Organs Harvested From Live Babies Used to Manufacture Vaccines | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interview

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

Unbeknownst to many I’m sure, live organs harvested from some late-term aborted babies are being used in the manufacture of of certain vaccines. Vaccination has always relied upon the sacrifice of living beings in the name of protecting the young and vulnerable, but now this sacrifice includes not only animals but also babies taken from abortions. For those unfamiliar with the process, the virus cultures grown for use in vaccines (which produce the antigens which are used in the vaccine) can only be grown on live tissue, as they haven’t been able to replicate this process in lab conditions.

And, apparently some of the live tissue being harvested for vaccines now includes that of human babies.

According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - in a recent info-packed interview with Polly Tommey, producer of the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe - explains that organ tissue used for this purpose is only taken from live babies, or else it is totally worthless. Ideal age for organ harvest, says Kennedy, is 31-35 weeks of age, and the organs, starting with the heart, are ripped out of the live baby, one by one. Interview below, also covers the three lawsuits against Monsanto for Roundup causing cancer, and is well worth listening to for anyone not fully up to speed on either of these subjects.

Robert Kennedy Jr. here is referencing in large part a recent interview he did with Dr. Theresa Deisher, which can for now still be seen on Instagram as RFK has himself been banned from YouTube for talking too much vaccine truth. I haven’t made it through that entire interview yet, but RFK did war that he doesn’t recommend anyone watch it, for the gruesome information it contains, yet that the awareness of this reality must be spread. He himself said he couldn’t sleep the whole night following the interview as to how disturbed he was by this reality, and besides covering the facts of human organs being used to manufacture vaccines, also discussed is the negative health threats posed by human DNA getting into users through use of these vaccines which do utilize human organs for manufacture of their vaccines. That interview, not for the faint of heart I suppose, can be seen at the link below:

We know that at the very least 76 babies have been sacrificed for this purpose, every organ and human body part used for various ‘medical’ purposes, from the heart and lungs all the way to the hands and feet, as admitted by prominent vaccine inventor Stanley Plotkin MD, while testifying in a hearing - video of this admission below:

The extent of this horrific child sacrifice scheme is unknown, but it was recently revealed just last year through hidden camera recordings of a host of Planned Parenthood employees - in this specific case a Planned Parenthood director -that babies born alive after an abortion are sold for their organs and other body parts.

Being that organ trafficking is a thriving business, and more children are killed by abortion than all other causes combined globally, I suppose it really isn’t shocking that Big Pharma vaccine manufacturers are willing to support that industry and such gruesome practices.

As one medical paper on the issue pointed out:

These studies require extensive oversight as they could directly encourage elective abortions. The consequence of the use of fetal tissue from elective abortions is desensitization of beneficiaries to the original illicit act of abortion thereby obscuring the value of all human life and potentially leading to scandal.

Ghandi staunchly opposed vaccination
in large part due to the inherent animal cruelty in vaccine manufacture and the traces of animal DNA that would by extension be found in the vaccines, calling vaccination, “one of the most fatal of all the delusions of our time.”

For him, compassion towards animals should not be negated in the name of disease prevention to manufacture disgusting concoctions injected into the arms of the children for profit. How much more cruel and disgusting when vaccine manufacturers are not only injecting children with toxic chemicals, but also using organs harvested from innocent babies for their own profit to do so.

Human sacrifice hasn’t been eradicated, it is just practiced in a variety of different forms in today’s society.


Ghandi was right. We have become inured to all sorts of horrible things. Disease prevention in the form of vaccination is eugenic in disguise. Thank you for doing this work. And for the reblog!

It's sorta reassuring that Trump passed the act(?) to ban use to fetal tissue in vaccine development...

Though less reassuring that the tech being pushed for the CV on is the RNA shit...

Just knew about it.. Government should ban it..

I've been saying, the only thing I would ever vote for is an Advanced Electronic Democracy for some time now but I'd also vote for RFK Jr!

A true champion of mankind. Respect to him and Robert Deniro for taking a stand.

"Vaccination has always relied upon the sacrifice of living beings in the name of protecting the young and vulnerable,"

Sorry to say but that's not true, vaccines since the bullshit stock market Flexner report of 1910 perhaps... but vaccines were around for a very long time.... First known immunization was in Chinese Tradition Medicine I believe.

Ancient image of human immunization source [Image source:]

Our white blood cells transfer information to themselves by electricity, so they immune themselves. We should be thinking about making our white blood cells stronger and maybe non toxic vaccines for serious conditions.
