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RE: The Fight for Julian Assange's Freedom horribly dragged out again: Prosecution granted permission for a full appeal

in Deep Dives4 years ago

The blatant abuse of that man and how he represented free press is atrocious. They quite literally made an example of the man.

Thanks for bringing awareness to this man and his abuse.


a sad story

That is still going on too! It is like the worse game off submission ever.

It's brutal. Been following since the start, and it has mirrored my overall feeling about the world's situation. It just gets worse and worse. Or so it seems, anyway.

"It really is heartbreaking every single time"

I agree with @zeroeclipsee on that. And maybe that's the whole reason for doing this, to show they can, to demoralize, to instill fear, to cause hesitation, to stop dissent.