I disagree.
If we look at the number of infected with the number of deaths we get around a 6% mortality rate. And that number can be anywhere from 2 - 6% simply because we don't know how many people are actually infected.
The flu kills anywhere from 24K to 60K in the US yearly. While covid19 has killed roughly 100K in what, 2 months? Deadlier than the flu.
As for hospitals getting paid. In your own image there. Medicare is paying for those amounts for those that are on Medicare. So that's the elderly and those without insurance. That money is being used to treat people for Covid19. Not if they die. Death counts are not inflated. If anything was to be inflated it would be treatment counts. Also if you have insurance then insurance covers your treatments. So not every patient gets a hospital money from the government.
you do realize the distortion of death statistics - how countless doctors have spoken out regarding how there's been numerous cases where CV was listed as cause of death even though they weren't even tested positive, countless cases where other preexisting conditions were clearly the cause but if they had CV in their system, that was listed, how medical mismanagment had been a huge factor, the monetary incentivization for hospitals to list CV as death and political pressures to do so in spite of having to have no actual positive test results, etc, etc, etc?
In my country the number of deaths by COVID-19 is under-reported. Instead we have an increased number of deaths labled as "atypical pneumonia". When comparing the normal number of deaths to the ones from previous years there is a significant difference but the government wants to pretend that things are under control...they are not.
Keep in mind that the incentives for how things are managed in the health care sector are different from country to country and you can't generalize a conclusion from data that comes from one country...even if it's an important one like the UK or the US.
You need the actual number of cases of infected in a population. Testing some people that go to hospitals doesn't tell you who in the whole population is infected. 2-6% is bullshit. The CDC even reported on the infected death rate which I will post about later.