Nice dive! Well-written and logical political posts are the best. Following because I'm really looking forward to reading more from your perspective.
Nice dive! Well-written and logical political posts are the best. Following because I'm really looking forward to reading more from your perspective.
....And yet there is very little logic, and lots of subjective, hyperbole...MMmmmm.
Anyone that posits 'the collective' as real (it is purely conceptual, both philosophically and intellectually) is in state of delusion
(according to the definition in the DSM manual of psychiatry).
...Anyone that argues that taxation is not theft (coercion) does not understand philosophical principles, or the intellectual rigidity of critical thinking.
Both of these qualities are essential to examine politics - otherwise sophistry and subjective (postmodern) perspectives twist reality, thus creating further confusion, not more clarity.
Thanks so much for the kind words @effieoutside ! I really appreciate it :-)