Many of us suspected this, and evidence has been trickling in, but we finally have proof the so-called-vaccines are getting into people's brains - and destroying them.

For more than 2 years now, we've been told the mRNA injections (and injections of pure spike proteins like the newer Novavax shot) do not leave the injection site, and certainly don't cross the blood-brain barrier. We now not only have proof that they do, but also proof that they are causing damage to brain cells, leading to mental deterioration and death.
A German study has been published in the journal "Vaccines", detailing the case study of a man who died following his 3rd vaxxination. An autopsy, ordered by his family, revealed that spike proteins found in his heart and brain came only from the injections, and not from the SarsCov2 virus.
"On the day of his first vaccination in May 2021 (Oxford vector vaccine), he experienced pronounced cardiovascular side effects, for which he repeatedly had to consult his doctor. After the second vaccination in July 2021 (Pfizer mRNA vaccine), the family noted obvious behavioral and psychological changes (e.g., he did not want to be touched anymore and experienced increased anxiety, lethargy, and social withdrawal even from close family members). Furthermore, there was a striking worsening of his Parkinson's symptoms, which led to severe motor impairment and a recurrent need for wheelchair support. He never fully recovered from these side effects after the first two vaccinations but still got another vaccination in December 2021. Two weeks after the third vaccination (second vaccination with Pfizer), he suddenly collapsed while taking his dinner. He recovered from this more or less, but one week later, he again suddenly collapsed silently while taking his meal. The emergency unit was called, and after successful, but prolonged resuscitation attempts (over one hour), he was transferred to the hospital and directly put into an artificial coma but died shortly thereafter."

This slide shows brain damage, cell death, and a severe inflammatory response.
His heart was also an absolute mess:

Analysis revealed no SarsCov2 nucleus proteins, meaning he had not been infected by the virus. It did however find massive amounts of spike proteins, which could only have come from his vaxxinations.
"Immunohistochemical staining for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antigens (spike protein and nucleocapsid) was studied in the brain and heart. In the brain, SARS-CoV-2 spike protein subunit 1 was detected in the endothelia, microglia, and astrocytes in the necrotic areas. Furthermore, spike protein could be demonstrated in the areas of lymphocytic periarteritis, present in the thoracic and abdominal aorta and iliac branches, as well as a cerebral basal artery. In contrast, the nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2 could not be detected in any of the corresponding tissue sections. In addition, SARS-CoV-2 spike protein subunit 1 was detected in the cardiac endothelial cells that showed lymphocytic myocarditis. Immunohistochemical staining did not detect the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein."
In short, spike proteins from the vaxxines caused brain damage and myocarditis, disabling and then killing the patient.

This slide shows spike proteins (confirmed to be from the injections, not the virus) in the swollen and damaged parts of the patient's brain.

That images shows there was no nucleocapsid protein in the damaged parts of the brain. Nucleocapsid proteins are found only in the virus, and not in the vaxxines.
"The final diagnosis was abscedating bilateral bronchopneumonia, Parkinson’s disease, necrotic encephalitis, and myocarditis."
So he had Parkinson's Disease (for many years), then got heart and brain damage from the vaxxines, causing loss of consciousness, and died from pneumonia (a common cause of death in unconscious people).
"Since the nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2 was consistently absent, it must be assumed that the presence of spike protein in affected tissues was not due to an infection with SARS-CoV-2 but rather to the transfection of the tissues by the gene-based COVID-19-vaccines. Importantly, spike protein could be only demonstrated in the areas with acute inflammatory reactions (brain, heart, and small blood vessels), in particular in endothelial cells, microglia, and astrocytes. This is strongly suggestive that the spike protein may have played at least a contributing role to the development of the lesions and the course of the disease in this patient."
"Although there was no history of COVID-19 for this patient, immunohistochemistry for SARS-CoV-2 antigens (spike and nucleocapsid proteins) was performed. Spike protein could be indeed demonstrated in the areas of acute inflammation in the brain (particularly within the capillary endothelium) and the small blood vessels of the heart. Remarkably, however, the nucleocapsid was uniformly absent. During an infection with the virus, both proteins should be expressed and detected together. On the other hand, the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines encode only the spike protein and therefore, the presence of spike protein only (but no nucleocapsid protein) in the heart and brain of the current case can be attributed to vaccination rather than to infection. This agrees with the patient’s history, which includes three vaccine injections, the third one just 3 weeks before his death, but no positive laboratory or clinical diagnosis of the infection."
"While it is widely held that spike protein expression, and the ensuing cell and tissue damage will be limited to the injection site, several studies have found the vaccine mRNA and/or the spike protein encoded by it at a considerable distance from the injection site for up to three months after the injection."
"There is no plausible mechanism and no case report of PD causing secondary necrotizing encephalitis. On the other hand, numerous cases have been reported of autoimmune encephalitis and encephalomyelitis after COVID-19 vaccination."
Conclusion: "This is the first report to demonstrate the presence of the spike protein within the encephalitic lesions and to attribute it to vaccination rather than infection. These findings corroborate a causative role of the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines, and this diagnostic approach is relevant to potentially vaccine-induced damage to other organs as well."
Please do read (and share) the full study, which is freely available to the public here, including several images not reproduced above.
Reports of encephalitis and myocarditis caused by Covid mRNA injections are increasingly common, and we now have solid evidence that these products are directly responsible - in the complete absence of the SarsCov2 virus. That is not to say that the virus can't cause such damage - after all, it contains the exact same spike protein the injections do. But it is proof that the "vaccines", by themselves, not only leave the injection site, and make their way to the heart and brain, but can destroy those organs and kill the recipient.
We have been subjected to these biological weapons and attacked deliberately with intent to do this harm, by people that have been testing these weapons for years, aided and abetted by liars intent on fooling us so that we will suffer these attacks while believing we are receiving beneficial medical products that will reduce the risks our loved ones face from a lethal pandemic pathogen.
While the development of these weapons was ongoing, the political power, media access, and financial structure of a military campaign to attack every single human being on Earth through the deception, coercion, and affliction with biological warfare agents by a cabal of murderous psychopaths intending not just to make a lot of money, but to destroy the nations and peoples of the world, and render the survivors abject genetically modified slaves of the perpetrators, their heirs and assigns, in perpetuity, so these megalomaniacs would be deified by any survivors, and take title to all property extant, and that would ever be available, has been undertaken concurrently.
Few of the cabal fully comprehended the specifics of all aspects of the war. None grasped the full impact and horror of the suffering of their victims, but they didn't care what harm they did, nor who they did it to, as long as they could succeed in reaching their goal of deification. No group ever in history has sought to do more harm to more people than these conspirators.
We who have not yet been killed by our enemies owe our ancestors, ourselves, and our posterity a full and complete adjudication and delivery of just penalties at law for these genocidal war crimes against humanity. Our very species, in fact all life, depends on ending this biological warfare and preventing it from ever happening again.
Let us take courage from the prophecies of ancient seers that have foreseen these events and promised we would prevail. We will bring forth a paradise of peace, freedom, and felicity that has inspired the best of us, in the worst of times, to carry on, to have hope, and prevail no matter what we have faced, after our victory over evil. We are the people that this honor has been granted to save all that is good and sacred.
Be sure we won't fall short of that duty.