you think about death benevolently and accept it as something inevitable and that there can be no guarantee from anyone that you will be saved from death?

If I were to say that life can be explained very simply and that health is a very simple matter that can be unambiguously defined on the basis of our human omniscience, that an identified thing is an unquestionably singular harmful cause of human life, what would be your answer to this?

The biggest hoax ever and they think it can continue.

I got murder hornets 3 x when it was debunked last year. They are getting desperate to shut down the economy.

shut down the economy.

..and condense all survivors into Smart(stupid) cities.

Rural people are not having it.

This is very sad and reminds me of a friend who really was not my friend. I caught them lying and called them out. Being young I thought " maybe it is all a mistake and we can fix this and go back to being friends". Sadly I kept on catching them in lie's. I finally realized that lying is a symptom of fear. In individuals one will find it extremely hard to discover the fear that is providing the motivation to lie. This is not however the case with Big Brother. In every country one will find the treason and sedition has been committed. War being unlawful and illegal is proof this is the case. Such activity in the past shows that death in many cases is the eventual outcome. In history one can also see that at some point it becomes a all or death proposition for the participants.

This pandemic has been going on throughout almost all of history. Most of us know about the four horse men. Famine, Pestilence, Disease and Death. Most do not know that the four horsemen's God is named Ignorance.

Nice Post!!!

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Thanks again for your writing. Let's see what this brings. I'm in Perth, Western Australia - currently we are as free as Swedish people. There's a lot of talk, I hope this translates into action. Melbourne and parts of the state of Victoria on the other hand are a full totalitarian police state now. It's a scary world to think that people will let it go this far.

We speak up and we build momentum where we can, but without the greater body of people behind us, it is near on hopeless. I've been the single vigilante on the street before and it doesn't work.

It's all 100% hoax, not a single person has ever died of "covid 19" - not one, ever. Viruses don't work that way.

Slaves will attack you for Truth they cannot Comprehend.
Stunted by Fear, they will fight against Truth, and attack the messenger...

My friend we live in the 3rd or 4th generation of a Multi-generational Dysgenics campaign against the 'west'. The result -->

stupid people smart people.JPG

Slaves will attack you for Truth they cannot Comprehend.
Stunted by Fear, they will fight against Truth, and attack the messenger...

So true, thanks.

I live in a state that is currently surging in new cases, with local hospitals daily giving press conferences saying "We're at 90% capacity, wear a damn mask!"

I know people who have had Covid, as well as I know people who have had family members die from it.

Do governments lie to people? Yes, on the daily. Has the government ever returned any freedoms that they suspended due to 'security concerns', no.. not in my lifetime.

But to sit back and claim "Its all a Hoax", as in "There is no such thing as Covid" is ignorant, irresponsible, and small minded. Anyone who feels this way simply should take the initiative to meet with someone who has lost a loved one to Covid, look them deeply into their grief stricken eyes, and tell them to their face that their tears are "fake" and "its all a hoax". I doubt anyone making these claims has the character to do so.

currently surging in new cases,

Apparently you have not investigated this very far.
You are afraid of False positives, Lies.
You are spreading that fear to those that are far more knowledgeable, and not riddled with media induced Fear.

The facts actually matter. If you are Afraid, like they really, really want you to be, then you are immune to Facts.

"Press Conferences" are for Sheep. If you don't know that yet, you are still in the Pen. Sure it is ok to watch one, but if you think you are watching reality, and truth, then you are going to say Baa, Baa...and regurgitate the Lies, and the bullshit Narrative.

"Wear a damn Mask, Sheep. Nevermind the Science. " "Nevermind the Facts". "Just WEAR A DAMN MASK SLAVE". if that helps......

The Living don't fall for such ridiculous, moronic drivel of banker Narratives.

someone who has lost a loved one to Covid

Except that 'Died OF Covid' != 'Died WITH Covid'.
We've all been lied to haven't we.

You are welcome to step out of your Fear bubble at any time. All you need to do is, look around. Shed that cognitive dissonance and that confirmation bias.

Facts/Truth matter. Stick to those, and you will See.

I've gotten it. But the waves of humans that survived?

And people die of the cold all the time.

Keep being respectful of others who don't believe the way you do.

People, who claim that it's a hoax usually do not sit back, to the contrary, they are eager to give flesh to this statement. It's an exaggeration in order to shake the field.

The exaggeration is a direct reflection of what is perceived as exaggeration on the opposite bank. These were slogans and headlines like "Killer Virus!" "Millions to die!" " Haunting!"

It's as if one had been sitting comfortably in one's residential street, in the kitchen, having breakfast, and suddenly someone storms the door and shouts: "All are to die!"
You jump up and shout: "Where?" One runs into the street, into the stores, into the hospitals and shouts: "Where, where are they, the dead?"

One is already expecting to see the corpses in the alleys, the stacks of the killed, a plague spreading through the country. But then, when you look around and two weeks have passed, you know: "Oh. That was a false alarm."

And then, when you think about it more deeply, you know that a plague never comes alone. It has nasty siblings like recession, depression, poverty, hunger, neglect, cruelty, despair. People have to drink polluted water, freeze because they cannot heat, and suddenly themselves are the worst enemy. Darkness seizes the souls of those who feel helplessly at the mercy of this tribulation of multiple events, which, through their common occurrence, make life hell. The most disturbing thing right now is, that we act as if this is the case, but isn't...

Hence, common sense, which made the exaggerators even more stunned and answered with a kind of unwilling laughter that this could not possibly be, was mocked by the other, because although the roofs were full of sparrows, all singing the same song, they had nothing to point to in the alleys. For there were no corpses floating there.

It is only too understandable that one feels compelled to use one exaggeration for another exaggeration. Virus or not, that is not what one means by the term "hoax". What is meant is that there can be no such thing as an irrefutable proof of mono-causalities. Causes come with great multiplicity, non linear, and they may even not being taken into account. Because you can't count them all.

For months now deaths have been falling, and for weeks they have been at near zero across Europe…

788 just yesterday is “near zero”?


Yes, 788 deaths in one day is nearly nothing out of ~7.88 billion people, literally less than one in a million. Also, how many of those deaths were actually people hit by buses, or motorcycle crashes?

Also, how many of those deaths were actually people hit by buses, or motorcycle crashes?


Perhaps you should have a look at reporting revealing both those particular events recorded as Covid19 deaths officially. Most of the deaths claimed for Covid19 are not demonstrably Covid19 deaths, but deaths from heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure, and yes, even violent accidents, rather than definitely SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Financial incentives have been created to ascribe to Covid19 the official cause of death. Financial incentives work really well.

Too well.

Well, considering daily global deaths is well over 100,000, over 44 million deaths this year and a global population near 8 billion, then yes, in comparison 788 is pretty near zero.


And, in most individual countries in Europe it is very near zero, at 10, 12, 20 deaths or so a day...

Globally, for the entire duration of the pandemic, the official overinflated covid death tally accounts for only about 2% of total global deaths (1 million out of 44 million.) Many of these, as many as 94% in the US (although likely closer to 80%) are dying WITH covid, not FROM covid, as CDC data shows; and as we know, clearcut non-covid fatalities are being listed among the official death counts, including motorcycle accidents and gunshot wounds. This has been documented by mainstream media despite your apparent unwillingness to recognize this fact.

Furthermore, The US survival rate is 99.98% or greater for those under 50 years old. Putting the infection fatality rate at 0.02%, a far cry from the forecasted 1-6% estimated used to declare a pandemic.


It isn’t a major threat, it’s right on par with the common flu. Only fear keeps people from recognizing this truth.

The 788 daily number was Europe only. What does global population have to do with it?

Well, considering the population of Europe is around 780 million, 788 deaths is still a pretty damn tiny figure. I compared total global deaths to total global population; I suspect Europe probably has a similar ratio without knowing total European daily deaths.

What does the daily European death count have to do with announcing the arrival of a ‘second wave’ when these deaths have been steadily declining or staying even for months? How does this suddenly constitute ‘second wave’ when nothing’s changed but spiking ‘cases’?

Canada PM declared ‘second wave’ over 6 daily deaths; no amount of total European deaths changes that...