It's not normal for people this young to be this sick.

in Deep Diveslast year

Just in case that needed saying which I personally never thought it would. Like, when I was a kid, sure, being in your 20s sounded ancient, but all jokes aside, it was an age of strength and virility and all that. Yet, as I look around myself, that's not what I'm seeing.

I was just texting with a friend who's sick. Again. It's been a week, I think, since she recovered from another illness, pretty serious, was laid up for about 10 days or so. And this friend is my age. That's not normal. You certainly don't think of 25-year-olds as jumping from illness to illness.

I've been talking to another friend who's a bit older, she's 34, and she also has been seriously sick on and off for the past 2-3 years. And just now, she's been laid up in bed with bad fever for like 5 days? That's nuts.

My cousin, 27, was sick for like a month around New Year's, and like seriously ill. It wasn't a normal case of the flu, or just the popular cold, you know? Took a heavy round of antibiotics to get her out of that.

And I keep thinking, this isn't normal. Like, it's not what you expect from someone in their 20s who has no other comorbidities ah, that word again. Not overweight, people who exercise, people who eat fairly well and are active, and have no prior conditions. I mean, this is the sort of dialogue I used to hear from my grandma, who was pushing 90 at the time. Every day, something else hurting.

But from a 20 or 30 year old? Seems sick to me. Wrong.

Obviously, one can't help consider that the one thing these people have in common is the Covid vaccine (and me as a friend. Hey, maybe I'm the problem.). Meanwhile, I don't know that many people who weren't vaxxed of a similar age, sadly, yet everyone I do know, I can't remember the last time they mentioned illness?
Personally, the last time I had a bad-ish flu (or maybe it was Covid, who knows...) was December '22. I don't remember being sick since then. And no, I don't mean the common cold, I had that some 3 months ago? But obviously not at this level.

And to be fair, it's normal (I think) to occasionally get a bad case of the flu or even a very bad cold that keeps you in bed and makes you sick all over. But when every illness you get is major, and gets you down, and renders you useless for some days? That's not normal.

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-31 at 12.12.46(4).jpeg


Talking to one of my sick friends, I said something along the lines that maybe the body's still recovering from the pandemic. I was trying to be nice and hopeful, though in truth, I'm not sure how much recovery there's gonna be. Technically, you should be getting weaker as you advance in age. You should be stronger and less prone to illness at 25 than you are at 40, right? So if their young years are spent like this, when exactly are they gonna recover? When they're supposed to be getting weaker?

Doubt that.

Are these people slated to go through life with weak immunity? Premature death? More prone to ailment? Given the sheer scale of the unknown at play here (we have never been in a situation like this before, which is mind-boggling), we can't know.

And what does that mean for our future? I'm aware this is gonna sound kinda Hitler-esque here, but these are people with seemingly affected genetic code and squandered immunity. I think it's a fair assumption that the children of these young people may also be more prone to viruses and illnesses, right? I mean, normally, back in the olden times, if you had two weak parents with weak immune systems and a host of maladies, the offspring were also more prone to such.

One of my vaxxed friends was baffled when I told her that for me, vaccination was a dating criterion, and I did wonder for a long time if I was being absurd. If the efforts to polarize us had got to me. Then again, as someone who definitely wants kids, and am screening any potential or early relationship for that potential, it seems a fair aspect to consider to me.

Alas, it's too early to know how the children of the vaxxed will do and feel. Too early to tell if that sort of concern is baseless and crazy, or just in a way. And much as I may be an idealist, I can't help thinking that, while we may "move on" from the divisive pandemic years, there might be in our midst aspects and points of strife we'll never move past, as a society.

What do you think?



Are these people slated to go through life with weak immunity? Premature death? More prone to ailment?

Vaccination has been doing this to us since its inception. I believe that is its true function, to make us sick, send us to doctors, insurance companies, and medical facilities. Vaccination is market development.

Health should be the norm. It isn't. As we get older, more and more of our friends are on prescription drugs, and having sadistic diagnostic tests done regularly to search for more reasons to get them on more prescription drugs. It's all phony.

Do not use western medical services. They poison you every time you go.

Colds and what we call viruses could be the body detoxifying from collected poisonings. They happen in the months during which we are somewhat confined to the inside, food is less fresh. I think this makes a great deal of sense, and, whenever I do get sick, I use that understanding of what is happening to get well: support detoxification. I'm 68, and am never sick for very long, have not had lasting complications of any kind since I stopped using western medications as treatment. If this type of illness is from poisoning, it makes no sense at all to put even more poisons in the body.

Another thought - are there a lot of chemtrails in Romania? That would be a handy mode to poison us and make us sick. I've noticed that, whenever there has been a covid case spike, it was preceded by chemtrail criss-crossed skies. Some are now saying that what we have called viruses for centuries might actually have been poisonings by the ruling class.

We've been lead to believe that we must use western medical services to be well, but the opposite is true.

Yes to what you said about getting older and subscribing to this whole sadistic system! For some, it seems like a veritable rite of passage. Like you're an adult now, better start checking regularly for shit not bothering you in the first place!

Also, what you said about colds is really cool . It could certainly be. It's possible that our body is reacting to extreme temperatures, and it's just that, but how well or how poorly we react to those temperatures is certainly a sign of the level of poison in our system.

As for chemtrails, I'd say so. It's hard to tell, I find, in Bucharest, but I think so and have heard others comment on the presence of chem trails, so... funny, I remember the first time I heard about them, I thought it was a bit out there, you know? It was before the pandemic. Now though, it seems to make perfect sense...

They've made us think we are not taking care of ourselves unless we submit our bodies to what is essentially medical experimentation. They guess about what you have, then they guess about what to do about it.

Nothing is too out there to be believed. I think this is where predictive programming comes in. If they show it to us on the big screen, we think it is fantasy, impossible. So when it happens we can't even see it. Chemtrails look like cloud grids or striped in the sky, from horizon to horizon. Many will scoff and say they are jet streams. But the next day will be totally free of any stripes or grids, so what happened? All the jets were grounded for those beautiful blue sky days? Not a single one, anywhere, all day, when the previous day the sky was covered. Look up every single clear day, they can be seen on slightly overcast days too, and on clear nights.

So very well said. You keep hearing about all sorts of groups being used for experiments, yet somehow, we maintain this denial that it couldn't also be us. Right.

If they show it to us on the big screen, we think it is fantasy, impossible.

Can't tell you how much that bugs me. We'll believe anything so readily in fiction, yet when it comes to our real world, we say "no, that can't be". Really? Then why were you so eager to buy it when it was on the TV?

Look up every single clear day, they can be seen on slightly overcast days too, and on clear nights.

Oh, I look. :)

I must have misunderstood your comment above. I thought you weren't familiar with chemtrails. As always, I am delighted to know you!

Colds and what we call viruses could be the body detoxifying from collected poisonings. They happen in the months during which we are somewhat confined to the inside, food is less fresh. I think this makes a great deal of sense, and, whenever I do get sick, I use that understanding of what is happening to get well: support detoxification. I'm 68, and am never sick for very long, have not had lasting complications of any kind since I stopped using western medications as treatment. If this type of illness is from poisoning, it makes no sense at all to put even more poisons in the body.

That's what it is exactly my old friend. Very well written.

The health system is designed to keep us sick, otherwise it would go.out of business. Vaccinations, that's a whole can of worms there. Just the whole pharmaceutical business really and then there is the food we eat, some which is the furthers thing away from natural.
Then there is what is being sprayed in our skies. We are being bombarded.
I know so many people who have really been struggling lately with their health.
Great Post xxxxx

Oh yes, vaccines are one small part of it, though compared to foods, I'd say we're less aware here. Like we know most of the garbage we (well, most people) eat is bad, but we still expect vaccines to be for our greater good, you know?

Thank you! :)

I've certainly noticed that I've been healthier than others around me who were jabbed.
Indeed, weirdly I think I've been sick less often than in the decade before COVID.

I used to get a nasty bronchitis about once every 2 years but haven't had it or any respiratory illness since 2020.

Its almost as if the germs are targeting the jabbed and leaving the minority of unjabbed alone. This would make sense if the jab had created vulnerabilities that pathogens could exploit. It is more profitable for a pathogen to target a majority with a particular weakness than a minority without that weakness.

Something else that is not being widely reported is that there was a huge drop in births and fertility rates worldwide in 2023. Many countries had 5-10% and even 15% drops in birth rates. Only a handful had increases (small) while the vast majority had big drops.

I've noticed that too! Wondering if it was my perception alone, though I'm not sure.
I do think whatever was in those shots is targeting them. Why wouldn't it? Sadly, I think it is a case of eugenics at work here.
As for the fertility/birth rate, it's downright scary.

I’m just thinking different thing. Should we say that it was always quack doctors that are attending to them or what?
I feel if they were attended go properly, they would feel better

Over and above being vaxxed which still holds massive questions marks everywhere, people are run down. Youth should not be taking ill as you mentioned at this rate, prime time of your life.

Most of us are sick with chronic illnesses. These are not just a throw of the dice as we are lead to believe, but rather they are deliberately caused in large part by regular injections of toxins into the flesh, beginning in the US during the first few moments of life. That mothers allow this shows just how far the mind eff has gone - our innate good sense about health has been disabled. Chemtrails could be another method being used to sicken us, our municipal water sources have definitely been poisoned, and don't get me started on processed foods or the foods children are fed in schools.

Many things out there are not healthy for us, side effects are only starting to surface.

As you say from birth all the way through we having to research and ask questions for ourselves, rely on no-one else.

@tipu curate 2

This was a very eye opening video I saw about vaccination. Not all vaccines are created equal. Some are good and some are bad. Watch the video in full when you can.

I don't think you're crazy or that your thinking is baseless, as I started having seizures after both of my Covid vaxes, so now have to take anti-seizure meds.
I've also never heard of so many younger people having strokes, heart attacks, and many ailments related to blood clotting, and I firmly believe that it's either as a result of having had Covid (it never leaves one's body, I'm told) or it's the vaccine that's doing this.
I feel so sorry for your friends, the only thing one can do is try to boost the immune system naturally with good nourishment, supplements, and light exercise, even just walking, BUT, if they're feeling sick all the time, the latter is not viable!
Vaccination is big business, I don't think it will go away too soon!
Take care of yourself my friend xxx

I'm sorry to hear that, my friend. I really am.

I've also never heard of so many younger people having strokes, heart attacks, and many ailments related to blood clotting, and I firmly believe that it's either as a result of having had Covid (it never leaves one's body, I'm told) or it's the vaccine that's doing this.

Could be the other way around, certainly. Though I am noticing a difference in the people I know who had Covid, but didn't get vaxxed, in their immunity and their general welfare now. Cause I think mostly everyone had it, over such a broad period, in some form or another.

try to boost the immune system naturally with good nourishment, supplements, and light exercise, even just walking, BUT, if they're feeling sick all the time, the latter is not viable!

Certainly. I think that's another thing the youth are sort of skimping upon. Somehow they seem to think if they hit the gym a couple of times a week, they get to chug Coke and stuff crisps into their mouth guilt-free. Very skewed idea of health we've got, as a generation.

How are you feeling, my friend? Better, I should hope :)

What do I think?? I think you're one smart young lady, that's what I think! Always question, always look deeper, take no one's word for it where your health is concerned. You are right to screen your potential mate as you want your offspring to be the healthy, happy naturally imunized babies they were created to be. Bravo..good on you!!

Thank you for the wonderful compliment!

You are right to screen your potential mate as you want your offspring to be the healthy, happy naturally imunized babies they were created to be.

And for that! Again, it's something I've had my doubts over. Alas, I think we have a screwy idea of health in our 21st century, one that won't do future generations any favors.

I am also ill and this seems very difficult to cure. I have seen so many people facing the same condition. This may be the effect of something associated with covid and vaccines.

There are a lot of factors, aside from medication, there's also the constant stress as the world has become more fast-paced. I've gotten allergies I didn't use to have after taking medications. Inflation and other socioeconomic factors at play, people are required to grind even harder.

Let's all slow down and be mindful of our health. Listen to our bodies.

This post is timely for me because I just had to step back from work because of my body. I've been very sickly and I'm just 33.

The bills are always there, always a doom at the end of each month, waiting. But I really had to take this rest.

I'm sorry to hear. I really hope you feel better. You're right, the constant economic stress isn't doing anyone any favors. Take care of yourself!

They are just bored and want a harder challenge !

This is a great post and written very respectfully (I know some are sensitive to the subject when this is brought up). Well done!

Personally, I'm very happy that none of us has fallen for the pressure as the more time passes, the more stories I hear from friends of friends or acquaintances and later even family members of friend that they have serious health issues. Some in good health before, others a bit less but the common demeanour is they're all vaxxed.

Sadly some don't want to see it and will keep getting boosted themselves, which is sad to see but what can you do. Everybody makes their own decisions and I respect everyone for it, I just believe that at some point it's hard to ignore what's happening with those that got the vaccine and those that didn't.

I hope your friends have made recoveries and the health is now stable rather than going from one illness to the next!

Sadly some don't want to see it and will keep getting boosted themselves, which is sad to see but what can you do

Even if they don't get any more boosts (they seem to have fallen out of favor where I am), they'll gladly go back and fall for the next big lie when it comes. Over and over, learning nothing.

I hope your friends have made recoveries and the health is now stable rather than going from one illness to the next!

Thank you, but a general weakness seems to pervade them. Like they'll catch ill in situations that shouldn't have got them ill before the vax. And they don't see it, which is infuriating. I actually had one say to me (in relation to another acquaintance who kept falling ill) "It's like she's cursed or something". It's sad and astounding that they'd rather believe they're cursed then accept the consequence of a poor decision (and improve for the future).

May I ask how you found this? It seems to have gotten a lot of traction, which is somewhat uncommon on Hive, once posts age, and this one is quite a bit old. :D

I checked @canadian-coconut's page to see if she had any posts recently and saw this one reblogged and that's how I ended up here :)

Even if they don't get any more boosts (they seem to have fallen out of favor where I am), they'll gladly go back and fall for the next big lie when it comes. Over and over, learning nothing.

This is something I find harsh to witness. Although I have no clue about the real status here in Spain (I deliberately don't follow the news about it) as I feel like "I'll deal with it when it's a thing" because several times people told me this or that is going to happen or masks are mandated again bla bla, thinking that things would go downhill again, and it was all just a little scare nothing more.

Sadly, I've heard about old colleagues giving away their parents and uncles still ignorant about the vax and gladly believing any lie presented because it's on the MSM channels.. sigh.

I actually had one say to me (in relation to another acquaintance who kept falling ill) "It's like she's cursed or something". It's sad and astounding that they'd rather believe they're cursed then accept the consequence of a poor decision (and improve for the future).

When I started to wake up from the real world as I was forced to see (in 2015), I remember that the truths I found were scary as shit. On top of that, I was living in fear even without that knowledge so things were really heavy for me to comprehend. I believe that because I already walked to these years at the time, Covid madness was much easier to deal with and see through the smoke curtain by seeing the patterns in certain things.

I think some people have not gone through enough hardships in life to be able to comprehend that the truth is as bad as it is. No matter what you believe and how far this reaches, you must be pretty stupid and ignorant to still not see that certain decisions were rushed and people now pay the consequences.

What bothers me most is that the world was suddenly so divided and people lost all sense of empathy when someone has another opinion. I don't mind if you took the vax, I understand that you are living your life and some felt they did the right thing or had no other choice, I'm happy if you don't have any side effects, and I don't wish that on anyone either but I wish to be treated with respect for not choosing to get vaxxed and knowing that I have my reasons.

Anyway, good to connect! Sorry for the book lengthy comment :) PS I'm sorry that your friends find it hard to deal with/see things, it must be hard for you as well.

This is such a taboo subject well done for posting , there are protocols for detox available online from the usual suspects . detoxing from this is very hard though i think especially those who were jabbed multiple times . my god what a mess

Do you think there is a possibility for them to actually detox? I hope so, as I have a lot of friends in that situation. But with what you're hearing in the alternative communities that seem aware enough on this, it doesn't seem likely.

i guess it depend on how many time they were jabbed , i look for potocalls and comment

Hi so these things work and easy to get


NAC N-Acetyl Cistene

Nattokinese is a blood thinner good for clotting


Being vaxxed must be a dating criterion.

Well that seems rather rash to me but everyone with their choices 😂😂

I feel that what they eat and where they stay does play a role.

You eat fairly well, yet what do you eat?

You're prone to cold, yet you stay at a place where winter brings in temperatures of 1⁰C?

Now I know that one can't easily change their residency but diet is important.
I think they should be concerned and check what's continually dragging them down.

... while we may "move on" from the divisive pandemic years ...

The only moving on that is on my mind is to get out of the jurisdiction of a government that infringed upon my right to travel by train, plane and commercial ships and a majority of its citizens that not only was compliant to that fact but supported it. In the process of buying my get away transport with a recently procured a 10 year passport in my pocket.

It's almost like they are poisoning people, huh?

Nah, everything s fine.

Actually, being sick is all depend to our mindset, look when the doctor said we have cancer most of us so scared and depress that will make us more sick. but before we find out we have cancer we don't even feel anything, but after finding out we look so sick already just a few days, but if the person is strong and fighting for life and thinking to get well its really get well. what I' am telling is we have to have a strong mind to fight all happening in our daily.

It seems they wanted to lessen the peoples' population thru vaccination and by bombless techniques.

This is a deeply unsettling post,and I appreciate you bringing this to light.I've noticed similar patterns among people in their 20s and 30s,and it's concerning.The question of long-term health effects and the impact on future generations is a valid and important one.I'd be interested to hear others' experiences and perspectives on this.