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RE: The Face of Evil: Israeli War Crimes Mount as Relentless Assault on Gaza Continues Targeting Palestinian Civilians, Infrastructure

in Deep Dives4 years ago

People tend to dislike the more powerful side? That's not what I've observed about human behaviour, or in this case specifically. Israel is cheered by people (mainly statists) the world over, and championed in the media, and talked up by Hollywood, and so on. The bully is the favoured winner here. People like to bet on a winner. It appears you haven't looked into this issue aside from hearing what the MSM wants you to think. "Hamas hides behind children" tells me you've been fed propaganda and don't have the full picture.


Daaaaam son, goin off on a brotha lol. Im always open to learning man. Its not an easy situation. If it was so clear it would make perfect sense. Im the opposite of being fed propaganda man, trying to think on my own and from good sources.

Keep digging.