
What do you think would be more successful? One group working together towards a single goal or 27 independent efforts that may or may not get in each others way?

I'm no fan of authoritarianism, fascism, or centralism in any form. Are you?
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There are currently 30 member states of NATO, with 3 aspiring states.

One more thing. I don't CARE about what other nations do. If they want to fight among themselves it's up to them. We should mind our own affairs and let them mind their own.

In theory, one group would surely be preferable. But in practice, it automatically means that some countries in this group will dominate and subdue others. It also makes us more susceptible to external machinations.

It's the ever-popular dilemma - traveling with others, you have the choice to split up or go together. Going together will mean you're stronger, but more likely to be killed, should your group encounter an enemy. Splitting up means you're less likely to all die, but also makes you individually weaker.

Who's to say going together is the right choice for our world? We don't seem to be going down a very fortunate path so far.