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RE: Scamdemic COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate is 0.02% to 0.4% (Like Flu), Reason to Get Off the Corona-Phobia Bandwagon Pt.7

in Deep Dives5 years ago

Whatever the death rate is fact is that only the elderly and weak or obesed people died. In hindsight it was not correct to lock down any economy for this. Many people with cancer/strokes/transplants could not be helped or did not go to the hospital themselves. We have (In Netherlands) 50% less seicures (?) and cancer suspected visits in last months . Estimates are that these caused or will cause extra deaths as well.


Whatever the death rate is fact is that only the elderly and weak or obesed people died

WAT? There has been plenty of perfectly healthy people dying from this disease...

Lockdown was really the only option to prevent health services getting destroyed by a virus that spread like wildfire.

Either way some surgery's and treatments would have been disrupted.
Hospitals overrun by sudden uncontrolled outbreak? Nearly all treatments would be stopped.

A government - how harsh it may sound - should protect the whole society and not just one small group. check the graphs . In ethics there are 2 respected visiosn: Kafkaians who count each individual and Utilists who say the whole society must benefit.