10 Reasons People Choose Not to Get the Injection: Totally Experimental, Highly Ineffective, Demonstrably Dangerous

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

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Why won't so many millions of stupid, anti-science, conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxers get the 'vaccine', even when it means losing their job, their income, their housing, and in some cases even their ability to go out on the town? This is the big question those who have been indoctrinated into the 'vaccine' worshiping Covid cult continue to ask. After all, we absolutely know that is safe, effective, and free, and all those pesky anti-vaxxers and millions more who have been infected by their anti-science 'vaccine hesitancy' are keeping the rest of us from getting back to life at normal, those selfish twats keeping all of us from getting our freedom back! If only all of these stubborn, selfish jerks who care more about their bodily autonomy and distrust in government than keeping their neighbor safe from the deadly virus would just take the jab, this pandemic nightmare would finally come to an end once and for all, with the miraculous 'vaccine' vanquishing the evil virus, and the war on Covid would finally be won.

That is the messaging coming from the corporate media, establishment politicians and 'experts', captured 'regulatory' agencies, and much of the medical establishment, but the reality is that there are plenty of valid reasons why an intelligent, caring person would opt out of volunteering to receive this injection, or endless series of injections as we are now being told it will be.

As it turns out, there is a reason why so many millions of humans are resisting this injection coercion campaign so staunchly, and as much as it may come as a surprise those who have been programmed to believe otherwise, that reason is not in most cases ignorance, stupidity, fear of needles, rejection of science or hatred of neighbor. Nor is it true that all those opting not to take this so-called vaccine are 'anti-vaxx', or that the choice of the majority of those who refuse to comply is being motivated exclusively by a distrust in government. Although the media, the cult leaders, and their blind followers continue to insist, as the NY governor has, that all the "smart people" long ago lined up to get vaccinated, and, as those amongst the blockchain thought police claim, "Not getting it is moronic," that is simply not the case at all, as the most highly educated Americans (PhDs) are also among the most 'vaccine-hesitant' groups of all, as a study published by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh based on analysis of over 5 million survey responses found!

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"Why do some Americans not want to get the vaccine?"

This is the question the likes of David Pakman continue to ask, as if the answer were some hidden mystery, as if it wasn't clear, as if there were no legitimate answer. Well, if a mystery, it can be hidden no longer; if unclear, this post should clear up that confusion; and anyone who will but look at the evidence behind the choice being made by these millions of Americans (and people all around the world) resisting this injection coercion campaign will see that there are in fact many legitimate reasons why people are choosing not to comply with the injection program, and it has nothing to do with selfishness, hatred of science, ignorance or lack of intelligence. What follows is not meant to serve as a complete list of every legitimate reason one may have to opt out of receiving these injections, but it does cover some of the main reasons driving resistance to this injection campaign that I am aware of, which are also reasons as to why I will never personally take this jab.

1. The Covid 'vaccines' are all experimental injections, the safety and efficacy profiles of which are still unknown (although becoming more clear with time), and as such all injection recipients are test subjects in a massive, ongoing global clinical trial.

Not everyone wants to be a test subject in the largest medical experiment in modern history, and many people are simply waiting to decide whether or not they want to take the jab until trials have been completed. Through 2022 the initial clinical trials are still ongoing, and as long as trials are ongoing the world is being offered an experimental drug, the long term effects of which absolutely nobody can possibly know with any certainty. This is the first coronavirus 'vaccine' to ever make it past the trial stage and be authorized for public use due to safety issues that prevented the success of all previous coronavirus vaccine development attempts. It is also the very first time that mRNA technology has ever been used on humans, ever, and the majority of the injections out there are the mRNA injections.

It should go without saying that nobody should be forced to take an experimental drug or shamed for their choice to not do so, and nobody should be subjected to medical experimentation against their will, which is a violation of basic human rights recognized under international law. Unfortunately, that is not the way many see things today, but the mandates which are effectively doing exactly this are nonetheless an egregious violation of the Informed Consent clause of the Nuremberg Treaty and thus a crime against humanity.

Control groups are vital to any drug trial, and since the control groups of the initial 'trials' were eradicated by offering controls the jab before trial completion, the only remaining control group in this global experiment are those resisting the pressure to 'just take the jab'. Now, with the injection coercion campaign intensifying and increasingly attempting to make life for non-compliant impossible, we can see, as investigate journalist Jordan Schachtel points out in the title of his recent piece, "The war on the ‘unvaccinated’ is a desperate attempt to demonize and destroy the control group."

Those who did not comply from the beginning of COVID Mania serve to pose the biggest threat to the power of these maniacal politicians. That’s why they’re attacking us so ferociously. The political elite pretend as if they care about COVID, but it’s not the virus that is keeping them up at night. It’s those pesky individuals who refuse to bend the knee – those are the ones in the crosshairs. The control group is the biggest threat to the people in power. They simply can’t survive the political ramifications of a control group outperforming the citizens living under the weight of destructive COVID Mania mandates and societal edicts.

Where true science dictates that there must be a control group to establish the safety and efficacy or lack thereof of any new drug being brought to market, the puppets of the ruling class insisting that every man, woman and child on the face of the earth take the injection in the name of science are in fact the ones who are, by doing so, making themselves the enemy of science, and not the other way around.

2. The development of these injections was extremely rushed, a 'colossally stupid' recipe for disaster.

Not only is this the first time that mRNA vaccine technology is being used on humans, it is being done with the most rushed 'vaccine' production in the history of vaccines. Even CNN published a headline declaring that the rushing of these 'vaccines' was "colossally stupid," and in that 2020 piece detailed a few historic disasters that resulted from the rushing of new drugs. Nobody in their right mind would ordinarily question the choice of one opting not to take a brand new drug that had been rushed to market as fast as this one, especially when it isn't just a new drug but also a whole new technology.

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Vaccines typically take 5-10 years to develop, get through trials and be approved before reaching market, with the fastest development of any vaccine in the history of vaccines being 4 years. And yet thanks to Trump's 'Operation Warp Speed', the coronavirus 'vaccine' was rushed out in a record 10 months flat, and its makers then dared to make the absurd claim, initially parroted by the entire medical, media and political establishment - that it was scientifically proven to be 100% safe and effective!

3. The injections are made by criminal organizations, and nobody is morally obligated to support organized crime.

Big Pharma is a criminal industry, with 2 of the 3 injections authorized for use in the US made by criminal organizations with criminal records, both Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson having been convicted for their crimes in a court of law. Pfizer, the top Covid 'vaccine' manufacturer supplying the only FDA-approved injection in the US, is the picture perfect example of organized crime, being described as a “habitual offender,” quite literally a criminal cartel, “persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results.” (Tough on Crime? Pfizer and the CIHR)

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Lest we somehow think that these past transgressions may not be indicative of a pattern of criminal behavior that would naturally repeat itself during the making of the Covid injection, we do indeed have evidence that this criminal conduct of Pfizer's was carried right into its ‘Covid19’ vaccine trials, where they were back at it again, suppressing adverse trial results to hide the risk of paralysis and a host of other serious injuries from future recipients, reporting 12 year old Maddie de Garay’s permanent paralysis sustained less than 24 hours following her 2nd injection as “abdominal pain.” Maddie was never removed from the trial, she remains paralyzed to this day, she has not been compensated a single dime for her sacrifice on the alter of Pfizer’s lucrative criminal enterprise, and the FDA has still yet to investigate this monumental trial fraud, despite assurances it would. Upon being admitted for medical care, Maddie's injury was initially recorded in her medical records as an adverse reaction to the experimental injection, before the debilitating injuries were later absurdly diagnosed as the symptoms of "anxiety"-induced neurological damage. To this day, Pfizer claims there were no serious vaccine adverse reactions in its trial for 12-15 year olds, and parents are not being informed of the known risk of paralysis and a host of other severe symptoms of the neurological damage sustained by Maddie and associated with these injections which was observed during the trials. And if they lied about Maddie's injuries to suppress those risks, what else did they lie about to convince the public that their injections are totally safe?

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(See also: The Curious Case of Maddie de Garay and Maddie de Garay: Ohio 13-year-old cannot and did not “consent” to vaccine clinical trials)

Many people, myself included, have absolutely no desire to support any of the corrupt, greedy, criminal pharmaceutical companies manufacturing these 'vaccines', and we have no obligation to support such an evil industry that profits off of our sickness and has openly admitted that a healthy population would put them out of business, an industry which has been actively suppressing cancer cures for over a decade and continues to engage in corrupt and criminal behavior to advance this particular experimental injection upon the entire global population. And although the jabs are sold to the public as being "free" to the recipient, they are far from it, as the companies themselves are not selling them at cost but for a hefty profit, despite their development already being funded to the tune of billions by taxpayer dollars. So whether or not you and I are paying for these shots out of our pockets, every one of us who gets one of these shots is nevertheless financially supporting the maker of the jab we take. And I personally don't care who is forking over that cost, I will not contribute any support whatsoever to this corrupt and evil industry by volunteering to take an injection I neither want nor need, that I well know will serve to line the pockets of a criminal industry I strongly oppose on moral, ethical and religious grounds.

4. Injections developed using human fetal cell lines.

Anyone who opposes abortion for religious or ethical reasons may well opt out of the injection program because these injections were developed using fetal cell lines, meaning their creation necessitated the abortion of the babies whose tissue was used to grow those lines. That these babies were aborted decades ago and not for the sole purpose of the development of these particular injections but rather vaccines in general does not negate the fact that aborted fetal tissue was used, and many Christians, among others, have long opposed products developed using fetal tissue in any way, shape or form. And while the public was initially told that only the adenovirus injections (J&J, AstraZeneca) used human fetal cell lines, it has since been established that in fact the mRNA injections also utilized human fetal cell lines in their development. This was intentionally hidden from the public in order to diminish the associated 'vaccine hesitancy' that would arise, but a Pfizer whistleblower brought this reality to the public's attention and verified the claims with internal company emails.

In Part 5 of the Project Veritas 'Covid Vax Exposed' series, Melissa Strickler, a former Quality Auditor at Pfizer, in an interview with James O'Keefe, reveals that the company did in fact use a human fetal cell line for testing associated with its vaccine program, just not the production of its injection itself, and then intentionally hid the information from the public. She was then promptly fired. Regardless of the exactly what stage of the process or part of the program the fetal cell lines were used, they were used as a part of the program that produced the injections, and were thus a part of the production. The public deserves to know this, and no endorsement by the Pope can determine whether or not an individual feels morally obliged to decline an injection which relied upon fetal cell lines for its production.

5. Vegans and Vegetarians object to disgusting use of fetal bovine serum and monkey kidney cells in the culturing of 'virus' used to produce 'vaccines' and animals harmed during trials


It isn't only Christians who may object to using these injections for religious reasons related to practices deemed unethical by many during their development. Ethical vegetarians such as Ghandi have long denounced vaccination and personally rejected vaccines because of the cruel harm caused to animals during animal trials and beforehand to obtain the animal tissues used in production.

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See my post detailing the disgusting process of culturing the 'virus' used to make all of these injections as well as the global testing regimen used to 'diagnose' Covid, where fetal bovine fluid and monkey kidney cells form the culture used to grow the so-called virus. If aborting baby cows and killing monkeys to use their kidneys for medical research isn't enough to deter the ethical vegan or vegetarian from avoiding this injection, then maybe the number of animals harmed during trials is. Even the vegans who support the injection campaign can't deny that these shots are as far from being vegan as anything can possibly come.

Macken Murphy's piece advocating for vegans to take the jab, opens with the following words:

Animals were harmed in the making of the COVID vaccines. To make the one I received, 42 monkeys and 64 mice were held in monotonous confinement, experimented on against their will, and murdered so their bodies could be cut up and examined. If you picked up similar creatures from the pet store and treated them the same way animal experimenters do, you’d be jailed.

When we say a product is vegan, we mean it was developed without animal exploitation. By that definition, these vaccines are about as vegan as cheeseburgers.

So while there are plenty of vegans out there getting the jab, there is also plenty of reason for ethical vegans and vegetarians to reject this injection on ethical, moral, and in some cases even religious or spiritual grounds. Some religions and spiritual paths strongly condemn the harm and killing of animals, and historically prominent spiritual leaders such as Ghandi have taken a strong anti-vaccine stance for this very reason. It is not surprising, then, that there are plenty of vegans and vegetarians out there who are opting not to get injected, and who are standing strong against the establishment coercion campaign.

6. The clinical trials were a joke, and every promise they made concerning these injections to sell them to the public has turned out to be absolutely wrong, either horribly mistaken or a pile of outright lies.

Either way, there is no longer any reason to trust anything that any one of those pharmaceutical, technocratic puppets pushing these injections on society tell us about their magic potion. Those who are 'vaccine hesitant' are not the crazy ones, they are simply seeing the growing mountain of red flags being systematically ignored by the corporate media and vaccine-worshiping mandavaxxers.

The so-called 'experts' have now contradicted themselves on absolutely every point they initially sold the public about these shots; and not one single assurance concerning these injections which were mindlessly repeated as proven science and gospel truth turned out to be true. When it comes to dangerous medical misinformation about these injections, those pushing the 'vaccines' on the rest of us are biggest culprits of all...

As Jordan Schachtel notes:

In the span of 6 months, we went from “You’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” and “vaccinated people don’t get the virus and don’t get sick,” and “all three vaccines are 100 percent effective against hospitalization and death..." To our current reality of another season of lockdowns, restrictions, and the usual, nonsensical “public health measures.”

Indeed, he couldn't be more right.

7.5+ billion shots later, those of us who’ve followed the data closely have found out that all of the aforementioned statements, endorsed by the most renowned Government Health officials in the world, were complete nonsense. Weapons-grade nonsense. They were nowhere near remotely close to even representing a scintilla of truth.

Those who are being at all intellectually honest with themselves must be forced to recognize the truth of the matter, easily summed up in just 4 words...

"It's a Crazy Mess."

For example, the prestigious British Medical Journal recently published a bombshell investigative report written by Thomas Thacker that totally blew the lid off of the illusion that there was any semblance of integrity to these sham clinical trials - "Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial."

In summary:

A regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding. After repeatedly notifying Ventavia of these problems, the regional director, Brook Jackson, emailed a complaint to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ventavia fired her later the same day. Jackson has provided The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails.

Any one of the dozen concerns reported by Jackson should have been enough on their own to invalidate the data findings of the entire clinical trial pending further investigation, but the FDA didn't so much as bother to even inspect the location where these trial protocol violations were occurring, while the whistleblower was promptly fired immediately following her report to the FDA of the problems she had been witnessing, and the Facebook 'fact-checker' Lead Stories dubiously 'fact-checked' the whistleblower claims which are backed up by solid evidence, in a pathetic piece with a headline claiming: "The British Medical Journal Did NOT Reveal Disqualifying And Ignored Reports Of Flaws In Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Trials," despite that being exactly what the BMJ accomplished. Apart from a few desperate attempts such as these to discredit this information, the corporate media has remained incredibly silent on the issue. Meanwhile, even the BMJ's head of journalism, Rebecca Coombes, has published a rapid response defending the veracity and authenticity of both the report and the whistleblower's claims, which are further supported by other employees of the company.

Considering every initial claim about these injections, allegedly based upon the initial clinical trial results, all turned out to be incredibly inaccurate, misleading and altogether false, there can hardly be a doubt that the trial data itself does indeed lack the integrity necessary to make any sort of reasonably accurate assessment of the safety or efficacy of this experimental injection whatsoever.

The decision of the 'vaccine hesitant' population which decided to wait to make the decision about whether or not they'd be getting the injection until real life data began to pour in, it turns out, is a very rational choice being increasingly vindicated with every passing day.

7. All Risk, No Benefit, the science indicates.

If the shots don't protect recipients from infection, symptomatic disease, hospitalization or death, as is now being widely admitted even among establishment mandavaxxers, and any alleged initial protection vanishes in a matter of weeks, as the scientific literature and 'experts' now agree, then there is absolutely no reason for the vast majority of people to get the jab. And no matter how minuscule the risk of injury from these injections may be, that there are admittedly inherent risks associated with these injections - including increased risk of myocarditis, deadly blood clotting disorders (VITT), severe allergic reactions and neurological damage - all acknowledged by the establishment, means that taking these injections is all risk with no real benefit at all. Because if they don't stop transmission, or prevent infection, or mild or severe disease, or prevent or even significantly reduce hospitalization or death, then they clearly don't work. And this is what all of the real world data, countless scientific studies, and even the rare but damning admissions made by the so-called 'experts' themselves clearly indicates, as I documented extensively earlier this fall.

Since that time the evidence indicting the so-called 'vaccine efficacy' continues to stack up, with Bill Gates himself having now even publicly admitted that the shots don't significantly reduce transmission, and a recent study coming out of Norway published on November 5 finding zero 'vaccine' effectiveness at reducing death in hospitalized Covid patients. Meanwhile the UK public health data continues to unequivocally prove the very real existence of a pandemic of the vaccinated, with the overwhelming majority of total 'cases' occurring in the fully vaccinated, and the overwhelming majority of Covid hospitalizations and deaths among those 50 and older also occurring in the fully vaccinated, the injection clearly increasing recipient risk of severe disease and death in the elderly, with an increasingly higher proportion of total Covid deaths in the vaccinated with each older age group. By no stretch of the imagination can the death of 1,492 'fully vaccinated' Covid patients in just 4 weeks compared with just 187 deaths of unvaccinated Covid patients in the same time frame somehow be indicative of a product that is highly effective at preventing death or severe illness which leads to that death...

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And just for the laughs, we can now confirm that even a 100% rate of vaccination cannot stop or even slow the 'spread' of Covid, if in fact this disease is being spread at all as opposed to being largely induced directly by the injections themselves, as Gibralter, the first nation on earth to reach a 100% rate of vaccination with its entire population now at the status of 'fully vaccinated' with a whopping 140% rate of injection (as 40% of the population is now triple-injected), continues to see skyrocketing cases...

Clearly, if not even 100% vaccination coverage stops transmission or infection, or prevents associated hospitalizations and deaths, then the 'vaccine' doesn't work, at all. It is not effective at doing anything besides potentially reducing symptoms in those who are infected for a few short months before even that alleged protection fades and quickly vanishes altogether.

As to that "95% effective" claim made by Pfizer and mindlessly parroted by corporate media, it was in reference to relative risk reduction (RRR) and not absolute risk reduction (ARR), the latter of which the FDA recommends vaccine manufacturers use in the interest of truly informed consent. So even if this number is initially accurate, as the efficacy admittedly drops to near zero in just a few months, it doesn't actually mean recipients have a 95% reduced risk of contracting Covid, with the actual risk reduction just 0.84%, meaning the injection only reduces your overall risk of infection by less than 1%, according to Pfizer's own manipulated data! And even then only initially, and only after 14 days following the second injection, before it immediately begins to become less and less effective from there on out...

8. Injection weakens, destroys immune system, causing autoimmunity in some and increasing risk of development of unrelated disease.

The evidence that these injections can and at least in many cases are indeed weakening the human immune system keeps stacking up, with much of that evidence summarized and sourced in a short recent post of mine - here. Additional documentation of this phenomenon in the Swiss Policy Research piece, Covid Vaccines and Cancer, revealing that the injections are likely one of the causes behind the currently soaring excess mortality rates and spike in cancer cases observed in 2021, that coincides with the launch of the global injection campaign.

9. Natural Immunity is far superior to any potential injection 'protection', and most people are naturally immune.

Of all of the reasons to choose not to get vaccinated, natural immunity is likely the biggest and most obvious of them all. As I have previously documented extensively, the scientific literature on natural immunity is endless and the studies in overwhelming agreement that naturally acquired immunity offers incredibly strong, robust and durable protection from the 'virus' far superior to anything the injection could ever possibly provide recipients which observably lasts at least twice as long as the so-called 'vaccine'-induced 'immunity', and should, based on the research of several studies, last at least several decades to a lifetime. Multiple studies have also found that this far superior and longer lasting naturally acquired immunity is not only present in those who have recovered from Covid, but also in 'asymptomatic carriers' as well, while several other studies actually found that the majority of those who had never even been exposed or infected also had pre-existant cross immune reactivity, meaning that the vast majority of Americans likely already have some form of natural protection, and according to the CDC's own estimates, a good half of the population has already been infected and should therefore have the complete protection that comes with natural immunity acquired during infection. There are now a total of at least 122 studies on natural immunity which overwhelmingly demonstrate that there is no medical or scientific benefit or purpose of vaccinating the naturally immune, and yet natural immunity doesn't even play a factor in the global vaccination strategy, the injection coercion campaign, or the vast majority of the mandates now being forced on the populations of the earth.

10. These injections are toxic, demonstrably dangerous, and all of the available evidence indicates the deadliest vaccine ever to reach the market by a long shot.

The reported injuries following injection with these shots in less than one year have already surpassed the total number of reported injuries following injection with all other vaccines on the market in the 20 year life of the CDC's VAERS database, the US database for vaccine injury reporting.


The same pattern is seen in the global data reported in WHO's vaccine adverse reaction database, as well as the European vaccine injury database. Never before in the history of vaccines have so many serious adverse reactions including death been reported, let alone in such a short period of time, and these safety signals are being ignored and suppressed rather than being investigated and researched.

And while it is certainly true that these numbers are unverified statistics, it is also true that a DHHS study previously found that only 1% of actual vaccine adverse reactions were reported to the database, and there is a plethora of evidence suggesting that these numbers are to some degree reflective of widespread under-reporting. Meanwhile, the injuries taking place are very real, the stories of the 'vaccine'-injured are being suppressed and their voices silenced, and all evidence indicating that these injections are anything less than 'totally safe' being swept under the rug in favor of the establishment mantra, 'safe and effective', 'safe and effective', 'safe and effective'. See the documentary I put together to hear a sampling of the thousands of stories of the 'vaccine'-injured whose stories are being silenced and censored in this orchestrated war on informed consent:

What's Going On? (parts 1 & 2):As it is, the known and acknowledged risk of various serious injuries associated with these injections is enough to demonstrate that these shots are far from being truly safe. Healthy athletes in their prime all across the planet are dropping left and right like flies on a daily basis now due to heart failure, following these injection campaigns, and yet somehow, despite heart inflammation (myocarditis) being an increasingly common acknowledged adverse event associated with these injections, the media can't (or more likely won't) connect the dots... Thanks to J. Wilderness (@jonboka) for the well done video compilations documenting this tragic phenomenon -

Never before 2021 have so many professional athletes dropped dead of sudden heart failure in a single year. In fact, an independent investigation of the data found that there has been a five-fold or 500% increase in deaths among FIFA soccer players, which is extremely statistically significant. Among the 180 and growing documented cases of professional FIFA athletes and coaches who have suddenly collapsed this year, at least 108 have died, and the reported cause of collapse in most cases is heart failure of some kind, including myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, or cardiac arrest, with the second reported cause being clotting events. Myopericarditis and blood clotting are both well known and acknowledged adverse reactions associated with the injections, while heart attacks are one of the most commonly reported serious adverse reactions following injection. But somehow nobody in the corporate media can seem to figure out just what on earth could possibly be causing this unprecedented mysterious spike in collapsing athletes.

In Scotland, public health data also reveals that heart disorders are up 118% this year.

The data from CDC's own study on myocarditis following injection indicates a substantially increased risk of myopericarditis in males ranging from 40-80x higher than expected in teens and young adults aged 16-24 to about 2-4x in men aged 40-49, and a far less extreme but still significantly increased risk in young women and teenage girls.

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More recently, on November 8, Circulation, which is arguably the top-rated journal on cardiology, published a study - Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning - which found that the mRNA injections more than doubled the risk of heart inflammation and ACS in recipients.

Such findings are no longer isolated, with multiple studies now demonstrating a myriad of ways that these injections are adversely affecting the body in such a way that would naturally lead to the very sort of injuries being widely reported and experienced by recipients. Meanwhile the athletes keep collapsing, the 'vaccine' injury reports keep streaming in, and the media continues to mindlessly repeat the cult's mantra, 'safe and effective', 'safe and effective', 'safe and effective', which by now has become as predictable as the next collapsing athlete.

In depth investigation into collapsing athlete phenomenon confirms sudden death and injuries witnessed in 2021 is occurring at an extremely unprecedented and statistically significant increased rate above the past 20-year average - The Pandemic Illusion & The Ongoing Coverup Of Collapsing Athlete Myocarditis/Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

There is plenty additional evidence that these injections are causing widespread death and injury, far too much to include here and some of which I have previously documented. As Dr. Peter McCullough has explained, a great many of those refusing to get the jab aren't anti-Vaxx, they've just seen the evidence being hidden by the corporate media and don't want to die.

I can also think of several other reasons for opting not to get this injection as well that are probably worth mentioning, but this post is already plenty long enough as it is. That there are a number of legitimate reasons for being hesitant or downright resistant to getting these experimental injections has been clearly shown, and those who will not accept these reasons as legitimate will surely not accept another.

Upon investigating the available evidence, however, the far more important question appears to be just why it is that young and healthy teens and adults who are at such an extremely low risk of death from a disease less deadly than the flu according to the official numbers (1 in a million chance of death upon infection for 19 year olds) still choose to get vaccinated themselves, and why exactly it is that so many Americans also feel the need to force these injections on others who do not want them, especially the children.


Congrats for this, serious amount of work. Respect, and thanks for the shout out.