How refreshing to read a divergent narrative for once. Anthropologists certainly have a different view of human relations than economists. I am delighted to be told the historical word-meaning of "salary" and of "payment", as the origins of words are often very revealing. Even if everything, including anthropological scientists, was and is not free of error. It is also their questions and their doubts that they provide to sharpen our view of people and their actions.
There seems to be a consensus, you also mentioned it in your article, that large construction projects and buildings are the basis for the money system of today. Where a lot of matter is brought in, moved and handled, a lot of people are needed. Where there are many people, there is a need for a lot of food in the near environment. Counting, measuring, weighing and storing harvests, it is said, initiated what we understand by "bookkeeping" and that this gave rise to the first money units seems logical to me. Of course, we don't know for sure because, as you say, when we tell the story backwards from today, we look for what seems familiar.
Great article, thank you!
I found it refreshing as well, which is why I wanted to share it :-) Thanks for responding and commenting @erh.germany !
I would like to read more of yours within this new investigative style.
Oh, and also I would appreciate your comments under my posts. Have a look at my last one and tell me what you think.