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RE: Rockefeller Authoritarian Lockdown Document from 2010 for World Pandemic Response

in Deep Dives5 years ago

Seems that it goes like you said. Any hopes?

I just canceled my amazone prime subscription. Canceled Norton virus protection. Leave my mobile at home outside of work. Never online when I am on the street or with friends. Meeting real people with real children and real elders. Talk to strangers. Pass out self made newspapers by hand. Live with less stuff. Don't buy new clothes. Find the still available niches and resistances. Speak my mind. Risk to being treated like air. Deal with the pain.
And most important: Don't take any pills, medications, hormones. Welcoming death when the time comes. Do not donate organs.


Leave my mobile at home outside of work.

That is a wise move. You can take out the SIM card if you want to use it for music ;) Good luck in Germany, I've seen the police get pretty crazy for enforcing the lockdown a month ago when people were protesting.

Thank you. Yes, we need all the luck and also power we can get. I wish more people would become aware that they cannot live their lives without movement. It's peace movement, which means one has to move in order to change. I realize now - which I kind of assumed - that we, the people, always were willing to let us being ruled and it's not only those who govern us but the ordinary person who acts as a government helper. Either passively or actively.

Good luck, good spirit and lots of humor I wish for you, too.

Why cancel your antivirus? That could make your devices vulnerable.

I know.
but the question could be "why do you cancel Norton?"

I canceled Norton for its bad business practices. They are really bad. It's the arrogance and ignorance towards the customer, who, like me, was willing to pay every year round about 25,00 bucks for protection (in the last 4 years or so).

But then, Norton got greedy and they sent mails after mail in which - kind of hidden - my subscription was automatically updated to a bigger volume. Two sums were taken from my credit card in the beginning of the year: 69,00 and 79,00 bucks within just two months. Compared to the "package" all the years before, I became very upset. I am spammed and harassed from the marketing giants through my mail account, must read hundreds of pages and hidden hints where I will finally detect an "update", which, of course, I didn't. So, now I was fed up. Also, I rarely go to pages or websites I do not throw a deeper look onto and I am a sceptic anyway.

Its mostly for my son and now he is old enough to do research for a better antivirus which does not cost a fortune. No name brand which was recommended from thousands of his online friends will probably do it.

Kaspersky usually ranks on top when it comes to security. They even have a free version which only has the core security features:

Thanks a lot for the tip. That is kind of you.