Here’s the link to the original DD20 post
Deep Dives 20 | The Wikileaks Archive
Deep Dives 20 Official Contributors
Deep Dives 18 Unofficial Contributors
Ethically Impossible [Part I]
We value the original submissions by the researchers, the light they shed on under-reported stories and their dedication to digging into areas that some find controversial or off limits.
You have our respect.
First Prize (250 HIVE)
Cablegate: Regime Change American Style
by @richq11
I also have to admit that on a personal level I find these to be the most compelling as they remove the mask from American foreign policy and the State Department who for decades have been forcing compliance through bullying, blackmail and other dirty deeds. Although it is impossible to cover all 250,000 cables there is certainly enough to shine a light into the murky corners of America empire building.
In 2011, under the guise of protecting the Libyan people from an impending slaughter by their own government, NATO forces lead by the US, France and the UK conducted airstrikes and bombings of the north African country culminating in the capture and public execution of Libya's Colonel Muamaar Gaddafi. At the time, the justification for military intervention by western powers was to prevent a genocide by Muslim extremist groups. This was the story fed to western audiences in the lead up and in the aftermath of the regime change operation. In reality, this was the cover story in order to eliminate a threat to western interests in the region.
The extremist Muslims were inserted by the CIA and MI-6 to topple the Qaddafi administration because he posed a threat to the international bankers by taking Libya off petro-dollars and going on the gold standard. He was a visionary with plans to run a pipeline to bring water to the drought stricken countries of sub-saharan Africa. But his greatest crime was standing against American and European imperialism.
This is a must read and we encourage our readers to take the time to, not only digest this post, but to also examine the Cablegate archives on the matter that have been laid out here.
Longtime contributor @richq11 unravels what really happened in Libya in 2011 was the tragic destruction of a prosperous and tolerant nation on the African continent. In many ways, Libya represented a wealthy and independent nation in the region acting outside western hegemonic influence and interests that made it a prime target for US regime change. This piece goes a long way in explaining the real impetus for the overthrowing o Gaddafi and the 'threat' he posed to imperial power.
Excellent contribution @richq11, congratulations and many thanks for this!
Second Prize (150 HIVE)
Censorship Documented Hypocrisy
by @natepowers
Deep dives 20 saw the return of fellow researcher @natepowers with a piece exploring the duplicity rooted in government. The release of Hillary Clinton's emails were a watershed moment in the 2016 presidential elections which unmasked the true nature of how modern day politics actually function. Campaigns, policies and opinions are carefully crafted to appear to support the will of the people but obscure the con-game that lurks behind closed doors. Drawing from a range of Clinton emails, @natepowers shows how politicians will wrap themselves in causes that help drive forth their agendas on the international stage to gain political advantage. In this case, the notion that the United States will defend internet freedoms, and by extension free speech and political affiliation, of those suffering under repressive regimes.
There is a lot of irony here as the author points out, fast forward a decade and the hard stance in support internet freedoms is spoken only in instances that benefit US foreign policy interests. Currently, it is now the state and US corporations that are expanding internet censorship, deplatforming and silencing of political dissent inside the United States. The president of the United States himself was even suspended by Twitter.
This piece is also a great compliment to @richq11's article on the overthrow of Gaddafi. Clinton's inner circle pontificates about internet freedoms following the Arab Spring and twists it to push for regime change in Libya during the same time period in 2011.
Welcome back @natepowers! Great to have you back on Hive and contributing to #deepdives once again. Congratulations.
*Note: Since there was no third place winner this round, the remaining 100 HIVE will be kept and added to the prize pool for Deep Dives 21.
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Thank You Deep Dives! And congratulations to @richq11 for that awesome first place piece he wrote, I am a member of the 1st Electrical Union organized in the U.S. in 1891, that is I.B.E.W. Local 1, St.Louis, MO, Organized Labor is a passion of mine! I however spend not one free minute outside Hive and this group discussing and researching the Truth at hand. I am not an educated writer, and I don't even know the rules of Grammar, I failed English Grammar 101 over 3 times in highschool! Without Deep Dives I would never drive myself to the degree these Deep Dive challenges do. Without the challenge I would be more inclined to shoot from the hip! I also am humbled by the sheer magnitude of Intellectuals and Artists on Hive, and the extremely talented people driving the blockchain, In order to raise yourself to a higher personal standard you need to immerse yourself with people you have to struggle hard to hang with, You help give me a clear standard to strive for. Thanks everyone for the support, and hoping to a future where DeepDives is a staple for full time researchers to investigate our documented claims over the years! On a side note, I build Data Networks, Large Networks on new construction, We build the highways for data to travel, and nobody I work with in this field even knows or even understands what the block chain is lol. We build the highway but can't drive the car😃
@deepdives @ v4vapid
Congratulations to @richq11 and @natepowers, great stuff!
For the record, I do plan on posting Part II from DD20 ... and also Part II from DD19 ... hopefully sometime in 2021 ;)
Thank you! I look forward to part II of both articles. Had they been official entries they would have been prize winners!
I appreciate the kind words Rich. I have been hoping that someone would do a deep dive on the overthrow of Gaddafi and you did a great job presenting the side we rarely hear about in the media.
Great article, respect!
Thank you my friend!
Congratulations, Good reward for great jobs.
Thank you so much @isabelpena
Very interesting and informative. Thank you for your good job.
"We value the original submissions by the researchers, the light they shed on under-reported stories and their dedication to digging into areas that some find controversial or off limits."
Question... is that how "Deep Dives" works, in general? Do I just tag appropriate articles as I publish them? Seems like at least half of what I do would qualify.
Oh and thanks for supporting Assange!
@deepdives hosts semi-regular research contests which anyone inside or outside the community can participate in and be eligible to win Hive prizes. Just follow the guidelines in the contest announcement posts. You're welcome to use the tag #deepdives with relevant independent reporting, political orientated posts or esoteric themes.
Thanks for the info and invitation, I'll do that. :)
Thank you all and congratulations to @natepowers whose article was at least as good as mine. Welcome back to a superb researcher and writer.
@richq11 You will always be number 1 second to none! It's always an honor to place behind you and your quality research!
Don't sell yourself short, you're a fine researcher and writer. I would had been just as honored if the results had been reversed!
fantastic initiative!
Congratulations to @richq11 and @natepowers,
Thank you very much!
Thank You, I appreciate it!
Thanks to all who add value to Hive with excellent reporting.
@richq11 You might find this documentary interesting, it features an interesting bit about Qaddafi.
And this one's pretty good also,
Thanks, I'll check them out