To wipe a city off the face of the earth is an obscene statement!

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Russian intercepted phone calls back home show what these Russian forces are up against.

This Russian soldier directly tells exactly where he was and his wife starts pumping him for information as otherwise I've been talking and unit have gone missing. Operational security absolutely does not exist within the Russian military.

However having massive amount of missing units as well as the clear indication that the retreat was anything but orderly from the southern front. Having your wife pump you for information and basically score some pretty phenomenal strategic intelligence points for Ukrainian forces on this intercepted phone call.

The brutal admission that do you territory happen to be Ukrainian once again is a direct slap in the face too the Russian forces.

Ukrainian forces are absolutely and completely willing to go sunbathing in Crimea during January in an incredible statement by the Ukrainian military. Meaning that Russian forces are going to end up in some serious problems here very shortly with the Ukrainian Southern front build up. As well as the Ukrainian special operation to remove all Russians from the Crimean area.

The fact that Russia is being brought to its knees and completely humiliated by the Russian idea they are completely militarily Superior has now been turned into a complete joke with the rest of the world realizing how ineffective Russia units currently are.

It is pretty amazing watching the shift in emotions from all of the Russian people that were at one time fully behind the Russian military war machine. However the phenomenal amount of military losses has absolutely changed the view for the common citizens and war now is recognized.

And wow it is actually really incredible hearing the desperation on the news that Russian forces are absolutely terrified of invasion coming to their land. It was all fun and games when they are using ethnic slurs and advocating for the destruction not only of the Ukrainian identity but also the Ukrainian population. Now demands on knowing about procedures for protecting Russian cities as well as beginning for defenses to be put in to prevent Ukrainian forces from entering Russia and continuing unopposed to Moscow. These please are starting to get desperate needy demanding and exposing the reality of the fact that should the last of their military forces fail there isn't anything other than women children and old people standing between Ukrainian military forces and Moscow.
One of the hosts of the show going on ethnic discrimination rents live on television really shows you how unwoke Russian forces and the Russian citizens.

And the continued threats as well as idea that Russian forces are going to use the nuclear weapons threat to achieve the military conquest of Ukraine has now gotten to a fevered pitch. Calls to incite individuals to further whip up patriotism or well the Russian communist version of patriotism maybe it is statism or militaryism.

The idea that taking a nuclear weapon and destroying one of the Ukrainian cities incredibly is one of the ideas that you have coming from this media propaganda outlet.

Currently rushing forces have not been able to answer the Crimean bridge strike as well as the excessive Ukrainian behind Russian territory raids that have destroyed missile production facilities as well as advanced military research laboratories that are in charge of producing high technology weapons.

In the G20 meeting zielinski actually said there will be no more Minsk agreements which actually the entire world is negligent and upholding their word for Ukrainian forces to have disarmed out of good faith and now we have Russia willing to use nuclear weapons against a European country.

And I don't see Ukrainian forces or Ukrainian people willing to negotiate four piece now that Ukrainian forces phenomenal military successes on the battlefield absolutely pushing around the Russian forces.

Absolutely the Russian forces are absolutely scared of the real and actual NATO response. Hearing one speaker on Russian State media actually say that the destruction of Ukrainian cities is not good and I absolutely agree with him as why would any peace loving country talk about wiping out and destroying an entire city let alone killing national identity. It is never worked. The thought that force is going to change the minds of other people is a very narrow-minded one I can definitely say.

It is not acceptable to bomb a peaceful City and it's population is absolutely a very honest fact however the individual that keeps trying to bring that up during the Russian news broadcast is not being taken seriously.

To wipe a city off the face of the earth is obscene and actually those words are very true.

Really I see a lot of Hope for the Russian people if they can heed the advice of this one individual that no matter how difficult it was for him to speak the truth and to stand up against the rest of these commentators... Absolutely he is extremely correct and I can sympathize with him. The thought that other human beings would destroy entire cities and threaten international nuclear war in a temper tantrum? This is absolutely the scariest thing that has happened in human history. And one of the prettiest reasons for us to threaten to kill each other.

The center pocket is still holding firm for the Ukrainian forces. And the South Bank of the Southern front is not accessible to Ukrainian forces at the moment due to extremely bad weather conditions. So there is no major changes to the front lines at the moment.

Ukrainian forces now have a 70 km laser guided missile system that is being delivered to the front lines and most likely is going to be able to be compatible with Western forces multiple rocket launching systems.

Russian living conditions are also highlighted and it is absolutely brutal no mattresses as well as extremely thin blankets and nobody actually even pinned down the side wall of the tent so the wind just blows right on through. Making this a phenomenal situation that most likely is going to lead to combat effectiveness loss. Russian forces apparently really don't care.

And in this coming year apparently Russia now is going to be building Iranian terror drones directly in Russia as apparently it is more cost-effective as well as more precise than Russian non-precision missile systems. Again highlighting and extremely desperate situation that continues to increase.

Russia is refusing to let international nuclear inspectors to visit one of the Ukrainian nuclear reactors that is in danger which is most likely going to resort to even more situations with Russia and international compliance and cooperation.

Next generation air defense systems NSAMS have 100% success ratio completely dominating the air in certain areas that they are deployed at.