Wow! Visualization and video evidence of the northern front collapse.

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Task and purpose occasionally comes out with some really good content and today is definitely one of those days.

And the analysis is extremely correct with Russian forces ending up retreating and not causing traffic jams over sheer abandonment of their equipment and grouping together in small vehicles to drive out of the danger zone without presenting too much of a juicy Target.

Which is exactly the reason why Ukrainian forces are having such an issue because they are overtaking positions with heavy armored vehicles that are in relative pristine condition as well as being able to be repaired and return to the offensive against Russia itself.

And there is no planned defense after the breakthrough happened it was absolute survival mode so that forces all of these individuals into a rush for freedom and the ability to survive this conflict. However the fragmentation of these forces means that there is going to be massive amounts of Russian soldiers that have been left behind. And even in one of the captured calls I overheard one of the Russians saying that even with retreating 150 km there was still fighting meaning this is going to continue.

The biggest issue behind all of this happens to be resupply and reinforcements however I have a feeling that this entire planned operation is the result of a massive amount of Western volunteers being selected out and let loose.

And of course the slow removing artillery and support equipment up in the rear behind here is definitely going to be an issue however Russian forces have already began evacuation before this started so we absolutely know for a fact that Russia had a little bit of warning enough to be able to evacuate proxies and quizlings.

And as we continue watching this entire collapse I am just wondering what the news today is going to be because this is just about the previous week or so worth of territorial gains without having any knowledge of individual situations yet.

And this seems like the biggest deception ever by Ukrainian forces and absolutely successful as well because for months Russian forces were misled and all this press about the buildup and planned reoffensive of the Southern front which ends up being a total encirclement without having to waste all these forces encircling them just by destroying the choke point Bridges.

Now it basically is a siege and you have Ukrainian forces literally texting all Russian forces that have cell phones in that area and telling them that they are willing to allow them to surrender!!!

And apparently this huge energy plant was attacked with the second largest munition in the world which I'm just going to guess was a fuel air explosive device basically this huge propane tank that is dropped and after the gas releases then you have a spark that causes a phenomenally huge explosion.

And reports of poorly trained Russian troops as well as paramilitaries against Western experienced and trained volunteer augmented units as well as massive amounts of special Forces behind the enemy lines infiltrations before coordination on total assaulting and extreme mayhem behind enemy lines.

And as well apparently there was a bunch of untrained poorly armed prisoner conscripts with Russian army that now are getting processed as prisoners of War.

And all of the pro-russian bloggers and of course the pro-russian patrol here that is completely harassing abusive and just literally a total pain to interact with have all been in a complete State of shock.. Russian forces don't have night vision equipment they don't have thermal optics they don't have modern day combat capable equipment including capable body armor. They don't have basic resupply and the entire weather is changing so these really beautiful days of summer have now changed. Russian forces are now completely incapable of surviving fall or winter weather with having so much equipment being destroyed.

Well I'll be honest so am I completely was expecting the complete opposite I was expecting Russia to steamroll Ukraine and end up throwing this big huge hissy fit over the rest of the Baltic states as well as all the way down to Yugoslavia and that area again. The entire desire and dream of reunification of the Communist block while it sounds really amazing is just kind of sounds like a pipe dream since basically you are watching Ukraine whipping beating bullying and destroying the Russian war machine in some of the most phenomenally elegant strategy. Huge games are being undertaken while Russian forces are being continually brutalized. Don't forget we have over 50,000 losses and with this recent huge offensive I'm just going to say that over the next week the Roundup of Russian prisoners of War are going to take place. I can only imagine how many sweeps are going to go through these areas searching for all of the Russian remnants of that entire battle line however it seems that the stabilization is going to be the most important part while these new battle lines are being redrawn.

And now that huge Russian front line is sitting at undefended border of Russia and Ukraine in quite a few areas and over this massive stretch.

And then there are a lot of issues that rushes facing especially with St Petersburg and other Russian territories starting to join the anti-war movement and raising the demand for Putin to be removed before russia ends up getting invaded and taken over by Ukraine because with the way this front line is moving it is only going to be a matter of time before the southern front falls with very little fighting and Crimea has gotten abandoned.

Don't forget you have a lot of Russian officers abandoning Crimea which actually shows a huge intent for possible full retreat by Russian forces.

However I have a feeling that a shadow operation is going on somehow to end up targeting the huge bridge connecting Crimea to Russia that is going to cut off and prevent any possible retreat by Russian forces and again Ukraine actually controls the entire water supply Crimea which would end up forcing a siege and instead of starvation which takes quite a long time to kick in and produce results.

A siege by dehydration is actually even more brutal and extremely quick happening in a few days after the water supply has completely exhausted which is pretty easy for Ukrainian government officials to do just by depriving Crimea of a critical canal system. Basically this means a simple flip of the switch and no water flows that direction which all water going to Crimea comes solely from this canal system.

Then on top of it we have this huge issue of energy blackmail to drop Russian sanctions. Having this huge amount of low cost energy dependence on Russian natural gas is now providing Western Nations and opportunity however with our current administration that is not a possibility and our high gas prices are supporting this entire insanity.

And honestly enough we watched these brave amazing Ukrainian defenders fight in personal vehicles and with civilian weapons to resist the Russian military forces so even though we sent them some equipment all of the credit goes to these incredible warfighters and defenders of their land because these warriors fought even when they didn't have equipment and had to beg the entire world for help.

And respectively the world needs to listen and the world needs to continue sending more help because we are watching the entire Russian war machine get turned into entire joke while Ukrainian forces have been integrating higher technology into their military at the most rapid Pace that we have ever seen in the history of warfare.

Basically going from getting bullied and having a 8-year active war going on, then we have Ukrainian forces now in one of the world's greatest tactical movements defeating the world's largest superpower. On the battlefield with conventional weapons. And basically now reports coming back that Russia is providing the most Target Rich environment that the video game generation has ever seen means that now Target selection and attacking threats is the most important. And will we see Ukrainian forces respect the Russian border and for how long is this going to go on because I can just imagine if that imaginary line wasn't in place that this advance would continue onward most likely to St Petersburg. Or Moscow and then of course the monkey with the hand grenade situation comes in and we're just going to have to wait and see if Russia get so desperate to save face that they end up declaring nuclear war against Ukraine in a phenomenally bigger blunder. However I really don't think that Russian troops will be able to regroup in Russian territory after these defeats and losses which is going to mean that the world to fight and demoralization of that Northern front is going to be extremely contagious and spread to the southern front now. And now with militarization and heavy weapon systems covering all border crossings defensive emplacements are going to be put in and of course you're going to watch Ukrainian forces again set traps just in case any Russian advance begins all over again.

And circling back to the major political consequences that are already happening inside of Russia and the strong opposition to this war already being persecuted now further dissident behavior. And unless Russia is able to put in some kind of defensive positions and start to hold some kind of ground we are going to see Russian forces getting pushed back to the entirety of the line of original control before Russia decided to take a big huge pile of its neighbors territory.

Oh and by the way Chris Cappy I definitely liked and I am a subscriber and I'd really like to support you so I'm going to run over under this comment and throw down a really cool promotional hive invitation!!!!


And absolutely being a subscriber as well as liking his video and sending him this message to hopefully be able to financially invest in more of his future content would be really cool so....

You never know he might actually scroll through the comments and check out mine. And you never know other people might also see that comment.


I'm so hopeful that a number of other certain countries will join the effort to claim back the territories taken over by Russia. Georgia is the first one that comes to mind. And then you have Moldova, possibly Japan and even Finland. This is what I perceive as historical justice. Ideally, every ethnicity under the totalitarian yoke of Russia should finally reclaim independence. I'm really disgusted by their imperial attitude.

What the rascist have immediately done in response to the successes of our Armed Forces is, as always, erratic bombing of civilian infrastructure and a couple of precise strikes against Kharkiv and Kryvyi Rih, leaving the former without electricity (it's a whole region) and the latter, flooded.

And I don't know whether our attempt to fight ethically (stopping at the border of Bielgorod, e.g.) won't backfire at us. It appears that politicians are mostly afraid of the nuclear balls that Russia waves around. It's understandable! But what if they remain afraid forever? Are they ready to keep watching the rascist pillage and rape everything within their grasp for another decade? A century?

Well my big thing is again let's go back to the monkey with a hand grenade argument.

Right here and there with all of these repetitive nuclear war threads now it's gotten to the point where nobody really takes this threat seriously.

Which is really bad because you never know when that monkey is going to finally pull the pin out of the grenade and kill everybody in the room.

The excessive amount of calls for a nuclear war? All of the television propaganda promoting mutually assured destruction because a lot of these TV stars have assured spots within the nuclear warfare bunker system that Russia has been digging since the 1960s. Russia actually took a lot of lessons from the North Koreans on that aspect let alone going over and begging for more ammo because Russian factory capability is unable to support simply producing artillery shells.

Next up what military do you know that is just wasted 50% of its strength is going to be combat capable without decades to replenish refit and regrow an entire 100%....

Then on top of it what about all the dissension within Russia and demands that Russia remove Vladimir Putin from power? Those are some serious allegations buy some very large officials.

I'm afraid that the discontent with Putin is a bad sign - I've scoured a couple of rascist channels, and, well, "Putin is weak like Nicholas II or Gorbachev... He's going to ruin Russia like they did...", which implies that our Tundra friends want a good ol' Stalin. They want to come up with a complete psychopath. Like, there is a "orthodox billionaire" Malafeev who financially backed the assault on Donbass in 2014. Russia is the last Christian Empire on Earth in their minds! The Third Rome! The heir of Byzantine! My gawd...

We need a miracle right now. I believe, China finally losing the nerve and biting a chunk of Russia's belly would hit the spot. (Unless, of course, China loses the nerve in the opposite direction, Taiwan. What a mess the world is right now...)

Well with Russia being soundly being thrashed we are just looking at the fact that subpar weapon systems make for excellent targets.

Don't forget currently there are more targets of opportunity the Russians are presenting then Ukrainian forces have artillery shells. So now they are only going for occupied armored vehicles.

And Russia has given more armored vehicles to the ukrainians then Germany has!