The second fundraising campaign for Canada's Freedom Convoy was just blocked by government edict after raising $8.5 million in 3 days, after the previous $10 million Gofundme campaign was frozen (and almost donated to BLM) for dubious (political) reasons. Had they received those donations as cryptocurrency, instead of the legacy fiat banking system, they would likely still have access to them! Meanwhile, the lawless Canadian government continues to impose ridiculous harmful and ineffective mandates on the population, refusing to converse with Freedom Convoy representatives, provoking them in every way possible, threatening to initiate violence, while stealing their fuel and money. Here's what's going on in the Freedom Convoy world today!
If you read/watched my major Freedom Convoy update yesterday, you're already informed of the general situation. But today brought about a number of major updates.
Freedom Convoy spreading to numerous border crossings
Since yesterday, when I described the plan for provincial convoys to "bear hug" all US border crossings, I've heard of two more locations being cluster-trucked. One is the large border crossing South of Winnipeg Manitoba. Here is a look at the blockade, posted just minutes ago on YouTube. The truckers changed the electric billboard to "border closed until mandates lifted"! There are now at least half a dozen major bridges and roads over the border affected. (Generally, one lane is left open in each direction for emergency vehicle use, but for all intents and purposes the border is closed.)
This has led to calls from within government to do whatever necessary to stop Freedom Convoy. Even the US government is demanding something be done to halt damage to the economy and people's lives. Where was the government for the past 2 years, as the economy and people's lives were destroyed by restrictions and mandates? Oh, right... they were creating and enforcing those restrictions and mandates.
Now they care? Riiight. As the truckers keep saying, the Canadian government is the only one who can end this. Restore freedom, and everybody goes home and back to work. The peaceful non-compliance will continue until then. Have a listen to their spokesman Tom speak today, reiterating the simple demand: end all Covid mandates. These guys are tough. Canadians in general are tough. We don't act like it all the time, but we are when we need to be. And then, watch out. The globalist elites were wrong to think we'd take it lying down!
Seizing the GiveSendGo funds
Many people whose funds were seized (and almost stolen) by Gofundme a few days ago decided to "double down" their refunded donation, this time to GiveSendGo. This helped it quickly grow to $8.5 million! A few hours ago, CBC reported "court freezes access to funds raised for protest convoy on GiveSendGo":
But GiveSendGo just tweeted: "Know this! Canada has absolutely ZERO jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here at GiveSendGo. All funds for EVERY campaign on GiveSendGo flow directly to the recipients of those campaigns, not least of which is The Freedom Convoy campaign."
If that's true, they may be able to subvert the court order. I hope so! Those funds were donated fair and square. People want their money sent to Freedom Convoy's organizers to pay for the truckers' fuel, food, and other costs. If we have rule of law, and personal property rights, then those funds should not be frozen, seized, taken, held, or locked. Any fundraising platform that allows the donations to be frozen for political reasons - like Gofundme - should be boycotted from then on.
Bitcoin and other cryptos are not a perfect solution to this problem, but they ARE a solution. It's harder to freeze cryptocurrency wallets, especially when done properly. The truckers could hire accountants familiar with crypto to manage wallets, make the receiving addresses available, and distribute the funds as needed. Bank accounts for accepting eTransfers are great, but VERY easily seized. Fool me once, shame on you. But fool me again, shame on me! We should have known they'd come after the money again. Hopefully options can be diversified from here on, such as by accepting cryptocurrency donations.
Now CBC is saying Freedom Convoy's fundraising attempts will "forever change how money is monitored". Creepy Big Brother shit.
UPDATE: Here is a Bitcoin donation fund for the truckers, and it's already over 20 BTC!
Covid in Canada
Numbers of deaths and hospitalizations continue to drop across the country. Omicron is passed, and Covid is over. Restrictions and mandates are beginning to ease, with Ontario making some positive changes today, but there's a long way to go. And BC, as shown below, is actually headed in the wrong direction!
Bonnie Henry (the doctor/figurehead here in BC) continues to demand the province's 5.3 million citizens remain restricted, masked, and segregated. Now chiropractors, dentists, and other healthcare professionals are subject to mandatory vaccination orders imposed by government.
Personal anecdote, cont.
My latest chiropractor visit was interesting. The receptionist (somewhat new to the clinic) helped me in the side door (I will not mask, which is mandated in health centers, but special arrangements were made so I could still get treatments during the pandemic). She commented "maybe we won't have to do things this way for much longer". I agreed and mentioned the anti-mandate convoys. She said "we need more of that, because I won't take the shot, and I really need this job". She quietly explained to me that she had recently had to leave her longtime secretary job because she isn't injected. She doesn't know where else she'll be able to work if this mandate on chiropractor offices goes through next month. I mentioned the weekly local rallies, and she told me she had been at a recent one, her first protest.
Then, my doctor expressed his hope in the Freedom Convoy. He is clearly activated now that his entire career and practice are on the line. He let me know he had sent in a rather large donation to the truckers, and that the chiropractors are banding together legally with some big money to fight the government on this. He let me know that he won't take the shot, and will communicate with me as things progress, as to how we'll proceed with my treatments... one way or the other. So, that's a weight off my back.
All this, supposedly for our health? Yeah, right. It's so painfully obvious this is about controlling us that nobody can honestly claim they believe otherwise. As I've documented relentlessly for weeks, Canada is almost united against mandates. It's only a vocal fringe minority who want the state to control them - and everyone else.
The hospitals are emptying out fast this week. Or, just less people who are currently in hospital beds happen to have incidental Omicron infections. Who knows? Either way, the emergency (if there really was one) is over. The hospitals did not collapse. The economy pretty much has, and society/culture is in rough shape, and our children took a nasty hit, and our families are divided like never before... but the hospitals are fine.
So end the fucking mandates!
How are they doing with the "vaccines"? Not very well, even by their doctored numbers:
So at least 14% of us are what some are calling "pureblooded" - never touched by any Covid injections. This number is decreasing, but only VERY slowly, as mandates and coercion and fatigue take holdouts one by one.
Approximately 85% did let Satan's poker in. Only about 80% of the population then went through with the second dose to become "fully vaccinated". Most of that 4 or 5% will not be taking another injection. A lot of them had bad reactions, or know somebody who has.
And less than half of us have taken the third injection, even though it is already available to almost everyone who wants it. The 35% who took 2 but not 3, according to a new Ipsos poll, are probably not going to be doing so. They got about all they're going to get.
In the 5-11 age range (who get a special new kiddie formula), less than half have been injected with a single dose, and new injections have slowed to almost nothing.
It appears they did not even get 50% compliance with their endless "vaccination" and "passport" Beast System! They tried very, very hard to make it happen. It's clear now that it can't (and they will have to try Plan B).
With this massive popular uprising, dare I say it rebellion, it appears the gig is up for Trudeau and his "Liberal" government of globalist thieves and sycophants. I don't think they're going to get the precious fourth (aka infinite) injection off the ground. Yesssssssss!
Omicron is over in Canada, even by the most lagging indicator there is, deaths. There is nothing left to fear, and we are left with a population that largely has acquired immunity, mostly thanks to prior infection.
That's a significant number of deaths, though (considering the 2020 waves). With a highly-injected population, it's clear even to the willfully ignorant that Pfizer and Moderna are not "95% effective", or anywhere close. Not only did it not stop the latest variant from ripping through every potential host in the human population within weeks, but we're told it nearly collapsed our hospitals, and a good number of people died. Anyone claiming "safe and effective" at this point is completely swept up in the mass hypnosis.
According to official data, about 70% in hospital with Covid are fully vaccinated.
Reminder: About 80% of the population is full vaccinated.
In other words, the injections are not keeping people out of hospital. Which is obvious, but always good to have confirmation in the official data. As vaccines, they are garbage.
Knowing that, what good are mandates?
Why force people to take something that isn't good for them?
No wonder 1 in 3 (and rising) support Freedom Convoy and ending all Covid mandates!
The blockades will continue until freedom improves.
Saturday is going to be massive, worldwide. Mandate freedom!
Surprised people haven't already been donating bitcoin... !LUV Canadian truckers!
Looks like they are, now! 21 BTC and counting : D
I agree... end all Covid mandates right now.
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(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><
Join LUV's 1st birthday celebration!@girlsofgreen
Go Fund Me can go fuck themselves lol BIG !LUV and respect for the true North strong and free!
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Join LUV's 1st birthday celebration!@medikatie
Bridge to Canada?
No, sorry.... try again later :D
The border blockades will continue until freedom improves.
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Join LUV's 1st birthday celebration!@hempy
I can hear Trump's next political rally... "I built a wall AND I got Canada to pay for it.." 🤣😂🤢
I would say Roll On to the truckers but that would defeat the purpose...
Hellz Yeah.
The Freedom Convoy in the world will spread. Some governments will accept their claim easily
Thank you for the update, and all the information. They are making history, history that hopefully will make things change for the whole world.
Bitcoiners on Bitcoin Twitter already raised 8 BTC
The Freedom Convoy in the world will spread. Some governments will accept their claim easily
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