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RE: Elon Musk, Twitter, and Free Speech

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Nah, I think Musk is an actor, honestly. There's something off about the whole good-guy charade. And as your example perfectly exemplifies, I think he's a case of talking the talk without walking the walk in many instances.
At the end of the day, the overwhelming majority of people won't bother to run this kind of experiment. They'll see a headline (leaning whichever way the paper's owners want it to lean) and form their opinion of Musk based on that.
He just flows too smoothly to be the actual good guy, I feel.

anyhow, it's good to see you around, dear friend <3 It really is. And I hope your friend is in a better place. Then again, with the way the world's going right now, that wouldn't be too hard.


I never trusted the guy. I know too well what goes into making electric cars.

Good to be seen again dear friend. I'm halfway done with another article that I'm ashamed to say has taken almost 3 weeks.

Given the state of the world, I wouldn't miss much if I was called away. My grandkids and great-grandkids keep me going... I want a better world for them

I'm halfway done with another article that I'm ashamed to say has taken almost 3 weeks.

I look forward to it! Three hours, three weeks, or three months, I'd argue the important thing is to keep writing. It'd be such a shame not to.

Thank you for the support, I need it!

Bingo. Actor is right! Everything We see in the "news" is part of Their script.