Clown World Schizophrenia: Corporate Media, Government, Pfizer Propaganda Goes Wild With Mounting Real Time Vaccination Contradictions

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

On Wednesday, December 8, Pfizer announced that a 3rd dose of its experimental injection protects recipients from the dreadfully mild 'Omicron' variant. On the very same day, Pfizer also announce that a 4th dose of its injection would likely be needed to protect recipients from 'Omicron'. If that sounds a little schizophrenic to you, you're not alone, but the schizophrenia doesn't end with Pfizer, nor with the ridiculously contradictory, competing 3rd booster vs. 4th booster narratives. As reported by CNBC, Pfizer said its "preliminary lab study" shows a 3rd dose or 'booster' shot "provides high level of protection against omicron variant," protection so good it has "virus-fighting abilities comparable with the protection provided by two doses against the original strain of the virus." And given the original 2-dose regimen was, according to the company's trial data, 95% effective against mild symptoms, and Omicron features only mild symptoms, it seems those 'boosted' with a 3rd dose of the Pfizer injection will be pretty well fully 'protected' from the super mild, super scary Omicron variant now threatening the very survival of humanity.

Well, if that's what you thought this study and Pfizer announcement meant, you'd be dead wrong. Those were just lab results, you dummy, and only real world data will tell us if the booster actually 'protects' against Omicron or not, so line up for that booster and join the medical experiment! Or maybe just save yourself the time and wait a few weeks, because if the Pfizer CEO had to guess, he's pretty certain that a 4th shot will be necessary, and sooner than expected too, because of Omicron, and that has nothing to do with a profit motive to sell perpetual boosters and everything to do with your health and public safety.

“When we see real-world data, will determine if the omicron is well covered by the third dose and for how long. And the second point, I think we will need a fourth dose,” Bourla told CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

But in the meantime, get that booster that may or may not be effective, because they totally believe it will be, or so they say, while simultaneously telling you that they don't necessarily think it will actually be effective enough to prevent the need for a 4th booster much sooner than initially projected. Sounds like a great plan to protect you from super mild cold-like disease that doesn't cause death and seems to really only be primarily affecting the vaccinated.

Meanwhile, the official Israeli government position(s) is equally absurd, mirroring the nonsensical contradictory Pfizer stance, probably because it is coming straight from Pfizer.

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On Sunday, "A senior official at the Health Ministry said...that a fourth jab of the COVID vaccine may be given as early January, due to the spread of the Omicron variant in Israel." That announcement came just a day after Israeli researchers announced they had found that a 3rd dose of the Pfizer injection "provided significant protection against the new Omicron variant.” Hailed as a confirmation of the preliminary findings of the Pfizer lab results and used to advance the ongoing booster campaign, the "preliminary data" from these findings were apparently not clear enough to prevent senior officials at the Israeli Health Ministry from predicting with a high level of confidence that they would indeed "need a fourth vaccine."

"We have preliminary data that are still unclear about the booster's effectiveness period, and there is also uncertainty about the new variant," the source said. "I estimate we will need a fourth vaccine. We will make a decision soon".

All this talk now about whether or not to deploy a fourth shot in the wake of 'Omicron' is absolute nonsense, considering Israel has already been preparing for the coming 4th-dose rollout for months with the coronavirus Czar himself publicly announcing this all the way back at the beginning of September! Even the proposed timing of a 4th-dose rollout at the beginning of the year now being supposedly 'considered' as a rushed deployment in response to 'Omicron', was already declared as the anticipated timing for introduction of the 4th-dose campaign...

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At that time, the UK's Daily Mail reported that the "country's national coronavirus czar Salman Zarka said the country needs to prepare for a fourth injection, which could be modified to better protect against new variants of the virus."

'Given that that the virus is here and will continue to be here, we also need to prepare for a fourth injection,' he told Kan public radio.

'This is our life from now on, in waves.'

And even before that, he had already said Israelis should expect a fourth shot:

'Thinking about this and the waning of the vaccines and the antibodies, it seems every few months — it could be once a year or five or six months — we'll need another shot.'

They have already made clear that their plan is to introduce 4th-dose boosters, then 5-6-7, on down the line, every few months, perpetually, forever. And they still are.

They've made this agenda of theirs abundantly clear, time and time again, and it isn't restricted to Israel either, it's just that Israel happens to be leading the global march of tyranny into the technocratic future planned for us. Omicron is simply justification to move this timetable forward and rush the deployment of the next 'booster', or, in the case of Israel, to fearmonger the population into accepting the long-planned deployment of this fourth injection right on schedule.

Meanwhile the corporate media's schizophrenic clown world reporting continues in other news as well...

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So despite the CDC now reporting that most Omicron cases in the US are among the fully vaccinated, and all previous data indicating that it was overwhelmingly the fully vaccinated and boosted who were spreading the alleged variant across the planet, polls still find that one in three people believe the unvaccinated should be forced into lockdown! Who knows why this would be, certainly not because of relentless media propaganda, hype, and a host of 'experts' and government officials calling for restrictions for the unvaccinated in the face of all the available science and real world data, because the media's job is to accurately portray reality, the 'experts' would never lie to us, and governments would only take reasonable, logical actions to protect public health and safety...

That's why on December 9, Israeli PM Naftali Bennet proposed a lockdown of the unvaccinated, despite numerous health ministries and media outlets around the world reporting that it was being spread by the fully vaccinated and even the boosted, and many health experts around the world also condemning such measures as ineffective and unnecessary. Maybe that's why his tyrannical proposition was "vehemently opposed by Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz and his staff," with the health officials at the meeting saying they believed Bennett had "lost his mind."

Nevertheless, on December 11, restrictions in Israel were tightened which included ramped up enforcement of the 'green pass' program aimed at restricting public access to certain venues from the unvaccinated. This despite the widely available Israeli public health data discussed at the Cabinet meeting showing a whopping 76% of reported Omicron cases among the boosted... It should be noted that those who are not triple injected in Israel are no longer considered 'fully vaccinated' and any previously 'fully vaccinated' Israelis who haven't gotten the booster have now lost their 'green pass'. The most recently published Israeli data from December 12 brings the number of reported Omicron cases in the 'fully vaccinated' up to over 80%, with just 13 of the 67 total cases not triple injected. Strange indeed, then, that a chief Israeli strategy in the ongoing battle "to stop the spread of the [Omicron] virus," in the words of the Prime Minister himself, is "an increase in the rate of vaccination."

The absurdity of the 'vaccine'-pushers knows no bounds, as the nonsensical nature of the injection coercion campaign narrative reaches new heights every day now...

Seeing it has now become official that 'the pandemic of the vaccinated is here', and there is no escaping the fact that all the trusted 'experts' themselves are declaring Omicron to be predominantly affecting the fully vaccinated and the boosted, the continued calls for populations to be vaccinated and boosted in response to Omicron is laughably absurd, ridiculously nonsensical, and really quite schizophrenic.

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A third injection or 'booster' shot quite clearly does not prevent transmission, infection, or symptomatic disease caused by this Omicron, if Omicron really is a variant at all and not simply a mask for symptoms being caused by the injections themselves.

In case it wasn't already crystal clear, all of this nonsensical Omicron hype and the associated global injection/booster campaign push has everything to do with Big Pharma profit. Since it obviously isn't about stopping Omicron, this should go without saying, but here's the evidence, as Omicron media hype is making the injection manufacturers, and their stakeholders billions...

The absurdity of all this clown world schizophrenia would be funnier, if it wasn't literally killing people. Because the injection coercion campaign is so insane that it is forcing those in need of life saving organ transplants to get the jab or be removed from organ donor transplant lists, even when it comes to those with natural immunity like the 49 y/o Texas man Bobby Bolin who was coerced into taking the jab in order to remain on his hospital's lung transplant list, and then died "when he developed a pulmonary embolism and heart issues after his second Moderna vaccine."

It's totally 'safe and effective' though, and absolutely necessary that absolutely everyone take their first two shots and especially the booster that is demonstrably not stopping either the spread of Omicron or symptomatic infection, in order to stop the spread of Omicron and protect you from the super mild, non-deadly symptoms it causes - because fear, and science, and Fauci said so. And if you disagree or challenge or question this conclusion in any way at all, then according to Pfizer, you are a criminal. Literally, that's what the Pfizer CEO thinks, the CEO of a convicted criminal organization. But you are the criminal for spreading 'vaccine misinformation'. They are your savior. So stick out your arm for your next shot and stop asking questions, peasant, because Pfizer's profits depend upon it, and nothing else matters.


At this point its more of an IQ test. How long will people continue to buy the story and keep delaying from accepting the truth? There's probably Vegas odds on how many boosters they'll be willing to take? Zero FOR ME!

At this point its more of an IQ test. How long will people continue to buy the story and keep delaying from accepting the truth? There's probably Vegas odds on how many boosters they'll be willing to take? Zero FOR ME!