News from the front lines! Justin Trudeau is planning violence against critics of his vaccine mandates - like the Freedom Convoy currently in Ottawa. Meanwhile, protesters are preparing to send another wave of convoys, this time rolling to the world's longest border. The world is watching to see if Canada will deploy its military upon its own people.

Trudeau has been calling Freedom Convoy supporters (the majority of Canada) names from a secret hiding place for the past week, using a fake Covid diagnosis (despite being triple-jabbed) to try and look less pathetic. The protesters demand an end to tyrannical mandates that force upon them ineffective and dangerous injections.
Counter-protesters and agent provocateurs, with the media to back them up, have done everything possible to smear, divide, and antagonize the protesters, with essentially zero results nationwide. The peaceful protests have been labeled by Trudeau as anti-semitic, anti-black, anti-science, islamophobic, and transphobic over Twitter and the Trudeau-owned media. Now, he's preparing to spend Canadian tax dollars and resources to forcefully remove legitimate protesters who are doing nothing but demanding a return to Liberty in Canada.
The latest
Friday, in an announcement called "Trudeau will not call in military", Trudeau promised he would not call in the military... unless Ottawa's mayor needs him to. Yesterday (Saturday), Ottawa's mayor declared a state of emergency, and said he may need to ask for military intervention to deal with the "insurrection".
Good one, guys! Nobody saw that coming.
After the MSM predicted a Saturday full of counter-protesting, for the first time, almost as if summoned, counter-protesters came out to events across Canada. Here in BC, Vancouver police announced they had arrested 5 people for violent offenses associated with a convoy that moved through town in support of Ottawa's protest. "Freedom Convoy turns violent!" screamed the legacy media.

But go digging, and you find the details: All 5 of the violent arrests were counter-protesters! They instigated fights, they carried weapons, they attacked vehicles, they dumped nails on the roadways, they set off smoke bombs, and they threw eggs. Zero arrests or even complaints about the tens of thousands of peaceful anti-mandate protesters. Press for Truth got some good footage of it here, complete with a woman sitting on the road to block the convoy and screaming "fuck off racists, before I PUSH you off!"

"Violence is the only solution left", claim Trudeau and Ottawa's mayor. Canada's peaceful majority continues to rise up and demand restoration of Liberty. No other solution? Why not cave to your people's demands? After all, you are not a tyrant, you are supposedly an elected leader, put in place to do our bidding. It is not you, a centralized single person, who calls the shots in Canada, like the monarchs of medieval times. It is the people. This is how it has always been here, and is one of the things that sets Canada apart from many other places. The solution to these peaceful protests is not violence, but Liberty!
End these mandates, which only make us less free. We know that mandating lockdowns and border closures has no positive effect on the pandemic, and neither does mandating these ineffective and dangerous injections. The solution is to simply do the right thing. Listen to your people. Any talk of calling in the military is completely misguided in this situation. There could not be a less appropriate response. Shame on him for even threatening it. He should be arrested and charged with inciting hate crimes.
Cutting off supply lines
There was a hope Freedom Convoy would run out of food. But mobile kitchens have been set up, along with food trucks, that are taking donations and giving hot meals away for free. Truckers have the infrastructure to live on the road, literally.
The ridiculous cries of "these truckers are here to steal food from the homeless" have disappeared, as that tactic is clearly not working, with live broadcasts from the protest showing the world exactly what is going on.

Fuel is being brought in so they can keep the trucks running for a few minutes every hour during this frigid winter weather. Supply lines are their specialty, so cutting them off is going to be tough. Not to mention unsafe, given the deep winter conditions right now. And illegal, but these officials consider themselves above the law, and today had police seize fuel from the convoy. They are threatening to fine anyone who refuels the truckers.

A paradoxical tactic being used against the protests is to claim they are large, disruptive, and problematic... while also claiming they are small, pathetic, and ineffective. When 100,000 attend, they say it's 10,000. When 600 attend, they say it's 75. When a million attend, they say it's 25,000. There were over 300 at my local rally yesterday, but the media reported that "a few hundred" protested yesterday across the entire province, including the tens of thousands seen in Vancouver. Just ridiculous. Anything to discredit and marginalize. But it's not working. We are the VAST majority, and we are beginning to realize that. The truckers united Canada against the globalist oppression - when people came down to the highways to cheer the truckers on, they realized they weren't alone!
Another tactic used regularly is claiming the protest involves nazi flags. No photos or videos of these flags have ever been offered, and the Freedom Convoy organizers specifically denounce any such involvement. It's a disgusting, common, baseless tactic used by the state (and Liberals in general). This does not involve race. It's about sovereignty of the individual, regardless of their ethnicity. I recorded some raw footage of the local Freedom Convoy supporters yesterday, if you want to see for yourself:
Even with these and many other tactics being used, only a fraction of Canada has bought into the division and hatred being pushed on us. Many are aware that this is happening, and refuse to respond, except by redoubling their peaceful efforts. It almost feels as though a nation-wide strike is forming, a complete rejection of Trudeau and his globalist owners. If he doesn't back down and do the right thing, this will just grow and grow and grow.
The Gofundme campaign hit 10 million dollars after just a couple weeks, but was recently shut down over concerns the money would be spent on "terrorism and violence". Gofundme was going to give the money to charity groups like BlackLivesMatter, but enough people complained that they decided to refund it to the several hundred thousand donors instead.
The next day, a new campaign was started on an independent crowdfunding platform, and after just 48 hours it is already over $4 million! The truckers will actually get that money, unlike the 10 million which wasn't accessible anyway. They will likely be over $10 million again very soon. They also have bank accounts for eTransfers, and have a growing cash and cryptocurrency stockpile. I know several people who have donated in one form or another. This is not funded by or for terrorism. This is everyday Canadians, putting a stop to tyranny in their country. It takes money, resources, time, and sacrifice to hold back tyranny, and we understand that.
I myself had great-great-great-grandparents who stood up to oppression here in Canada, and helped win the freedom we've enjoyed here for so long. Others came to Canada from places like Europe, escaping communism and other tyranny in the 1980s or earlier. They know the signs of totalitarianism. Many of us understand the risks and costs of fighting for freedom, and are still answering the call.
Gaslighting and other provocation
Gofundme signalling they were going to give Freedom Convoy's $10 million to BlackLivesMatter is obvious gaslighting. BlackLivesMatter is unapologetically a black supremacist organization that uses violent protest which routinely leads to vehicles and buildings being destroyed and people being killed. When BlackLivesMatter members were arrested for violent crimes in 2020, Gofundme allowed millions to be raised for their defense, and every cent of it was quickly dispensed. Now, a peaceful freedom movement gathers funds for protest, and it is labeled racist and violent so the money can be stolen and given to an actual racist and violent group? Gaslighting.
Trudeau is doing nothing to solve the problem, and everything possible to provoke a reaction. So far, nothing to even remotely justify calling in the military. No armed truckers marching in the street. No buildings being destroyed. No assassination attempts. No crime of any kind other than some parking tickets, which are gladly being paid in full. They've got NOTHING. The only violence or crime is coming from the counter-protesters!

But they're itching to just send in the goons, disturb the peace, beat people up, steal and destroy their belongings, and violate basic human rights. Disgusting! This is Canada? This is 2022? Surely we can do better!
The easy solution is to do what so many other countries have already done - END ALL COVID MANDATES AND RESTRICTIONS! Not that any of this has been about our health, but Covid is over. There is no state of emergency. There is no collapse of the healthcare system. And we know lockdowns and mRNA injections don't work! End mandates, and ALL of this goes away within hours! No more Ottawa protest, no more Alberta blockade, no more of the complete border "cluster truck" which is forming up now. We don't want to be doing this. We're doing it because we HAVE TO. End the mandates, and we can all go home to our families. That's why the signs say Mandate Freedom - just make it legal to be free again! Canadians are going to accept nothing less.

The "violent protests" narrative
You may recall when vaccine mandates were first imposed in Canada, they were aimed at healthcare workers. Nurses against mandates organized two large protests in September 2021, which went Canada-wide. I attended both times, in the nearby city of Kelowna, and then documented the ensuing censorship and propaganda around it afterward. The narrative is that these protests were anti-nurse (the opposite of reality) and violent (also the opposite of reality).

Canada then fired several thousand nurses and hundreds of doctors for not taking the injections. Since that time, surgeries and other procedures have been put on hold, cancers have been missed, mental health issues have gone untreated, and people have suffered and died in the resulting staffing shortage.
And now, we know why the narrative had to be that those protests were violent - so that when the inevitable unrest over mandates came, they could point to "those violent anti-healthcare protests" as evidence military intervention is appropriate. It was a setup.
Canadians know mandates are wrong, and prefer allowing individuals to make their own healthcare decisions. Most of us are voluntarists, whether we call ourselves that or not. The segregation of our society (via "vaccine passports" and mandates) is causing massive damage, for little or no positive effect. We are peacefully but firmly standing up against this oppression. The globalists will go no further, and either Canada will be wiped from the Earth, or we will arise as humanity's heroes once the dust settles. It doesn't appear we will have to wait long to find out which it will be.
News from the front lines: More convoys are launching for the Canada/US border
I learned about this through the freedom underground a few days ago, but those involved had to keep it quiet for obvious reasons.
The Freedom Convoy anti-mandate protests are about to multiply into dozens of locations, as convoys launch from within each province, headed for the border with the USA. The idea is to peacefully and legally gather in large numbers at each official border crossing, similar to what has been done in Coutts, Alberta over the past few days. There are already not enough officers to police the actions happening at the border and in Ottawa. Once that spreads out into DOZENS of locations, Trudeau will be forced to restore freedom in Canada.
A convoy is forming and ready to leave early this week from my small town, headed for the Osoyoos border crossing directly South of here. I'm hearing through the grapevine this is being duplicated all over. The funds and vehicles and manpower available for this are almost unlimited, because it's literally 3/4 or more of the population. Everybody is dropping what they're doing to convoy, or to support. Momentum is huge. You can't find a Canadian flag for sale anywhere in the country, for any price. I've never seen anything like this in my 45+ years here. Absolutely incredible. The positive energy and hope are palpable. The grassroots has come alive.

I'll leave you with some photos I captured at the Freedom Convoy rally yesterday:
There's got to be a better way than sending in armed thugs.

And these are just local police. How could they possibly also need combat soldiers, helicopters, drones, and tanks to deal with peaceful unarmed protesters?
Elected leaders who generate hatred and civil war are illegitimate. To restore Liberty, they must be removed as quickly as possible.
Oh Canada! Shit yeah man. I needed some good news.
Thanks for reporting on the Great Honkening of our time! Awesome article @drutter. Now I'm off to watch the livestreams, the only place we can get real news.
As his own brother reveals, Justin is just a pawn who performs scripts written by global elites.
It’s good to arrest violent counter-protesters, sadly the media communication is so bad about it. I hope something will change soon on the mandates.
I support the truckers 100%!
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><@hempy
Uh oh, this time he's sending in more than just his army of social justice warriors! Will the military stand with the globalist clown? Or will they smarten up and rise up like many police, firefighters, etc have?
I would !LUV to see the military trucks join the convoy! That would be great, especially after the towtruck drivers refused to cooperate with removal of the convoy : D
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><@greatesteem
Pretty hilarious! They have a great sense of humour :D