Yes, the game is definitely mismatched, but we don't know if it's so behind the scenes. As you said, someone (Soros, quite likely, at least in part) is pulling Biden's strings, so the deciding power in this game isn't with Biden. So the game may be more evened out behind the scenes.
Having said that it's pretty obvious that we haven't the least clue about what is really going on. I have no idea what to do about it.
I completely agree, we have no way of knowing what is happening. In a way, not fully trusting either side reporting the situation was exactly my point. I notice a tendency on both sides to start taking for granted what they're being told, which is dangerous, regardless if you're left or right. That is, I believe, the case of the friend I was discussing in my post. I think focusing too heavily on this Trump vs. Biden debate that so consumes the U.S. takes away from what is happening now. Seems much more important to focus on whoever's pulling Biden's strings now, than on possibilities that were never realized (like Trump continuing his presidency).
What did Obama do about it? He sent the Ukraine blankets. It is to be noted that Putin did NOT follow up during the Trump administration, he waited until Obama's third term in office.
I didn't know that :) I admit I was too young to follow international affairs back in 2014. Which is why I wouldn't try to give an opinion on a situation I know little about. I'm sure there's a connection between Biden being in office and what is happening now, just like I'm sure there was a connection between him taking office and what happened in Afghanistan. But I also believe that there's someone behind all of this, orchestrating all of these seemingly unrelated moves. And they're not reacting to Biden becoming president to do so-and-so things. Rather, I think that's what they planned would happen from the beginning.
Is History a lie?
History is a story, and all stories are fictional, to some extent.
too young to follow politics in 2014? !! But...but..that was just..
(now I feel old)